Riyue Yekong:"Two more newcomers have joined? Welcome."

Sailor Moon:"Welcome!"

Liu Peiqiang:"These two names... emmm, why do I feel so familiar?"

Liu Peiqiang fell into deep thought.

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"Haven't you heard the story of Chen Xiang saving his mother? But... hiss!"

Luo Ji suddenly felt his scalp numb. He reacted and looked at the two newcomers with a strange look on his face.

Wall-facer Luo Ji:"Another pair of enemies have been added? Just like Bai Suzhen and Fahai before."


Fahai:"I have now settled the differences with Donor Bai. Don't talk nonsense!"

Tony is not the richest man:"This is actually... hard to say, right?"

Tony Stark spoke in the guild after a brief thought.

Tony is not the richest man:"To use the simplest analogy, if we follow the myth... Li Jing and Ao Bing should also be enemies of life and death. After all, Nezha killed Ao Bing and took away his"

Tony is not the richest man:"But that is an orthodox myth... Obviously, the situation of Li Jing and Ao Bing is different... In other words, the two here may be enemies in the myth, but when they are really added Maybe it's from a parallel world? Maybe they are uncles and nephews who have a very close relationship."

The Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Mr. Stark...what he said makes sense."

Erlang God Yang Jian:"……"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"Who are you?"

Yang Jian's expression was extremely solemn, and the third eye on his forehead suddenly opened, with brilliant brilliance flowing in it. He scanned the void around him, but found no problem at all.

When he closed his eyes again, he still saw the guild chat room interface that appeared in his mind, and his heart tightened.

"Could it be that...the Jade Emperor noticed something was wrong? You're going to attack me."

Yang Jian paced back and forth on the spot, then shook his head,"No... when I went to heaven to kill Jiu Ri... the Jade Emperor never really showed this method. So, is it a powerful existence beyond the Jade Emperor?"

Yang Jian thought of his master Yuding Zhenren, and then thought of his master Yuan Tianzun. His expression became more and more serious.

"If they were really those saints, they would be in real trouble."

With a long sigh, Yang Jian closed his eyes and continued to speak in the guild.

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"If Yang Jian offended the saint, then Yang Jian should be blamed. Yang Jian is willing to do so. But...can Yang Jian understand what he did wrong before blaming him?"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"


Yinglili:"Huh?! Why are you being blamed for no reason?"

Yinglili looked confused and didn't realize what was going on.

Tamaki Ako:"……"

Fengyuan:"You should be worried about joining the guild and then overthinking it, right?"

After thinking for a moment, Fengyuan spoke frankly.

Fengyuan:"This is a normal thing... Aren't there many people in the guild who suspected that they were abducted by aliens when they first joined the guild?"

Zhu Xingtuan:"It's too real."



Chen Xiang:"@二郎神 Yang Jian. Is that you? Damn it! Since I fell into your hands... then, if you want me alive or want me dead, just say so. There is no need to lie here!"

Chen Xiang reacted, Clenching his fists, his face was filled with anger.

Chen Xiang:"The way you are now will only make me sick."

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"……Why are you here too?"

Yang Jian's eyes suddenly became solemn. He paced back and forth on the spot, feeling more uneasy in his heart."Damn it... If I made a mistake, why did I involve Chenxiang? this is unreasonable……"

"No, or it couldn't be worse. Tony is not the richest man:"It seems that these two are really enemies?""

A Xing:"At this time, the president should be allowed to appear, right?"

Axing rubbed his chin, thoughtfully.

Yuan Dagu:"@苏小小."

Su Xiaoxiao:"I probably already have a guess in my mind, but before that……"

Su Xiaoxiao"@二郎神 Yang Jian. @ aloes. You two take a selfie first and send me a picture."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Huh?!"

Dongfang Bai:"……"

Sakata Gintoki:"I always feel that there is something subtle, but I can't explain it."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Obviously... the president suffered from Bai Suzhen and Fahai last time. I guess he also watched a lot of Agarwood Save Mother’s story? (Falling in thought.jpg)"

Chen Xiang:"……Agarwood, save your mother?"

Chenxiang's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly realized that he might have guessed wrong before.

The reason was very simple. If this was really Yang Jian's crime, then just attack him directly. Why do you need to act with him here?

Moreover, Yang Jian seems to be just a member of this special guild, rather than the leader or important member of this special union?

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"……"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"Is it like this? (Picture)"

Yang Jian fumbled for a while, and then figured out how to take pictures. Sent a photo of myself.

Hatsune Miku:"!!!"

Dr. Luo Man:"Okay... Silver-white armor, cool temperament. Very handsome!"

Gudazi:"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... If Yang Jian, the heroic spirit of our world, looks like this, then I will be so excited."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Krypton blast +1."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"With all due respect, you can't blast out krypton at all, okay?"

Wu Geng Liuli rolled his eyes.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"The simplest truth is that all the heroic spirits in the land of Yanhuang have been collected by Qin Shihuang. Where do you go to summon the heroic spirits? Are you ready to steal people from Qin Shihuang?"

Tony is not the richest man. :"It's so real."

Edogawa Conan:"……No, the fact that all the heroic spirits are collected is the content of the Lost Belt, right?"

Conan covered his forehead. He didn't know how to complain.

Edogawa Conan:"How could Qin Shihuang in orthodox history be so unconventional? Of course... there should still be ceiling-level combat effectiveness."

Xigong Whistle:"Full of confusion.jpg"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Small eyes, big doubts.jpg"

The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched. He saw Erlang Shenfa's selfie and already knew this. Yes, probably from which world?

"The Lotus Lamp and the prequel to the Lotus Lamp. Su Han sighed in a low voice,"It's unexpected for them to come in, but it's also reasonable.""

Four Eyebrows Lu Xiaofeng:"President...it seems that he already knows what he is thinking?

Su Xiaoxiao:"That's true."

Hijikata Jushiro:"Well, President, look at this problem with the memory copy?" (Manual funny.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, okay, I'll send it now, don't rush it."

Su Han shook his head dumbfounded, and then his thoughts came to him.

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a large memory copy"Lotus Lantern"》"

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a large memory copy"Prequel to the Lotus Lantern"》"

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