Yukinoshita Yukino:"I feel...those Eternal Forbidden Lands will be eradicated in advance."

Yukinoshita Yukino looked incomprehensible, a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's not that exaggerated."

Su Han rubbed his eyebrows.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The strength I am giving Ye Hei now will only allow him to finish this battle... As for the forbidden area, let him truly reach this point in the future."

Xia Shizi:"Six six six six."

King:"It's too scary... Originally I was thinking that it would be difficult for Ye Hei, who would never experience life and death crises, to climb to the true peak." king:"In the end, the president told me that nothing in this world is impossible!"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Indeed."

Jackie Chan nodded with deep understanding.

Jackie Chan doesn’t want to do archeology:"I experienced the charm of that realm in advance... Even if it is temporary, this is immeasurable for his future. It can be said that it is 100% certain that he will step out of that realm again."

Kyousuke Saka:"No, no, no... Now that he is standing on that realm in advance, looking down from top to bottom, he can see many things that he has never noticed before."

Kyousuke Kousaka:"I doubt that after his power dissipates, Perhaps it is equivalent to the reconstruction of an ancient emperor."


Let the world feel the pain:"In other words... if he proclaims himself emperor again now, it will be directly equivalent to living a second life of himself?"

Uzumaki Nagato took a breath and felt his scalp numb.

Kirishima Touka:"It's so terrifying... This is so terrifying."

Magical Girl Illya:"Why do we have to think about the future? Isn't the scene on the battlefield what we should be most concerned about now?"

Illya He spoke very weakly.

Nakiri Erina:"Illya is right."

Shino Nobushi:"I laughed to death... Look at the expression of that god of the underworld, he is so wonderful and frightened to the extreme."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Who can do this? Can you withstand it?"

Kayaba Akihiko:"I thought that dealing with a sick old man was already a variable among variables... Who would have thought that I was going to be beaten to death by a sick old man, and now Emperor Ye Tian has popped up... Stop talking, I shed a tear for them just thinking about it."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Why do I think you are always laughing? (You are obviously always laughing and never stop.jpg)"

Kousaka Kirino:""Tsk tsk... I feel like you are laughing! Otherwise, how could you think that others are laughing too?"

Sakata Gintoki:"It's too real."

Busujima Yako:"I was the only one who observed it. This time the battle will end. Is it coming to an end?"

As Emperor Ye Tian used a cauldron to suppress the God of Hades, the sick old man killed all the remaining Forbidden Land Supremes, and there was silence between heaven and earth.

A clear voice sounded in the ears of Su Han and all the guild members.

"Ding! The guild mission has been completed! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao received 50,000 points! Ye Hei received 80,000 points! The sick old man gets 80,000 points! Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng received 60,000 points. Clark Kent received 10,000 points."

The sick old man raised his eyebrows and didn't pay attention to this matter. He was covered in brilliant brilliance and landed directly on the underworld. The sick old man's voice was loud, carrying the sound of the Tao, and it resounded throughout the universe.

"Starting today...the underworld is officially removed."

There was silence between heaven and earth. Regardless of whether he believed that the sick old man could solve the forbidden area before, he was stunned at this moment. After a long time, the uproar sounded one after another.

"The underworld has been destroyed... It is unbelievable that today there is actually a forbidden area that has been completely removed from heaven and earth."

"It was beyond my expectation... What I originally thought was that the Emperor's ability to escape unharmed from the siege of the masterminds behind the Forbidden Land was already one of the greatest achievements in history... As a result, he actually won! Really destroyed a forbidden area"

"Who is that bloody and terrifying guy? Why do I feel that he appeared suddenly, and his combat power is much stronger than that of Emperor Jiuyou?"

"Too mysterious...and too powerful."

The saints from all over the universe were excited, but on the ancestral star of the ancient hegemony, there were ancient beings who opened their eyes, with solemn expressions, filled with surprise and uncertainty.

"That kind of bloodiness... can't it? This is impossible!"

"It should be the Holy Body...at least in terms of flesh and blood senses, it has exactly the same physique as that one"

"But this is too unreasonable. There is no doubt that he is a enlightened person! Moreover, among those who have attained enlightenment, they can also be regarded as the top beings. They are the most amazing group of people in the past and present... How can the Holy Body achieve enlightenment?"

The ancestors of the Overlord Body are puzzled. Whether it is the Holy Body or the Overlord Body, these are old enemies... and it is precisely because their bodies are too strong that they cannot become enlightened.

They are slightly weaker than them, such as God King Physique and his ilk...this physique will not hinder their enlightenment. And those who are a little stronger than them are the Chaos Body, the innate holy body. This kind of cultivation is a logical step, and as long as you don't die, you can take that step.

With the Overlord Physique The Holy Body is almost the same, and it will not hinder enlightenment... There is only one Holy Spirit.

The ancestors of the Tyrant Body were unwilling to do so, but they were never able to take that step... But now, a great emperor has appeared in the line of their old enemy

"The problem is big... too big! If this ancient emperor knew what we did to their ancestors...he would definitely take action against us."

"What are you afraid of? He dares to come! We happen to be drinking blood... It just so happens that I haven't tasted the taste of holy blood for a long time. I wonder how special the blood of the holy body of an ancient emperor would be?"The voice of the ancestor with a domineering body is cold.

"are you joking? You have seen the inexplicable connection between him and the great emperor of that time. When the two joined forces, even the underworld was leveled... Can we be more powerful than the underworld?"

"Hibernate!"A cold voice sounded. This voice obviously had great prestige in the Overlord Body, and no one at the scene spoke."We are sealed in the source of the gods, and we can continue to survive... If we become saints. Body, can he still be like us in his later years, an emperor? Haha, let's wait for him to die of old age."

Just like finalizing the final decision, the flurry of responses sounded.


"That's it then……"

"If he does not offend us, we will not offend him! Anyway, 20,000 years later, he turned into a withered skeleton, but we are still alive"

"When he is in his later years... he may not be able to taste the holy blood"

"Great, I haven't tasted the Holy Blood of the Ancient Emperor yet"


Big Dipper, Su Han's expression was very strange, and he could clearly hear the exchanges between the domineering ancestors. He didn't know how to evaluate these guys.

When Ye Hei fell in front of him with a grateful face, Su Han pointed out, and the exchanges between the Ba Ti ancestors instantly appeared in Ye Hei's mind, and his expression froze.

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