Although this is just a feeling, for a being of Luo Cuilian's level, the feeling is basically not much different from reality.

"The jade butterfly of creation, the treasure of chaos! There are three thousand avenues of the chaotic world hidden within it." Su Han paused for a moment and continued,"Pangu's avenue of power is also hidden in it."

"Although it possesses extremely terrifying lethality and destructive power, it essentially exists as an auxiliary magic weapon for cultivation."

"No matter what you practice, you can get special enlightenment because of him"

"I see. Luo Cuilian nodded slightly. She originally had a guess in this regard, but now she can only say it is confirmed.

"Unfortunately, I thought at first that Yang Jian's stuff was better than yours."Rem's voice suddenly sounded with some relief and helplessness.

"In fact, what Yang Jian drew was indeed very good."Su Han nodded calmly,"But there is no superior or inferior avenue... Of course, the avenue of power is extremely destructive. In terms of pure lethality, it is indeed one of the best among all avenues."

"The Law of Creation is much inferior in destructive power... but it is the most suitable way for the Jade Butterfly of Creation... and can drive it perfectly... By the way, I remember that I seemed to have obtained an incomplete Jade Butterfly of Creation before? This is really true."

Su Han couldn't laugh or cry for a moment. He shook his head and cleared away all the messy thoughts.

"Rem, is this not the time to discuss this? Ram's helpless voice suddenly sounded. She appeared next to Rem and said softly,"Let's go have a meal first. As for changes in the family environment...that's another matter.""

Ram seems very free and easy in this regard. It's not that she doesn't care about becoming stronger, but that in her heart, the position of family is higher than becoming stronger...

Moreover, although she is working hard to practice, she is still In terms of strength, he is relatively Buddhist. As long as you work hard, you can become stronger as you like...

Su Han laughed dumbly and stood up.

After finishing the meal, Su Han returned to his room and closed his eyes. , entered the guild chat room again. It was discovered that Aleister had already read the memory copy of his world.

Aleister:"Is this the path I was destined to take?

Aleister:"Is this what I will inevitably experience... It's unexpected, but it's reasonable." Laura...was she taken away by the big devil?"

Yuan Dagu:"!!!!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……Mr. Aleister, I know you are very out of control right now, but could you please calm down?"

Accelerator:"Haha, it's rare to see the chairman looking so embarrassed."

Accelerator not only had no intention of persuading him, but instead sneered, rather gloating.

Aleister:"I'm very calm now... After knowing this matter, I just need to make some new plans."

Aleister took a deep breath, his face showed no emotion at all. Aleister is a person who is extremely obsessed with family affection in the world... If it is really like the original, he will finally know the news , maybe he will really collapse.

But now, he has joined this strange guild. As powerful as Accelerator, he is completely above the demon field at this moment, but he cannot be named the strongest among the many members of the guild. , this shows the terrifying and extraordinary nature of this guild.

Aleister believes that as long as he continues to lurk in the guild and keeps working hard, one day he will be able to realize his ideal!

Whether it is to remove the guild from the world In addition, all the demons will disappear... or his relatives and daughters will be resurrected...

Aleister firmly believes in this.

Makarov:"You just have to know in your heart. Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"

Actually...even if Aleister doesn't know what to do, there's nothing he can do!" It turns out that the world of Magical Index is already very dangerous... But compare the former world of Magical Index with the current world of Magical Index."

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Suddenly it seemed how safe the original Magical Index world was."

Kirishima Touka:"Although this sentence has a lot of flaws...but I can't complain about it."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Because he is telling the truth!"

Lu Xiaoqian:"Shivering.jpg"

Favorite drink of animal milk:"@晙ikiri rina. Well... Sister Nakiri, can I still carry out the last transaction? I will give you the milk from my pure-blood beasts, and then you will help me process it."

Little Shitou stuck out his tongue, looking a little embarrassed.

Nakiri Erina:"No problem."

Nakiri Erina:"After all, you gave me one-third of these milk as payment."

Nakiri Erina smiled. This is actually a mutually beneficial thing. After all, Nakiri Erina has gourmet cells in her body.

Precious ingredients can make excellent food. And the swallowing of excellent food will It will make her even more powerful.

Fujiwara Sawei:"……"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"Wait a moment, pure-blood beast's... breasts?"

Nanoha's expression was a little dull. After a brief silence, she asked cautiously in the guild chat room.

Magical Girl Nanoha:"I'd like to ask, where do you get these breasts?"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Actually, I'm quite curious about this... Xiao Shitou shouldn't have a chance to attack a pure-blood beast now, right?"

Aikawa Ayu frowned, Xiao Shitou is still a child now. He would have to wait at least until he was a teenager before he could fight a pure-blood beast.

Favorite drink of animal milk:"That...Liu Xian helped me find it! And the evil spirit in it was refined."

Busujima Yaozi:"!????"

Kokichi Sawada:"……Is this still possible?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi was stunned.

Koro-sensei:"I was very shocked at first... But then, after thinking about it for a while, I felt that it was a matter of course."

Koro-sensei:"Even after watching Perfect World, I still feel that the future emperor of Huangtian is too miserable... If it were him when he was young, give him more delicious food and drinks to make his childhood pass. Isn’t it a matter of course that we should be happier?

Hijikata Jushiro:"That's's true." Hijikata

Jushiro thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Hijikata Jushiro:"From this point of view, Liu Xian's actions do make sense... Wait a minute, will Liu Xian be too doting on the little stone?" Already?"

Hijikata Jushiro suddenly reacted and thought of a very serious question.

After all, the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. With such great achievements in the future of Little Stone, the hardships in his youth must also account for a certain proportion.

Lelouch:" This question...isn't it the same concept as the previous worry that Ye Hei would be crippled by a sick old man?"

Lelouch rolled his eyes, he was very speechless in his heart. It felt like Hijikata Jushiro was just worried.

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