Master Dugu:"I am now looking for the ghost kings and demon kings in the Little Six Paths. They are all masters of the Heaven-defying King level... I will first help them recover to their peak. Then see if they can use my little The world also breaks through……"

Master Dugu:"There is more than one person in this realm like me in the world, so it makes sense to name this realm."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……"

Kosaka Kirino:"If I were invincible, I would be very happy."

Kosaka Kirino:"But after being invincible in the world, Dugu Great God still wants to cultivate a strong person on the same level as himself? And he is also a friend and foe. Seed."

Kosaka Kirino looked strange. She no longer knew how to evaluate it, and her mood was very complicated.

Sakata Gintoki:"Maybe this is the real strong man.jpg"

Gudazi:"Boss, boss.jpg"

Dugu Dashen:"It's not as good as you said, but they are all my comrades-in-arms."

Dugu Great God's eyes were distant, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Great God Dugu:"And our original purpose of being an enemy of Heavenly Dao is to free all living beings in the world from the guardianship of Heavenly Dao... and to seek a higher realm."

Great God Dugu:"Even if we solve the enemy of Heavenly Dao, I can't betray my comradeship with them."

Nan Xiaoniao:"It makes sense."

Nan Xiaoniao:"But it doesn't affect our admiration for you at all."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then I participated in the mission before, Those who have received very good mission rewards?"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Ah Xing:"I don’t know what the president’s mentality is now.……"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Who knows, if it were me, I would definitely be very unstable right now.……"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I got them all, very powerful things. I was the only one who got the rainbow pacifier, which looks very powerful, but is of no use. (Who can withstand this? jpg) Tu

Shan Honghong:"Do you believe that if those people in the guild draw something, the president can rub it out with his hands?"

Ao Bing:"I think there is no problem with the inheritance of the president's hand rubbing... that is, a few high-level prehistoric people It’s just the inheritance of the world’s godhood."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I was wrong. (DouDouDou.jpg)"

Bai Suzhen:"I have successfully broken through……"

Bai Suzhen:"I have a feeling in the dark that I am not much weaker than my teacher, or even the legendary Tathagata Buddha..."

Bai Suzhen looked calm. The world in her eyes was completely different at this moment.

At this time, Bai Suzhen's every move can affect the great waves. This is the realm of a person with great supernatural powers. The supernatural power is self-contained, and the heaven and earth are integrated.

Fahai:"I am still far from Miss Bai Suzhen."

Fahai was very calm.

Fa Hai:"After all, what I have gained is inheritance, not strength and bloodline... Now I have resigned from the position of abbot of Jinshan Temple. I am ready to enter the human world, follow the path of an ascetic, taste the ups and downs of the world, go through the world of mortals, and wait until I have a perfect state of mind....You should become a Buddha immediately."

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"……"

Chu Liuxiang:"……"

Dongfang Bai:"The things over there at Bald Donkey just like to pay attention to this kind of artistic conception."

Dongfang Bai was noncommittal.

Zhang Sanfeng, a real Taoist:"Actually, Taoists also talk about this... Once you understand it, you will become an immortal immediately."

Zhang Sanfeng was very emotional.

Taoist master Zhang Sanfeng:"For us, state of mind is more important than strength. After all, simply possessing strength is only destructive... But with state of mind, even if the strength is abolished for various reasons, as long as a person is alive, after all, You can still repair it again."

Sakata Gintoki:"It's so scary."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Although I don't understand, it doesn't stop me from shouting 666."

Let the world feel the pain:"Tianxiu."

Queen Medusa:"????"

Queen Medusa:"When you reach the state of mind, you can naturally break through? How can such a good thing happen?"

Queen Medusa strongly disagreed with this and felt a little irritable.

Queen Medusa:"I have the Great Way of Domination, but I have been practicing hard in the Time Training House during this period... and I have only reached the peak of Dou Zun. Not even a Half-Saint has stepped into it!"

Nakiri E Rina:"?????"

Magical girl Illya:"!!!!"

Sakata Gintoki:"What the hell... are you pretending to be too much?"

Sakata Gintoki's mouth twitched crazily.

Kousaka Kyosuke:" long did it take for you to complete your mission? Half a day! Even if you enter the guild training room to train, you have been training in this damn house for half a year, and you have crossed an entire realm after you came out?""

Kosaka Kyosuke:"The protagonist Xiaoyan is not as cheating as you."

Shino Zhizhi:"Forget cheating... You are like Ye Hei, he just lies on the ground begging to cheat, and no one says anything.……"

Shinozou:"But you're cheating and you're still pretending. And you're pretending to be so superficial! There's no depth at all."

Kirishima Touka:"It's so scary."

Queen Medusa:"……"

Queen Medusa:"I'm sorry... I ignored this. Mainly because I stayed in seclusion in the training room for too long, which caused my perception of time to be confused... I forgot that it is only half a day for everyone."

Magical Girl Nanoha:"……"

Monkey D Dorag:"……"

Yako Busujima:"I want to complain, but I don't know what to say... In the end, I can only say, forget it."

Koro-sensei:"It's terrible... young people today."

Su Xiaoxiao:"So, having said that, how is the naughty kid now?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Naughty kid?"

No one responded? Su Han's brows wrinkled, is this not there?

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"@favorites to drink animal milk."

Favorite to drink animal milk:"……"

Favorite drink of animal milk:"Eh?! Are the naughty kid talking about me?"

Xiao Shitou's eyes widened, indicating that he was very shocked.

Tushan Honghong:"????"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"????"

Lelouch:"You are also someone who has seen the perfect world. If the naughty kid is not talking about you, who else can he be talking about?"

Lelouch said that he was speechless.

He likes to drink animal milk the most:"Hehehe... It seems so."

Xiao Shitou thought for a while, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

Favorite drink of animal milk:"By the way... Guild President's question. Well, recently, I am studying with Liu Xian. Liu Xian said that he would lay the strongest foundation for me and then throw me out for training.……"

Favorite Drinks Beast Milk:"She said that unless I die, she won't help me. Well, she also said, let me not blame her for using small tricks to make me the enemy of the world."

Favorite Drinker of Beast Milk Nai:"She doesn't know that after watching Perfect World, I was already prepared!"

Xiao Shitou's eyes were shining brightly. Although he was very young, he was very sensible. After all, Xiao Shitou has awakened the memory of the bone-stealing past, and is different from before and has become more mature.

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