
Haruhi Suzumiya:"When I saw what you said, my first reaction was whether Fa Hai read the memory copy and secretly killed him... Later, I saw that he disappeared three months later, and then I was sure. It’s not Fahai’s problem."


Fahai:"The poor monk is a monk, so he will naturally attack monsters. This is the poor monk's duty! But... the poor monk will not kill mortals. That is not in line with my creed as a monk... Unless, he He committed a huge mistake."

Tony is not the richest man:"Six six six six."

The twelve-winged black cat family of the fallen angel:"Shocked! Fa ​​Hai may become a new generation of scapegoat."

Nan Xiaoniao:"……Although what Fahai said sounded nice, after reading the copy of memory, I didn't have the slightest impression of him."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"It's so normal. After watching Fengyun... do you have a good impression of Xiong Ba?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"So, Xiongba is now blocked by everyone in the guild and has become autistic... No matter how you think about it, it's all your fault. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Xiongba:"……I just stopped speaking and was still watching."

Xiong Ba's eyelids twitched, and he felt that he could no longer remain silent now.

Edogawa Conan:"……"

Conan pushed up his glasses, and after a brief silence, he suddenly spoke.

Edogawa Conan:"I have some doubts that a time traveler has appeared in Bai Suzhen's world."

After a brief silence, countless messages were posted.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Isn't this a coincidence?"

Aisaka Taiga:"Yes, for no reason... How could Xu Xian disappear? There must be something fishy in this."

Fa Hai:"……"

Fahai:"Everyone... Actually, what you said about Xu Xian, I do know a person. But this person and the Xu Xian in the memory copy are very different in terms of status and personality."


Hatsune Miku:"!!!"

Ryugu Rena:"It's scary... Why don't you first tell me who this is and what his identity is?"

Ryugu Rena expressed her interest.

Fa Hai:"That man is the rebel leader in the world today."

Feng Saka Taiga:"????"

Gudazi:"……Why is this still related to the rebels?

Gudazi's eyes were a little straight. Sirzechs:"

You'll know if you listen to Fahai continue talking." Sirzechs looked calm, and even had the time to drink a cup of tea.

Fa Hai:"And that person rebelled, and he made a big move, occupying a state in the world." There are countless famous ministers and generals under his command... What's more terrible is that many civil servants will be the same as the celebrities of ancient times.

Fahai:"Like Xiang Yu, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Lu Bu... they all have them." And there are several great scholars. These great Confucians went even further... They actually dared to call themselves Confucius and Mencius."

Hatsune Miku:"……"

Gui Yan Ye:"!!!!"

Fahai:"Anyway, that guy has attracted widespread criticism from all over the world. Moreover, there are even troops from the imperial court who are encircling and suppressing him."……"

Fa Hai:"How difficult is it for you to rebel in this peaceful and prosperous age? But you managed to do it in a spectacular way! The court couldn't suppress his arrogance for a while... Even the poor monk had to praise him, this guy is a hero. Character."

Fa Hai was deeply moved. He had once heard that the scholar under that man who claimed to be Confucius and Mencius was extremely accomplished in Confucianism.

At least several of the world-famous scholars sent by the current imperial court were directly suppressed by him. There was even a great Confucian who was inspired by the other party and voluntarily followed the guy who claimed to be Confucius, causing shock in the world.

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Whitebeard dad:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……My mood suddenly became a little strange."

Sakata Gintoki:"There should be nothing wrong, right? It's the time traveler, and this time the time traveler directly crossed over and became Xu Xian."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"I was speechless for a moment.jpg"

Fa Hai:"……"


Bai Suzhen:"……What do you mean? What is a time traveler, and what tasks are you looking for?"

Bai Suzhen's expression became strange.

Doctor Luo Man:"To put it simply...well, you can think that the Xu Xian you were originally looking for is dead. It is very possible that Xu Xian was taken away by external evil."

Bai Suzhen:"……how so? This is impossible! Ernesti

:"There are actually many cases like this. If you stay in the guild for a long time... you should be able to adapt." Moreover, many people in the guild suddenly discovered that their relatives had been taken away by time-travelers."

Ernesti looked a little emotional.

Nan Xiaoniao:"Yes... Speaking of this, we have to talk about Ying Zheng."

Nan Xiaoniao:"The First Emperor is really a ruthless person... He watched his son being strangled by the guild bosses in the guild live broadcast room without saying a word."

Tushan Honghong:"????"

Ying Zheng:"……"

Ying Zheng:"Please don't say such misleading words, can you? That's Fusu from another world. Tiger poison doesn't even eat seeds... Under normal circumstances, my temper is still very good."

Natsume:"That is to say... under unusual circumstances, it is still possible to kill your son?"

Natsume heard the implication of Ying Zheng's words, and the corner of his mouth twitched crazily.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Himura Kenshin:"A clear example of this, isn't it the two brothers Shiba Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki?"

Horikita Suzune:"Brother-sister war warning.jpg"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"Actually, that one is okay Well...if Shiba Tatsuya has developed a deep relationship with Shiba Miyuki since childhood. Then, even if the guild wants to take action against Shiba Tatsu...Shiba Miyuki won't agree, right?"

Nanoha said carefully Speak in the guild.

Ayumi Aikawa:"Yes, Miyuki Shiba in the later period is definitely a top brother controller."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"You actually thought of one thing wrong, that is, the guild was obviously founded to target time travelers."

Su Xiaoxiao:"In this case, then the guild will drag those who are very close to the time travelers into From the union?"

Su Han rolled his eyes, feeling that these guys were too whimsical. Even thinking about it, I know that this kind of thing is impossible to happen.

However, Su Han didn't say much in this regard. He directly entered the guild task column and found a task quietly displayed there.


Mission name: Kill the time traveler. Time traveler name: Xu Xian (Xu Debiao).

Time traveler system: Summoning system for historical heroes.

Mission introduction: Xu Debiao traveled to a different world and became Xu Xian. After learning about the existence of his own system, he resolutely abandoned it. The original plan was to eat Bai Suzhen's soft rice. On the road to conquering the world...he wants to become a well-deserved emperor in the world, and then gain immortality through the system and live freely.

Mission requirements: Completely kill this time traveler.

Mission restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (robable mission mode). Mission reward: 200,000 points, an unlimited lottery.

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