Liu Peiqiang:"……ha? Liu

Peiqiang was stunned for a moment, unable to realize what Xiao Zhizhi meant.

Xiao Zhizhi:"To use the simplest analogy, according to the explanation, this door has the effect of capturing stars... In other words, you It is completely possible to capture a star and then throw it directly to the enemy's home star or large fleet through the star universe gate.……"

Xiao Zhizhu's eyes flickered, thoughtfully.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"????"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"F*ck!"

Sakata Gintoki:"A flying star!"

Ayumi Aikawa:"This kind of operation can still be done.jpg"

Doctor Roman:"Okay, okay... This wave is really a show. I have nothing to say." Say."

Wall-Facing Man Luo Ji:"……"

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"What you said... made me very interested."

Luo Ji took a deep breath, and then he also had an idea.

"Ding! Wall-facer Luo Ji successfully obtained the spiritual cultivation method (Swallowing the Sky and Starry Sky) through an unlimited lottery."

"Ding! Wall-facer Luo Ji successfully obtained the spiritual weapon manufacturing plan. (Swallowing the Starry Sky)"

Dr. Roman:"????"

Ernesti:"Don't look at my confused face.……"

Haruhi Suzumiya:"Actually, you have a confused look on your face, right?"

Ernesti:"I originally wanted to say that, but now that I saw you said it in advance... I decided to change it to a confused look on my face."

Haruhi Suzumiya:"……"

Nan Xiaoniao:"Swallowing the Sky? How come both draws... have this. And what is the spiritual cultivation method?"

Zhang Sanfeng, a Taoist real person:"The one at the back... should be a high-end weapon, right?"

Zhang Sanfeng frowned. Tight.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"What is this spiritual weapon? And why was his manufacturing plan drawn?"

Natsume:"Although I don't know, I think there is someone in the guild who may know it very well."

Feimura Ken Heart:"!!!!"

Horibei Suzuyin:"@苏小小. President, is it appropriate to explain the current situation?"

Horibei Suzuyin fell into deep thought.

Su Xiaoxiao:"I probably understand... Swallowing the Starry Sky, how should I say? This is a world with a very high level of power. In the early stage, it was within the universe, and in the later stage, it involved concepts outside the universe.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"And this world that swallows the sky and the stars, although it takes the power to attribute it to itself, can it barely be regarded as a cosmic technological civilization? To sum it up... it should be a cosmic technological cultivation civilization.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Anyway, what I drew this time should be very suitable for the world where the three-body wandering planets merge."

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"……Yes, is it suitable? Luo

Ji couldn't laugh or cry.

Wall-facer Luo Ji said:"If I expand this cultivation plan... our world may transform into a supernatural civilization.""

Wall-Facing Man Luo Ji:"That's not right, this spiritual cultivation... seems like only one in ten thousand people can practice it? It cannot be popularized. Luo

Ji thought for a moment and his expression became serious.

If only some people can practice it, then spreading this practice method will cause a lot of trouble in the future. It will even fundamentally change the shape of society.

As a current Blue One of the top leaders of the Star Federation, he must consider all aspects.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Why are you worried about this problem?"

Wu Geng Liuli was speechless.

The Black Cat with Twelve Wings of the Fallen Angel:"There are big restrictions, so why don't you just ask the big boss of the guild to help you change it?"

Tony is not the richest man:"Mr. Zhang Sanfeng requested to fight."

Yuan Dagu:"I Do you think... Aizen is the real professional counterpart when it comes to soul matters? Of course, if you are not afraid of him causing trouble inside."

Edogawa Conan:"I think you guys are just looking for trouble."

Conan flipped over. Roll your eyes.

Edogawa Conan:"The best way is not to use points to strengthen a wave?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"!!!!"

Kosaka Kirino:"……"

Ichigo Kurosaki:"Holy shit."

Sirzechs:"Yeah...why did you forget this? Guild points are applicable to so many people."

Wallfacer Luo Ji:"I understand......Thank you for your help."

Luo Ji breathed a sigh of relief, paused briefly, and continued speaking.

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"As for the spiritual weapon at the back... it actually matches the spiritual training in the front. It is the weapon of the spiritual master!"

Ryugu Rena:"Okay, okay."

Gui Yanye:"President, Mr. Saiki , don’t you draw a lottery?"

Ernesti:"That’s right… I wonder what precious items from the Sky Swallowing Starry Sky World the president and Mr. Saiki will draw."

Kusuo Saiki:"……I'll do the draw again in a while."

Saiki Kusuo's face was expressionless. He didn't think he could get anything good through the lottery. So he was very casual about it. The truly top experts in the guild are now gradually having Su Han's troubles.

Can't say that the guild The things I drew were not good... but because I was too strong, the effect of these things on them was greatly reduced.

Su Xiaoxiao:"I originally thought about talking about it later... but this guy Kusuo Saiki took the lead. If you take a step ahead of me...then I'll take a swipe."

Su Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then he had a thought.

Just because he didn't care, it didn't matter if he smoked it earlier or later.

"Ding! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtained the technology tree crystal of human civilization in the third millennium AD through an unlimited lottery."

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtained the anti-Thanos armor. (Comic version of Marvel World)"

The guild fell into a brief silence, and then exploded.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Tony Stark, come out and get beaten. Yuan Dagu:"

Yes, come out quickly!""

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"What do you call me for?"

Sakata Gintoki:"Listen to the name... Anti-Thanos Armor! The comic version of the Marvel world... Tsk tsk, besides the comic version of you, who else would create this kind of armor? Armor?"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Yes, this pot is 100% yours."

Tony is not the richest man:"But I am in a different world... It's not appropriate for you to hold the pot over, right?"

Tony Stark's mouth twitched, But then he realized something was not right about the situation and quickly retorted.

Tony is not the richest man:"Wait a minute, the president drew this anti-Thanos armor! Is there a problem? What is a pot?"

Edogawa Conan:"There is indeed no problem, so I'm wondering what these guys in the guild are excited about.."

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Ahem...subconscious, subconscious. Don't care about the details."

Tony is not the richest man:"What the hell?"……"


After a brief silence, Batman continued to speak without participating in the discussion.

Batman:"What I'm curious about is... what is the 3,000 AD human technology tree at the back?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Oh... a piece of crystal."

Su Han weighed it casually.

Su Xiaoxiao:"It seems that this crystal contains all the technological crystallization of human civilization a thousand years from now? That's probably it. Anyway, human civilization a thousand years from now will be an absolutely cosmic-level civilization.……"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"????"

Gudazi:"Damn...this thing is pretty good, the inheritance of an entire universe-level civilization. And it's the most suitable for human beings!"

Gudazi's eyes lit up in an instant. But before she could say anything more, the next moment, two crisp beeps suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Erlang Shen Yang Jian has successfully joined the Super Dimension Guild"

"Ding! Chen Xiang has successfully joined the Super Dimension Guild."

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