After a short silence, Ye Hei clenched his fists, anger flashed in his eyes, and he almost squeezed out a few words through his teeth,"Hegemonic body lineage." He remembered the holy body lineage in the memory copy. The grievances between the bloodline and the Ba Ti lineage, think of the behavior of the Ba Ti lineage turning into a forbidden zone in the memory copy... and then think about the exchanges between the Ba Ti ancestors passed on by Su Han... the old and new hatreds add up. , Ye Hei's murderous intention was almost out of control.

The sick old man fell from the sky and stood next to Ye Hei, looking at him thoughtfully. After thinking briefly, the sick old man spoke softly,"If you want to take action on that pulse in the future... you can tell me and I will join the fight."

"After all, that lineage will also become a forbidden land in the future!"

"thank you."Ye Hei forcibly calmed down his mood, nodded gratefully to the sick old man, and then looked at Su Han,"I understand... I will pay attention to this aspect in the future. Thank you, President."

If he can always maintain the state of Emperor Ye Tian, ​​then it goes without saying that he will kill him immediately.

But the key problem is... now, his aura is constantly diminishing, and it will soon become the beginning. The appearance of the Dragon Transformation Peak.

After all, Su Han only allowed Ye Hei to temporarily possess the power of that realm and let him experience it, rather than actually letting him set foot in that realm.

Therefore, Ye Hei can only remember this hatred in his heart......I will report back when he is truly powerful in the future.

Su Han said no more, closed his eyes, and clicked on the official return button.

A brilliant brilliance surrounded the bodies of Su Han, Zhang Sanfeng, and Clark Kent. When the brilliance dissipated, their bodies The figure also disappeared

"So next."The sick old man looked at Ye Hei

"I will practice hard for a while."Ye Hei said calmly,"I have experience in the realm of the ancient emperors. I can break through the second level of the Immortal Platform while maintaining my foundation, and stand on par with the holy masters of the major holy places."

"When I reach that level of strength, there will be much more room for turning around."

"Whatever!"The sick old man nodded with deep understanding,"You should increase your strength first... If by that time you can defeat the younger generation of Beidou invincible, then I will send you to the ancient road of the starry sky in advance."

Ye Hei nodded to the sick old man, turned around and disappeared.


At the same time, Su Han's home.

A brilliant brilliance rose up, and Su Han's figure appeared out of thin air. He summoned the ninjas of the Black Shadow Legion and asked them to prepare tea for him.

Immediately, Su Han sat at the table, drinking tea while scanning the guild chat room in his mind. He found that the guild chat room was very busy at the moment.

Whitebeard dad:"Gulu la la, it's really a battle beyond imagination."

Tony is not the richest man:"……Don't come here. If you want to take action, you will make a much bigger noise than they will."

Tony Stark rolled his eyes.

Whitebeard Dad:"Whether I am strong or not, watching the battle and admiring there any necessary connection?" king:"It seems... not?"

The Fourth Hokage:"True. Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"

I'm the only one thinking about it, am I of the Tyrant Body lineage?" Wu

Geng Liuli raised his brows and spoke in the guild.

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Clan:"This lineage... was very unpopular in the memory copy, and now it is causing trouble openly." Haha, now I want to go over there and slaughter all of this lineage!

Accelerator:"Warning, your strength may not be enough.""

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"How do you know how far my strength is? It would be too arrogant to just say it if you don’t know."

One way:"……"

Accelerator was choked because what Wu Geng Liuli said made sense.

After joining the guild, everyone may have answered that sentence... After three days of separation, everyone should look at each other with admiration...

After all, in the guild, you can become stronger by working hard, and you can become stronger very quickly.

Kasumi Shiko:"But to be honest, the villains in memory dungeons are really not popular."

Kasumi Shiko:"It would be okay if you join a guild. After all, guild members can't hurt each other... But if it's the protagonist who joins the guild, Tsk tsk……"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't say it directly, but her meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Yuan Dagu:"It’s so tragic……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Yes! There are so many powerful people in the guild. If someone doesn't like them, the obligation will be over... and their whole family will be sharked and their ashes will be scattered. This is a normal operation."

Kousaka Kirino :"The worst thing is... the villain sometimes rises to the sky without knowing what happened. (face covering.jpg)"

Gudazi:"Six six six six."

Hatsune Miku:"It's okay.……"

Hatsune Miku thought for a while and spoke carefully.

Hatsune Miku:"I think... each guild member has his or her own thing to do. Aren't there still villains in many worlds in the guild? Aren't they also dead?"

Gui Yanye:"……"

Ryugu Rena:"……"

Tachibana Kanade:"It's true."

Doctor Roman:"No, even if the guild members don't make it... they will still die. After all, the protagonist will continue to grow after joining the guild, and will eventually use more brutal means than the memory copy to kill them. Completely killed!"

Ernesti:"It's too real."

Nan Xiaotiao:"The villain sheds tears.jpg"


The corners of Xiongba's mouth twitched. Is it really okay for you to criticize the villain so much in front of me? Do villains really have no human rights?

Nakiri Erina:"!!!!"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Natsume:"@锟斤拷. In fact, they are just discussing! Moreover, the so-called protagonist is actually nothing... If you don't believe it, look at the Shinigami next door. The protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo is much weaker than Aizen."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"????"

He was just watching the fun, why should he be dragged out and whipped to death? Kurosaki Ichigo was confused, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Su Xiaoxiao:"@xiongba. Actually, I would like to know how is your current relationship with the two protagonists Fengyun?"

Su Han stared at the guild chat room with interest. He said that he was looking forward to Xiongba's answer.


Xiongba:"Now, I truly regard them as my disciples and even relatives! I am very good to them... In addition, I am also constantly practicing, striving to make my strength unparalleled in the world."

Xiongba made two plans. On the one hand, he hopes that he can truly influence his two disciples with his emotions, so that they will not become anti-teacher madmen.

On the other hand, he was also prepared for the two to resist him and continued to practice.

As long as he is strong enough and can finally dominate the world on his own... then there will be absolutely no problems.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Horikita Suzune:"This method... is still possible."

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