
Chen Xiang:"Is this the truth? It's could this happen?"

Chen Xiang's face turned pale. After reading the memory copy, he felt that his whole outlook on life was shattered.

How could Yang Jian, whom he had always hated so much, be treating him secretly? This is unreasonable.

In fact... After Chen Xiang read the memory copy and figured out the logic, he had already accepted this matter... but he didn't want to believe it.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"Calm down, I can understand how you feel. However, the president has no reason to deceive you!"

Zhang Sanfeng looked a little complicated, but he still comforted him in the guild.

Kasumi Shiko:"Yes, the president can easily destroy your world if he wants to... Why do I need to lie to you?"

Let the world feel the pain:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Kirishima Touka:"Miss Kasumi Shiko... your reasons for comforting people are very strange."

Kirishima Touka's expression was subtle, and a slot was stuck in her throat, making her not know how to vomit.


After a brief silence, Chen Xiang spoke.

Chenxiang:"@二郎神 Yang Jian. Tell me if all this is true."

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"……"

Erlang God Yang Jian:"I won't hide it from you now. Everything is true... and I have already prepared for the worst."

Erlang God Yang Jian:"If I die, then the next justice god will be You."

Yang Jian let out a long sigh, regret appearing on his face.

Erlang God Yang Jian:"It was revealed too early... You are not mature enough now. You are not qualified to bear the burden of my justice god."

Chen Xiang:"……I'm going to calm down."

After being silent for a long time, Chenxiang chose to escape.

Accelerator said:"This is really……"

Accelerator's lips curved into a sneer.

Let the world feel the pain:"I have to say that compared to his uncle, Chen Xiang is many levels behind."

Uzumaki Nagato shook his head and made a fair evaluation.

Let the world feel the pain:"Whether it's personality charm or courage." king:"Everyone has their youth... In the prequel of Baolian Lantern, Yang Jian's mother was in trouble, and he was actually not much different from Chen Xiang."

Xiao Zhizhi bundle:"!!!!"

Xiao Zhizhishu:"Wow... the gap is obviously huge, okay? Chen Xiang's uncle is a good man, but Erlang Shen's uncle, the Jade Emperor... is just a trap."

Xiao Zhizhishu:"mmp, this is the Emperor of Heaven Like? It's so disappointing... I finally know what the Jade Emperor in Journey to the West was like when he was beaten by Monkey King and got straight into the table." The sick old man:"……I'm just about to set up a heavenly court."

The sick old man felt that he had been shot for no reason.

Ye Hei:"I thought about my other historical trajectory and became the Emperor of Heaven... I was speechless immediately.

Lin Jiu:"I have been the Emperor of Heaven for a long time!" What to say?"

Xiao Zhizhi:"……"

After thinking about the extremely domineering Emperor Ye Hei Ye who covered the sky with one hand, Xiao Zhizhi said nothing.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Actually, the real Jade Emperor is very powerful. In the original work of Journey to the West... Sun Wukong didn't even break into the Nantian Gate. As for letting the Jade Emperor drill into the table? This is even more nonsense."

Jackie Chan couldn't laugh or cry. , as an archaeologist, he naturally has considerable attainments in this area. Be patient and explain at this moment.

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"However, many things were adapted later! It's different... In the final analysis, the situations in different worlds should not be compared together. Some emperors are so powerful that they dare to scheme against saints. They should defy all dissatisfaction in the world and dominate the world....There are still emperors who are so incompetent that it would be a pity to be overthrown directly."

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"Everyone, let me think about how to deal with the future."

Yang Jian was worried. The exposure of the future will cause countless variables to change the rules of heaven.

Of course, Yang Jian had already prepared for the worst. After being melancholy, he began to think hard about how to make up for this plan.

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Actually, I don't think you need to be so panicked."

Momonga's mouth twitched before he suggested.

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Have you not read the brief introduction to the guild?"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"……what is that?"

Tony is not the richest man:"!!!!"

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"……You really didn’t watch it?"

Wugeng Liuli was stunned.

Sakata Gintoki:"I'll teach you how to see!"

Under Sakata Gintoki's introduction, Yang Jian was silent for a moment in the guild, and then suddenly spoke.

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"!!!!"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"You...are actually existences from different worlds?"

Yang Jian's face was full of astonishment. At the same time, enlightenment emerged in his brain, and many of the previous doubts were cleared up at this moment.

Edogawa Conan:"!!!!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……With all due respect, didn’t you think we were in different worlds before?"

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned. What did Yang Jian think of them before?

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"I'm very sorry. Before, I thought you were the real great powers in this world. Possessing the ability to peer into the past and present... Although it is not clear why my nephew and I suddenly entered the chat room of such a great supernatural power. Yang

Jian couldn't laugh or cry.

Ainz Ooal Gown:"After you finish reading this... you will understand what you should do next, right?" (Crazy hint.jpg)"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"……Sorry, I didn't understand."

Thor Odinson:"? ? ? ? You don't even understand this, but I thought you were a wise general. Now it seems that you are simply mentally retarded. Thor curled his lips with a bit of disdain on his face.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Only a mentally retarded person would judge others as mentally retarded.""

Thor Odinson:"????"

Thor Odinson:"Kousaka Kyosuke, do you want to be beaten?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"If you want to fight, go to the guild battlefield to fight. Why are you talking every day in the guild?"

Su Han rolled his eyes, Then he continued to speak.

Su Xiaoxiao:"@ Erlangshen Yangjian. Guild members can help each other! I suggest you find a few big-shot players in the guild... have a good relationship with them. Get some points, and then you can rely on them to defeat you." All the problems in the world are gone."

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"!!! That's it."

Yang Jian was not really stupid after all. After puncturing this layer of window paper, his eyes lit up in an instant.

Fa Hai:"Amitabha... If it weren't for the fact that I haven't reached the level of cultivation yet, I really want to help Yang Donor."

Bai Suzhen:"I think... well, I don't think I can help now.."

Bai Suzhen let out a long sigh. She is now barely considered a great supernatural power user, but that's just it... There are not just one or two great supernatural power users in the Lotus Lantern world who support the reform. But the result is still the same. Wanting to change the rules of heaven... is not an easy thing.

Or to put it more directly, overwhelming force must be used to suppress all dissatisfaction.

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