《Shock! Something like this actually happened in the foggy city." Su Han clicked on the news, and it was as expected. This time the matter is related to the natural god... It is the local forces in Fog City. For some special reasons, they provoked the local natural god who looks like a vampire, and then the natural god went to attack Fog City.

Although there are no underground caves now, it is still very close to that era after all, and there are naturally powerful Grand Masters stationed in the Fog City itself. In the end, the Grand Master and the Vampire God of Nature had a decisive battle outside Fog City...

The outcome of the victory... was not mentioned in the report, but Fog City suffered heavy losses due to the aftermath of this battle.

This matter is today's hot news. All major media are reporting on this incident.

Su Han casually scanned the comments below, and raised the corners of his mouth as he looked at them.

"Watching Yanhuang sign an agreement with the gods of nature, and seeing the earth-shaking war abroad, I actually laughed out loud for a moment."

"This is already the first...well, the eighth time in this period of time that a battle has been fought with the God of Nature, causing heavy losses to a large foreign city, right?"

"Awesome! My great master of Yanhuang still has an outstanding vision and made the most correct choice at the first time... I heard that there are also countries outside that want to follow the case of Yanhuang, but... because the relationship with the natural gods was very troubled at the beginning. There was a stalemate, and in the end the negotiators were hunted down by the God of Nature."

"It’s so normal… Treating the god of nature as a national force? That's an individual, and it's an extremely powerful individual, a god of nature, with an unruly personality... If you provoke them, they might remember you forever."

"My uncle is a master-level expert. He once participated in a project to negotiate with the God of Nature... He quietly told me that the negotiation went so smoothly, and it was suspected that it was related to the person from Jianghai City. (Manual funny.jpg)"

"The uncle’s party again? Do you think I would believe it... Haha"

"This is really hard to say... On the eve of the birth of the nature god, the man from Jianghai City used earth-shattering methods... Most of the Jiangnan area could clearly see it. And...except for Yanhuang, there is no second case. Do you really think it is a problem with Yanhuang's response measures? Partly, but there must be other more important reasons"

"Makes sense"

"One thing suddenly occurred to me... Which person in Jianghai City was not the one who was mentioned in the news reports as ending the chaos in the cave? The best player in the world! Maybe the God of Nature can't defeat him... When I think about it, all the clues are connected……"

When Su Han saw the back, the corner of his mouth twitched. He didn't expect that he could still be contacted... and what he said made sense.

"such a pity."Su Han shook his head. People who didn't know the inside story had guessed wrong after all. Su Han glanced at the time, casually put his phone on the table, and then went out to eat. After eating, Su Han sat in the hall While watching TV,

Ye Hei glanced at the scene in the guild chat room."I finally succeeded in breaking through to the first level of Sendai.

Ye Hei:"MMP, it's really not easy." Those bastards from the Shaking Light Holy Land, it’s time for me to come and find trouble for them."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Butterfly Ninja:"……"

Penglai Mountain Kaguya:"With all due respect, doesn't it seem like there is an ancient emperor standing behind you? The sick old man can't protect you."

Penglai Mountain Kaguya was amazed, is this holy land so bold? Even Ye Hei dared to offend him now.

Ye Hei:"……"

The sick old man:"Ye Hei is going to take an invincible road after all. So I restricted him and did not allow him to reveal the true connection with him... Even unless it is a certain death situation, even the Immortal Cauldron No one is allowed to use it."

Zhao Ling'er:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Hey... I really want to complain, but I don't know what to say."

Tony is not the richest man:"Actually, little Ye Zi, you now have a stronger one that is absolutely safe. Shortcut."

Ye Hei:"???What is it? The guild's time training room? I'm using it, otherwise it would be impossible to reach the current level in such a short time."

Tony is not the richest man:"No, mine It means... you can have a good relationship with Accelerator now, and then let him bless you with immortality. Then you can try your best to die. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Jiujianxian:"That's what I said....It does seem to make sense."

Jiujianxian fell into deep thought.

Jiujianxian:"At least, it seems that the ancient emperor who currently covers the world with one hand cannot break Accelerator's power? At least it takes the Immortal King to break through the immortality blessed by Accelerator. Give him a one-shot kill, right?"

Ye Hei:"It seems... makes sense?"

Ye Hei fell into deep thought. There were so many cheaters in the guild, should he build a good relationship with these people and then ask them for help?

Yuan Dagu:"Then, Ye Hei, who was cheating, really met the immortal king and quasi-immortal emperor level masters who came against the passage of time."

Yuan Dagu complained silently.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Pfft……"

Sakata Gintoki:"Hey, hey, hey... I touched the point of laughter, and I laughed out loud for a while."

Hijikata Jushiro:"But it does make sense. The little leaf that is open is not necessarily better than the bear next door. The child must be weak... or the potential in the future will be stronger. It really caused a big disaster! That must be what happened to Emperor Huang Tian, ​​​​give him a try."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Actually... they joined the guild , as long as they are not stupid, they will be stronger than those in history."

Yu Xiaogang:"It's hard to say."

Yu Xiaogang:"Their original invincibility was because they were on a path where they could be defeated by everyone in the world. With the guild... they It is difficult to fall into the same desperate situation as before. The potential in the body may not be fully unleashed!"

Yu Xiaogang made an inference from the perspective of a cultivation master.

Gudazi:"……Forget it, the potential in their bodies cannot be unleashed, and the guild is giving them extra potential. As long as you have enough points, you are guaranteed to be stronger than before! If you don’t believe me, just look at the guild and you guys...are basically better than you were before joining the guild."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"People in the everyday world dare not speak."

Kasumi Shiko:"The world-class light novel master is trembling."

Kosaka Kirino:"????"

Sakata Gintoki:"The terrible Kasumigaoka Shiu is actually pretending to be cool here."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, okay……"

Great God Dugu:"Now, I have broken through the heaven-defying realm...reached a higher level. But I don't know what this realm is! After all, no one has ever broken through to this realm in the past."

God Dugu's expression was a little complicated.

He loves eating animal milk the most:"Well...since it's the realm above heaven, let's just call him Emperor of Heaven."

Xiao Shitou spoke casually.

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"????"

Fujiwara Chika:"!!!"

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"When I first heard it... it feels a bit subtle."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"But after thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with this realm name?"

Dugu Great God:"……We will discuss it later, we will discuss it later."

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