"How can it be so simple?"The general suddenly sneered.

"What?"Yang Jian's body stiffened, and he immediately reacted and remained silent,"Indeed... I rewrote the rules of heaven with you. Maybe next, I will be hunted by the entire heaven."

"No."The general glanced at Yang Jian,"This is not a big problem, don't say it's me... Lin Jiu can overthrow the entire heaven if he wants to, and then kill the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, and finally help you to that position.……"

"No, it should be said that Lin Jiu is more suitable than me.……"The general suddenly reacted and nodded thoughtfully,"Because he is a living emperor, and he is too familiar with this aspect."

"That's what you said."The corners of Lin Jiu's mouth twitched a few times, but then she felt something. She glanced at the air thoughtfully,"You felt that! Are you going to deal with... Him?"

The general did not speak, but instantly stepped into the void.

Yang Jian looked confused, what riddles are you talking about? But before he could ask, Lin Jiu closed his eyes and apparently entered the guild chat room.

Yang Jian was full of doubts, but after thinking about it, he closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room.

Gabriel:"Don't look at my confused face on the surface... In fact, I really don't know anything. Know. Gabriel

's face was filled with confusion.

Gabriel:"Can anyone in the guild explain to me what riddles these guys are playing?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Wouldn't it be better if you just ask Lin Jiu about this kind of thing?""

Su Han raised his eyebrows. He had already seen what happened, but he was not prepared to explain.

Lin Jiu:"……"

Lin Jiu:"Nothing... It should be my action of tampering with the rules of heaven, which offended the truly top existence in this world. You can think of him as Tian, ​​or you can think of him as Hongjun, who was similar to the fusion of heaven and earth in the prehistoric times."

Lin Jiu:"In short, there is such a terrifying existence coming to trouble me... and the general noticed this in advance, so he went to warn... Oh no, I should have discussed it carefully with that guy."

Gu Dazi:"A warning? You were definitely saying a warning just now!"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"!!!!"

Yang Jian opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

All the previous doubts were cleared up at this moment. His heart was beating wildly, and he was shocked to the extreme

"clam down."Yang Jian forced himself to calm down, took a few deep breaths, and changed his words in the guild.

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"@ aloes. I have good news for you. Your mother should be rescued now."


Chen Xiang:"Really...is what you said true?"

Chen Xiang's lips were trembling. Whether he was awkward with Yang Jian or unwilling to accept the truth... none of this matters now. What matters is his mother.

General:"It's true. I've finished talking to that guy... That guy respects our opinions. And he will also issue orders to the Jade Emperor! Let the Jade Emperor not stop us."

After speaking in the guild, The general suddenly appeared next to Lin Jiu, his expression was calm and without any disturbance.

General:"That guy didn't agree at first... cheap bone."

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"……"

Yang Jian took a deep look at the general, and the corners of his mouth twitched. If he hadn't seen the general's disdainful words in the guild, he really thought that the general's heart had not wavered at all.


Hatsune Miku:"……"

Gui Yanye:"Actually, I want to ask... what exactly did you do?"

Dr. Roman:"Does it need to be said? You must have beaten that unknown existence."

Ryugu Reina:"!!!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I couldn't help but shout out, Shogun is awesome!"

Aizen Sosuke:"……Are you too unambitious? Helplessness appeared on Aizen's face.

Aizen Sosuke:"If you want to, you can do this kind of thing in that world, right?" After all, you are now also a strong person in the second level of the guild. Even if you are a little worse than the general, you are not much worse."

Aizen Sosuke:"He can crush the existence of that world, and you can do it too."

Gui Yanye:"I don't know why... I could hear a subtle helplessness that hated him for not living up to expectations."

Dr. Roman:"It's just like my old father's tone."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"????"

Ichigo Kurosaki:"I want you to take care of my affairs?"

Ichigo Kurosaki was so angry that his tooth hurt. What does it mean to speak like an old father? Although he and Aizen are no longer life-and-death enemies now, their relationship has eased a lot. But he has always been the kind of person who never interacts with others.

Ryugu Rena:"……"

Ernesti:"……Say something, don't be angry, what you say now is like the tone of a rebellious son!

Ernesti:"In general, it's more like it." (Manual funny.jpg)"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"????"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Ernesti, you bastard! If you have the nerve, accompany me to the guild battlefield for a fight to the death."

Kurosaki Ichigo was completely shocked.

Su Xiaoxiao:"You guys are really capable of quarreling at any time."

Su Han was quite dumbfounded. After thinking for a while, he continued to speak in the guild.

Su Xiaoxiao:"@generalchen.@林九. So are you planning to stay in the Lotus Lantern World for a while?"

Jiangchen:"I'm ready to come back."

Lin Jiu:"Me too."

Uncle Jiu revealed A bright smile.

Lin Jiu:"The harvest this time is very rich. I got 100,000 points... I guess the general also got a lot, right?" Jiang

Chen:"Well... there was also a chance to obtain random Xianxia world items."

Jiang Chen : :"I thought it was an unlimited lottery."

The general was obviously not satisfied with this harvest.

Haruhi Suzumiya:"……"


Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"A random item from the world of Xianxia... This is amazing! In a sense, this is another unlimited lottery." The corner of Chen Long's mouth twitched, why are you disappointed?

Natsume:"Indeed...it's just an unlimited lottery limited to the Xianxia world. After all, the level of the Xianxia world is also very high. The Hetu Luoshu and the Four Swords of Zhuxian that were drawn before can also be planned for them. To the level of the fairy world."

Suibei Suzuyin:"emmmmm……"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"It always feels a little subtle, but I can't say what's wrong."

Tsuchima Mi:"……If you put it this way, doesn't it mean that General Jiu Shu also comes from the world of immortals?"

Tsuchima covered her face. She no longer knew what to say.

Batman:"There is a real heaven in General's world... How can you not afford the world of Xianxia? In other words, his world is not the world of immortals. What world is that?"

Batman hits the nail on the head.

Ayumi Aikawa:"I'm speechless.


General:"Is that so?""

The general returned to his home through the time travel talisman. Looking at the contents of the guild chat room, he suddenly laughed after a brief silence. The general said:"I suddenly became interested."

"Ding! The general successfully obtained the bloodline of the ancestral witch."

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