"What is this?"Celestial Beast stared at Ram nervously.

She was handed over to Ram by Wu Geng Liuli before, and she has been taking care of Ram these days. In Celestial Beast's heart, Ram is a gentle big sister..

But now, she felt that her thoughts were too one-sided.

The sense of oppression coming from Ram even made her wonder if she was facing some Ultimate Digimon... No, it was worse than facing an Ultimate Digimon. To be more terrifying……

"no problem."Bitchmon answered very decisively. As a Digimon in the form of a fallen angel, a virus-type Pokémon. The concept of the weak and the strong is almost engraved in her bones.

Since Ram is stronger now, then naturally what Ram said That's it.

Seeing Ram leading the two people in front of him, Su Han shrugged. He went directly to the hall. Shadow ninjas naturally appeared around him, helping him serve all kinds of snacks and controlling the situation. TV series.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon it was dinner time.

This time, Ramrem made a very sumptuous banquet for the first time in a long time in order to welcome the arrival of Celestialmon and Demonmon.

Although the two are Digimon, But they can also eat human food, so they were completely conquered by Ram's craftsmanship.

After eating, Su Han continued to come to the hall. But this time, he was watching the TV series while scanning the guild chat room.

Guild The members have obviously finished watching the Legend of White Snake that he uploaded, and the discussion is now very intense.

Jackie Chan does not want to do archeology:"To be honest, this time the Legend of White Snake gave me a huge surprise."

Let the world feel the pain:"……"

Let the world feel the pain:"Haven't you already watched White Snake? How about surprises?"

Uzumaki Nagato frowned, feeling that he couldn't understand.

Liu Peiqiang:"You may have misunderstood. What we know is just mythology. But this time the memory copy is immersive! The gap between the two sides is extremely huge."

Liu Peiqiang said that he can understand Jackie Chan's feelings.

Bai Suzhen:"……"

Abbot of Jinshan Temple:"Is that my future... Indeed, if I encounter such a thing, maybe I will do this... Even now, I have no intention of changing my mind."

Fahai's expression was very subtle, Somewhat melancholy. After a brief silence, he continued to speak in the guild.

Abbot of Jinshan Temple:"But... why do I look different from the one in the memory copy?"

Bai Suzhen:"Although I am also shocked by such a future... but I also don't look the same as the one in the memory copy. Same."

Bai Suzhen whispered.

The bundle of Xiao:"????"

Magical girl Illya:"……"

Xia Shizi:"President...is he overturning?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Turn over the hammer."

Su Han rolled his eyes.

Su Xiaoxiao:"I have only seen three or five versions of The Legend of White Snake in my previous life, and I didn't see what they looked like before. So I just posted them randomly before.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"If you want it now, I can send you another 4 versions. But actually this is meaningless, because the plot lines are basically the same.……"

Tony is not the richest man:"What you said makes sense, but I am speechless."

Tony Stark said that he was unable to complain. But he didn’t say much.

After all, everyone knows that the memory copies in the guild are all the movies, anime, and TV series that Su Han watched in his previous life...

Kosaka Kyosuke:"My president is so sincere."

Nakiri Erina:" @白素贞. @Abbott of Jinshan Temple. In fact, if you are uncomfortable, you can invite the president to come to your world."

Abbot of Jinshan Temple:"?"

Fahai was stunned for a moment and could not react.

Whitebeard dad:"Gula la la, to put it simply... when the guild grows to your world, it can use its own supreme means to imprint the history and future of your world. Then upload it to the guild. , become the copy of the memory you want."

Whitebeard's father:"In this way, it will definitely be exactly the same as you."

Whitebeard stroked his crescent beard and laughed.

Bai Suzhen:"……"

Bai Suzhen:"Can you do even this kind of thing?"

Bai Suzhen's expression changed drastically, and her mind was shaken to the point that it could not be described in words.

The abbot of Jinshan Temple:"It's impossible... Even the Buddha couldn't do this kind of thing."

Fahai also flatly rejected it.

Tony is not the richest man:"Buddha? Your Buddha is nothing. There are not one or two time traveler Buddhas that the president has killed."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"Emperor of Heaven, God of the Bible, Enlightenment, Buddha... and some other miscellaneous ones There are all kinds of time-travelers who have traveled through time and become gods... But at this point, I really want to ask the president, what other gods have you not defeated?"

Yuan Dagu:"Actually... some god-level time-travelers have not defeated them yet. I really have never been beaten by the president."

Yuan Dagu:"After all, there are many people in the guild who can beat these so-called gods... The president does not need to take action at all. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Kirishima Dong Xiang:"The president is awesome.jpg"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Normal operation, everyone sits down.jpg"

Abbot of Jinshan Temple:"What you just said...killed the Buddha?"

Abbot of Jinshan Temple:"……"

Fahai almost suspected that his eyes were wrong.

Tony is not the richest man:"You don't believe it?"

The abbot of Jinshan Temple:"This kind of thing, this kind of thing...how do you expect me to believe it?"

Fahai's lips were trembling.

Intellectually, he believed the discussion within the guild, but in fact, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that this was too incredible. The Buddha's heart is about to be broken at this moment.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"As we said before, if you really don't believe it, or if you feel that someone is trying to trick you, you can ask the president to let you leave the group!"

Sakata Gintoki:"Yes, leave...just right. I want to see the process and special effects of quitting the group?"

Gudazi:"It's so scary."

Ayumi Aikawa:"Mr. Sakata Gintoki, you are so sexy."

Abbot of Jinshan Temple:"……"

After Fahai was silent for a long time, he changed the name of his guild.

Fahai:"I'm sorry, I have no intention of quitting the group for the time being...well, I'm quitting the association." Dr. Roman:"Actually, I'd rather know...what are you going to do after you join the guild and learn about the Legend of White Snake? You shouldn't be able to hurt each other now."

Fahai:"I'm a little confused now."

Fahai was silent, the memory copy set it off so well... Even he himself hated Fahai who didn't know right from wrong.

Bai Suzhen:"I'm still on the way to find Xu Xian, but what's strange is... I've come to the West Lake and tried my best to find traces of Xu Xian. But the last news I got was that Xu Xian had disappeared three months ago. Now."

Bai Suzhen frowned, feeling that the current situation was very abnormal.

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