Yukinoshita Yukino:"It's so scary."

Sanzenin Nagi:"I still haven't figured out why Sakata Gintoki is still so poor even though he has power."

Sanzenin Nagi frowned, she was It's really confusing.

Gudazi:"Uzumaki Nagato... calls himself a capitalist? A capitalist who destroys the world?"

Gudazi's expression was subtle, and he didn't know where to start with this rant.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"So weren't we discussing Aleister before?"

Hatsune Miku:"Aleister started revenge because of his daughter... He wants to destroy all phases in the world, to destroy Those demons……"

Hatsune Miku:"Because his daughter died because of the power flowing out from these phase frictions."

Dr. Roman:"Yeah."

Dr. Roman looked a little heavy after discussing this.

Dr. Roman:"I suddenly thought of Aleister's words: For everyone to be able to laugh and cry as they should, for all men and women in this world to become stars... To prevent the world from colliding with each other, without fate. Liberated from the tragic fate of death without cause……"

Dr. Roman:"So, he wants to create a world that is composed of his efforts and is not affected by divine blessing and punishment."

Dr. Roman:"Yes... Only when he achieves all this, will he consider himself truly He fulfilled his responsibilities as a father."

Lelouch:"That's right.……"

Lelouch sighed and accepted Doctor Roman's words.

Lelouch:"It is precisely for this reason that he established Academy City...to build this city that can compete with the magic side as a scientific research base." Lelouch:"Arista declared war on the Crusaders, and the same goes for Arista. Declaring war on the devil... But it was still useless in the end. He still failed, defeated by that ordinary nun and an ordinary Bible."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"It's hard to say... Although I hate Sister Misaka's death! But I can't say for sure that Aleister's path is wrong, just like I can't say for sure that Kamijou Touma's decision is right." Wu Geng Liuli

Shake shook his head.

Although what Wu Geng Liuli said was somewhat contradictory, many people in the guild understood what she meant.

Tony is not the richest man:"That's true."

Kyousuke Kosaka:"……"

Gui Yan Ye:"!!!!!"

Izumi Sagiri:"Don't look at me being confused on the surface... I'm actually confused."

Ernesti:"……Have all you big guys devoured the entire New Testament?"

Ernesti silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He, a guy who hadn't chewed off the New Testament, was trembling. He felt that he was out of tune with many big guys in the guild.


Railgun:"After all your bragging... I actually feel that Aleister is a good person."

Misaka Mikoto looked very complicated.

Tony is not the richest man:"Who said he is a good person? Didn't I say it from the beginning? His good and evil are absolutely equal on the scale. You can't evaluate him based on the human concept of good and evil!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"So, Why are we discussing such a heavy topic?"

Kousaka Kyosuke's mouth twitched, his face full of helplessness.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Let's discuss something fun...for example, Aleister transformed into a lolita in the end!"

Sakata Gintoki:"!!!!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Damn... my brain is trembling."

Kasumi Shiko:"After all, Ayumi-san is the one who transformed into a magical girl! Maybe he has brought himself into it now?"

Ayumi:"Kasumi Zhiqiu Shiyu...your mouth is still as poisonous as ever."

Aikawa Ayumu's eyelids were beating wildly, and he took two deep breaths before calming down. But he didn't say much.

After all, once this topic is raised, it will really never end. When it comes to topics you don't want to discuss, just ignore them.

Su Han looked at the content of the guild chat and shook his head with a dumb smile. Then he had an idea and used up all his lottery opportunities.

"Ding! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtained the Law of Creation"

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtained the Jade Butterfly through an unlimited lottery."

Daddy White Beard:"!!!!"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"The law of creation and... the creation of jade butterflies?"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Are you the legendary ancestor Hongjun?"

Ao Bing:"!!!!"

Li Jing:"In the past, Yang Jian extracted the power avenue, and in the back, the president extracted the law of creation... The two top avenues in the prehistoric world fell into the hands of the president and Yang Jian."

Liu Peiqiang:"Let me be honest... Ancestor Hongjun is not as good as Pangu!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Your misconception... Pangu was plotted to death no matter how awesome he was, but Ancestor Hongjun lived until the later stages, and even finally became one with the way of heaven. He is the real winner in life."

Wall-Facing Man Luo Ji:"……It makes no sense for you to discuss it this way, because what we are discussing now is pure power. Luo

Ji was a bit dumbfounded.

Sakata Gintoki:"Actually, it's very simple to see who is stronger and who is weaker!" Just let Yang Jian have a fight with the president. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"?????"

Yang Jian's expression gradually stiffened.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Pfft hahaha... I'm laughing so hard, Sakata Gintoki! You are really a genius for making this suggestion."

Aikawa Ayumu:"It's so beautiful, I have nothing to say about it."

Erlang Shen Yang Jian:"Please forgive me for refusing……"

Yang Jian said that he still wants to live for a while.

Su Han glanced at the contents of the guild chat room, dumbfounded. After shaking his head, he turned his attention to the real world again.

Su Han flipped his palm, and a jade butterfly appeared in his palm.

While he held the jade butterfly of creation, he also integrated the law of creation. His body made a crisp buzzing sound, and the light of three thousand avenues wrapped around his body, which was extremely sacred.

"what happened?"Luo Cuilian felt something was wrong for a moment, stepped out and appeared directly in the hall. Then, she saw Su Han with a calm expression. At this moment, Luo Cuilian seemed to see a vast world constantly evolving, and Su Han Han is the most advanced world in the world, possessing supreme majesty.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, and with a crisp buzzing sound, all the breath in Su Han's body converged,"Interesting"

"Are you okay?"After a brief silence, Luo Cuilian showed a trace of worry in her eyes.

"What can happen to me?"Su Han was dumbfounded. He weighed the good fortune jade butterfly in his hand, and then threw it gently.

The good fortune jade butterfly disappeared instantly and appeared directly above the entire castle, with a gorgeous light of the avenue falling down. Down

"This is?"Luo Cuilian was a little surprised.

At this moment, Luo Cuilian felt that the surrounding environment had changed dramatically. She even felt that if she sat down cross-legged to practice now, she might be able to take a step forward in her strength...

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