Lin Jiu:"……"

Lin Jiu:"@generalchen. How about the two of us go there this time?"

Jiangchen:"……Are you calling me?"

The general drank a glass of red wine as red as blood, and looked a little strange.

Lin Jiu:"Who else could it be if it weren't you?"

Uncle Jiu talked eloquently.

Lin Jiu:"I am the Emperor of Heaven, and you are the first-class master in our world.

Lin Jiu:"If we go there, it will be easy to completely overturn the entire Lotus Lantern world.""

Hobei Ringtone:"……"

Himura Kenshin:"!!!"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"This sentence is really not like what the Uncle Jiu I know can say."

Zhang Sanfeng looked a little strange.

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's normal."

Su Han added without comment.

Su Xiaoxiao:"He is not just Lin Jiu now, but the Heavenly Emperor Lin Jiu."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Indeed."

Kosaka Kyosuke nodded calmly.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"After you ascend to a high position, your personality will indeed change slightly due to your daily situation...but it doesn't matter."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Because people are always changing!"

Minami Kotori :"……Is this the reason why you are becoming more and more useless in the guild?"

Nan Xiaotori fell into deep thought.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"????"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"The people under me clearly said that I have become more and more dignified recently! What do you mean by being a charlatan?"

Kousaka Kyosuke was so angry that his tooth ached.

Ernesti:"It must be because you hold their power of promotion, and they have no choice but to deceive you without conscience."

Ernesti sighed faintly, and he expressed that he Have seen everything.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"????"

Kousaka Kyosuke looked confused.

Lelouch:"It's too true."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"What the hell?"……"

Lin Jiu:"……There’s no point in discussing this, right?"

Uncle Jiu was a little dumbfounded.

General:"Okay! I have no problem."

The general was speechless. He had indeed not moved for a long time. Now it would be a good thing to go to another world to stretch his muscles.

Lin Jiu:"In that case. @ Erlangshen Yang Jian. Do you agree with us going there?"

Erlang God Yang Jian:"……Of course I have no objection."

Taking two deep breaths, Yang Jian calmed down. After communicating in the union, he first opened the live broadcast of the guild, and then opened the channel between the two worlds.


Lotus Lantern World.

A brilliant brilliance suddenly rose next to Yang Jian, and then two figures appeared out of thin air beside Yang Jian.

"Is this the heaven?"Lin Jiu looked peaceful, with a smile on his lips. He was wearing a nine-dragon robe, and his whole person possessed an imperial majesty that was difficult to describe in words.

"There are indeed many masters."The general nodded thoughtfully, his expression unchanged.

Although there are many good players who can get into his eyes, it is just that. Even if all the top masters in the entire heaven gather together, it will not be the same. His opponent will be easily crushed and defeated by him

"So you two," Yang Jian felt the terrifying energy fluctuations hidden in the two people in front of him. He whispered,"What do you need me to do next?"

"You just need to watch and advise me."

Lin Jiu smiled and spoke. He took out a book, which was the Book of Heaven."I name it in the name of the Emperor of Heaven, and the Rules of Heaven... will be revised."

The Heavenly Book burst out with extremely brilliant brilliance, and then actually had a terrifying reaction with the world. The brilliant brilliance of the avenue exploded, and one after another mysterious words containing Tao Yun were outlined in front of them.

"This is."Yang Jian's body tensed up. He glanced at these words, with disbelief and surprise on his face.

"These are the rules of heaven. Lin Jiu squeezed his palm gently, and a pen naturally condensed into the void."Next, you say, I will modify it.""

"good."Yang Jian forced down the shock in his heart, and he began to gradually describe the unreasonable parts of these rules of heaven.

The general drank all the wine in the red wine glass in his hand, and immediately threw it to the ground. His teeth gradually Gets longer,"Interesting…these guys are coming together! It seems like I want to disturb you."

"Mr. General, I leave it to you."Lin Jiu didn't say much, just made a request.

"Now that I'm here, this is what I should do."The general was noncommittal, and terrifying blood energy erupted on his body.

Yang Jian's body froze, and he suddenly felt that the general in front of him seemed to have turned into a god and demon from the Chaos Period. This would be too terrifying. If it weren't for his inexplicable feeling Under the protection of a force, I am afraid that he has been forced to kneel down by this force at this moment, right?

No... this is not an illusion. Yang Jian suddenly woke up, and he looked outside in disbelief.

There was also Marshal Canopy outside. , the third prince Nezha, the Giant Spirit God and other top generals from heaven have arrived. Apparently the Jade Emperor has noticed that someone is tampering with the headlines, and he has gone crazy. He issued an order at all costs, and those who tampered with the rules of heaven must be dealt with..

Therefore, what gathered at this moment was the top combat power of Heaven.

However, the general was too powerful. Even if he did not move, he simply released his momentum and suppressed all those guys to their knees. Outside the hall, people looked frightened and unable to move.

"What happened...this terrifying and suffocating pressure? Could it be that a powerful person who was unimaginable in ancient times has arrived?"

"Who could it be? The Three Purities of Taoism! No, even if they are the Patriarch, they don’t have such terrifying pressure, right?"

"Isn't this mansion... the mansion of that guy Yang Jian? What on earth do you want to do? Isn’t the desire to amend the Tiantiao still dead?"

"It’s over, it’s over… Heaven is really going to change."

"I's not a big deal to change this rule of law! And if it's the God of Justice... he should know it, right?"

"The key question now is not that the rules of heaven have been revised, but who has this ability, this qualification, this courage? Tian Tiao was forcibly modified... This is terrible. Doesn't this mean that Tian Tiao is just a plaything in the hands of some people?"

There are many generals kneeling outside, some are dissatisfied, some are angry, some are worried, and some are terrified. Some are struggling hard, but the more they struggle, the heavier the burden on them becomes, making them suffocated.

"Is there anything else to change?"Lin Jiu's brows suddenly frowned, and there was a hint of seriousness in his voice.

"Yes, of course!"Yang Jian came back to his senses. He tried his best to calm down his mind, no longer pay attention to the outside world, and continued to describe many situations.

When Lin Jiu made the last stroke, the sky bar in front of him was exuding brilliant brilliance, constantly rotating, and gradually began to Take effect

"Very good."Yang Jian stared at the scene in front of him, and a touch of emotion rose in his eyes,"The law of heaven is in effect, and my sister is not considered a person who violates the law of heaven!"

"Maybe after a while, I can get her out...and the family be reunited."

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