Sakata Gintoki:"……Just say he is poor directly, don't be so tactful."

Sakata Gintoki curled his lips.

Kaitou Kidd:"!!!!"

Kaitou Kidd:"Mr. Thor, if you really want to cause trouble, please ask Mr. Sakata Gintoki... He said not to be so tactful, he is clearly looking down on you!"

Sakata Gintoki:"????"

Sakata Gintoki was confused. He is more honest and decisive, so why is he being looked down upon?

Thor Odinson:"……"

Thor's face was confused at this moment, and he had no idea who was on his side and who was cheating him. My brain was in a daze.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Why are you thinking so much? It's because the battle doesn't look good, or chatting in the guild is no longer fun."

Kurosaki Ichigo was noncommittal.

Sirzechs:"How do I feel...this battle is going to end."

Worry and anxiety appeared on Sirzechs' face.

I am a Marquis:"……"

The Fourth Hokage:"Isn't it a pretty good fight at the scene now?"

Namikaze Minato fell into deep thought.

Edogawa Conan:"No... Sirzechs is right to worry. Have you seen it? As time goes by, the auras of the masters on the opposite side are constantly declining."

Conan frowned. tight.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"???"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Isn't this a good thing?"

Kousaka Kyosuke was completely confused. It was the opponent who couldn't drag him away, but it wasn't the sick old man who couldn't drag him away... Time stood beside the young sick old man.

Therefore, Kosaka Kyosuke cannot understand what Edogawa Conan said.

Lelouch:"I probably understand what Conan means."

Lelouch's expression became serious.

Lelouch:"The most dangerous beast is not the beast that directly reveals its claws... but the beast that is forced into a desperate situation of life and death."

Tony is not the richest man:"!!!!"

Tony Stark's expression changed and he finally reacted. Yes, a beast that is forced into a desperate situation, because there is no hope of survival... so it will give up to the death.

If you were facing just one Supreme Being, that would be fine... But now you were facing three Supreme Beings plus a time traveler emperor. This situation was too bad.

Unless it is Ye Hei, Emperor Ye Tian who has lived for three lives, Emperor Ye Tian's first and second lives will also frown and feel troubled when facing this situation.

Whitebeard dad:"Don't panic, the president is still there... No matter how bad the situation is, he won't die."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"That's right... Even if the president is not good, Zhang Sanfeng or Clark can do it Anyone can save his life."

Ye Hei:"Oh."

Ye Hei:"I'm so angry... It's a pity that my strength is too weak after all."

Ye Hei bit his lower lip and could only be present. Watching from the outside, this stimulated his heart. If he were Emperor Ye Tian now... no, just the completion of the Holy Body would definitely be able to help the sick old man.

Su Han raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ye Hei strangely,"You want to join the war?"

"Of course," Ye Hei clenched his fists,"But unfortunately I don't have this ability."

"It's hard to say. An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of Su Han's lips,"If I could let you experience the power of the Emperor of Heaven in advance now, would you be willing?""

Ye Hei looked stiff, then joy appeared on his face, and he nodded wildly.

Others said that he had doubts, but the person in front of him was the omnipotent president. Don't let him experience the power of Emperor Ye Tian. Yes, he said that he would be allowed to experience the power of the Huang Tian Emperor during the Immortal Emperor period... He believed it.

Su Han put his palm on Ye Hei's shoulder and his eyes were focused,"He transformed into... the Great Freedom Technique!"

Ye Hei's aura boiled at this moment. The golden blood was gradually transforming, turning into bright red bit by bit. At the same time, his expression was not as loose and green as before. Although he was still very young, he revealed a A kind of calmness and indifference.

It is the spirit of the Emperor of Heaven who has gone through the battlefield, stepped on the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and ascended to the position of the strongest.

Ye Hei is still the young Ye Hei, but at this moment, an inexplicable paragraph appears in his mind. Another memory, that is another life of myself. Fighting in the sea of ​​blood... and finally becoming invincible

"It's such a wonderful feeling." Ye Hei sighed quietly, cupped his hands towards Su Han, and said in a serious and serious voice,"President, thank you very much."

Su Han nodded slightly and didn't say much.

Then, Ye Hei took a step forward. The blood energy exploded. That kind of blood energy was so powerful and profound that it swept through the sky and the earth,"Heavenly Emperor Fist."

Ye Hei didn't waste time, because he knew that his state would not last forever. He had to end the battle as soon as possible, and at the same time, through the battle, he could learn more about the mystery of this realm...

A domineering punch directly knocked an underworld figure to the ground. The body of the Supreme was shattered to pieces.

Ye Hei waved his palm, and the Cauldron of Mother Qi of All Things returned instantly.

The gods in the Immortal Cauldron revived and were extremely excited. Although Ye Hei was also his master in the past... But he was completely victorious in front of him. Emperor Ye Tian of the period was the one who truly molded Him and nurtured His existence

"Give me a helping hand."Ye Tiandi spoke gently, the immortal cauldron vibrated, and directly swallowed the underworld supreme being who wanted to be resurrected into the cauldron, refining it alive.

He put his hands on his back, faced the people in front of him, with a kind of unparalleled aura, and his voice was low,"Next Who wants to die?"

The God of Hades' body froze. He stared at the young man in front of him, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. The invincible Ye Tiandi... besides him, there can no longer be another person.

The invincible fighter in the world. , the one who lived for nine lives and became an immortal in the world of mortals...the one who eliminated the monsters in all the forbidden places in the world, the one whose achievements can equal those of the emperor, the most amazing person in history.……

"Why is this happening?"The God of Hades whispered. There was anger, fear, and confusion in his heart.

He originally had a good plan in his heart. When he was born in the dark and turbulent time, he would not pursue the first path to immortality, but instead devour the world's life essence. , used to extend his life.

At that time, he could just kill Ye Hei and a group of people with extraordinary talents... He not only obtained the essence of life, but also eradicated the enemy in the future.

All he had to do was wait for the right time and the right place. He can truly enter the fairy world and gain eternal life...

But why did this happen?!

When he woke up, the sick old man became enlightened. Emperor Ye Tian who was supposed to attain enlightenment thousands of years later also recovered to his peak in advance - Feng, obviously the aura he sensed before was not at the level of Sendai.

"Are these your last words?"Ye Tiandi smiled hoarsely and took action. In sharp contrast to his calm words, his attacks were vigorous and full of unparalleled domineering."After that, it's time for me to send you on your way."

The guild chat room completely exploded at this moment.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"????"

Tony is not the richest man:"……Scalp numbness."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Isn't this too showy? The sick old man wasn't enough alone... so the president just pulled Emperor Ye Tian out in advance and threw him on the battlefield?"

Sakata Gintoki:"Forbidden Area Supreme: What the hell are you doing, human affairs?"

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