Takasaka Kirino:"You really guessed this wrong."

Takasaka Kirino was quite dumbfounded and spoke in the guild to explain.

Takasaka Kirino:"You should know that Miss Kasumi Shiko has the power of speech, right? Miss Black Cat relied on Miss Kasumi Shiko's power and paired it with the Hyakuki borrowed from the president. Created eight million monsters that belong exclusively to Japan."

Kirino Kosaka:"Later... due to various coincidences, I was pushed to the position of the lord of monsters."

Whitebeard Dad:"That's it, Gula La la."

Whitebeard was currently on the deck of Moby Dick. He sat on the sun lounger, basking in the sun, and nodded thoughtfully.

Sirzechs:"I suddenly discovered something terrible."

Sirzechs frowned.

Sirzechs:"Of these brothers and sisters, one is the director of the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau...who should mainly deal with monsters and various supernatural phenomena. The other is the master of monsters...the king of the dark side of Japan."

Hatsune Miku:" Hiss!"

Gui Yanye:"We fell in love and killed each other?"

Ernesti:"Me and my sister, the master of monsters?"

Nan Xiaotiao:"My brother and I fell in love and killed each other in those years."

Natsume:"Shen. As the lord of monsters, I have no choice but to hurt each other with the official supernatural boss?"


Kasumi Shiko:"Why didn't I think of this before? This can definitely be my next book The theme of the new book! I won’t talk about it anymore, I’m going to start writing it first."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"????"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Hey, hey, hey... calm down."

Kousaka Kyosuke suddenly panicked. Kasumi Shiko lives in the same world as him. If Kasumi Shiko really wrote about this subject, and after the fire, it was revealed that the prototype was him and his sister... wouldn't it explode on the spot?

Although he is now stronger than imagined, he is also one of the first strong men in Japan where spiritual energy has recovered. Except for fellow guild members, he was not afraid of anyone.

But if his father really misunderstood him and wanted to break his legs... he could only hold his head and run away... No matter how powerful he was, he was still the same Kousaka Kyosuke in front of his father.

Kasumi Shiko:"Ahem... I'm just using an idea, I won't really include you and your sister."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……That's good."

Kousaka Kyosuke breathed a sigh of relief.

Sakata Gintoki:"I always feel that Kousaka Kyosuke was tricked by Kasumi Shiko, but I have no evidence. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"I get tricked every day! After all, their IQs are not at the same level. Momonga returned to his human form and took a sip of tea gracefully with a lazy look on his face.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"????"

Su Xiaoxiao:"You guys."

Su Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He shook his head and said nothing more. He moved his eyes away from the guild and watched TV for a while.

When it was dinner time, Su Han, Ramrem, Zhao Ling'er and others had dinner together.

"By the way," Su Han raised his eyebrows. He scanned the whole place and suddenly found that one person was missing. He was a little strange,"Where is the leader?"

"Sister Luo Hao, recently returned to the world of God Killers."Wugeng Liuli responded while eating her meal,"As for what to do? It seems that they want to combine magic and science to create a new civilization."

"You don't need to think about it to know...it must be inspired by Stark."

Su Han looked weird, and immediately closed his eyes and had a private chat with Luo Cuilian. Because there is a guild, they can communicate at any time, so whether Luo Cuilian or Wu Geng Liuli, if they have something to do, they will leave directly without saying a word to Su Han.

Su Han Xiaoxiao:"How are things going on over there?

Leader Luo Hao:"Most of the things have been dealt with!" I will go back to you in the evening, but I will continue to the Godslayer World tomorrow."

Su Xiaoxiao:"!!!! Most of the things have been dealt with...how much exactly?"

The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched.

Leader Luo Hao:"We have initially integrated magic and science...The next step is to promote this new concept to the people.

Leader Luo Hao:"Although it is a bit troublesome, our Holy Sect of the Five Hells is quite famous in the Yanhuang land." It won’t be a big problem if we enforce it!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"As long as you know what's going on."

Su Han nodded clearly. The Holy Cult of the Five Hells in the God-Slaying World is not a somewhat prestigious concept in Yanhuang. It is a real one that is famous all over the world.

Especially now, in the God-Slaying World, almost The world is divided between the old Marquis and the leader. All other God-killers are below the two, and their strength is too far apart.

In this case, the leader will implement some special strategy. Only the old Marquis can stop it......But coincidentally, what happened this time also had an effect on the old Marquis...After all, he can also gain points by transforming the world.

"They have already transformed the world of God Killer once before."Su Han clicked his tongue in surprise. But last time it was a large-scale promotion of magic, this time it was a complete integration of magic and science.

After thinking for a moment, Su Han nodded slightly,"That's all, let them go their way in their world."

"By the way, brother," Zhao Ling'er suddenly remembered something and said casually,"I'm going to the main god space in two days... I guess I won't be able to come back for two days."

"The situation is a bit troublesome. There are three teams of Abyssal Reincarnators on the opposite side who have united.……"

Su Han listened to Zhao Ling'er's thoughts, his eyes narrowed, and after a brief thought, he suddenly said,"Let's do this... Ling'er, ask Rem to accompany you."

"but……"Zhao Ling'er was stunned for a moment and opened her mouth with a complicated expression.

"Is it very risky for you to deal with this enemy this time?"Su Han finished the last bite of rice. He stood up and patted Zhao Ling'er on the shoulder, with a gentle voice,"Don't forget, we are a family... It is natural to help each other."

After that, without waiting for Zhao Linger's answer, Su Han turned around and returned to his room.

Zhao Linger was silent for a long time, then turned his head and stared at Ram Rem beside him. Rem shrugged and smiled," In fact, I have wanted to see what the main god's space is like for a long time... In this regard, my sister does not have my obsession."

"Perhaps the owner had thought of this, so he asked me to go there specially? If you analyze it from this perspective, you don't need to think too much."

Rem is telling the truth. She has always been thinking, if she goes to the main god space to kill the abyss reincarnation, will the guild suddenly pop up a direct mission?

Zhao Ling'er bit her lower lip. After a long time, her face He nodded solemnly. Since we are a family, we should keep our gratitude in our hearts and don't need to say it out loud. Anyway, if Remram comes to her for something, she will do her best to help.

Su Han returned to his room and closed his eyes. I opened my eyes and entered the guild chat room. I found that I had finished watching two Lotus Lanterns in the guild chat room, and the discussion was very intense at this moment.

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