Cao Guanzi:"……"

Cao Guanzi:"What's the bad news?"

Cao Guanzi's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Prince Liang:"The bad news is that the little clay figurine is indeed not in Prince Liang's mansion now."

Cao Guanzi:"……"

Cao Guanzi fell into a brief silence, and murderous intent rose up in him. His face was extremely cold.

Cao Guanzi:"I hope you can tell me the good news I want to know."

Prince Liang:"……That's natural, and the good news is that the little clay figurine is safe and sound now!"

Cao Guanzi:"……"

Cao Guanzi frowned tightly and paced back and forth on the spot.

Tony is not the richest man:"……With all due respect, since the little clay figurine has nothing to do with you, then why do you know that the little clay figurine is not in danger now?"

Tony Stark fell into deep thought. He felt that what Prince Xu said was inevitably inconsistent.

Prince Liang:"Because...according to what my father said, when the Western Chu Kingdom was destroyed, the princess of Western Chu Taken away by Huang Longjia. And according to the information he later consulted, Huang Longjia treated Princess Xichu very well."

Prince Xu rubbed his eyebrows and suddenly thought of something.

Prince Liang:"You can roughly imagine... Huang Longjia's attitude towards Miss Hehe in the original work.

Cao Guanzi:"So that's it." Cao Guanzi's eyes narrowed slightly, with joy in them,"

I finally found you.""

But when he thought of Huang Longjia, Cao Guanzi felt a sense of heaviness in his heart. The three major demons of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period?

Cao Guanzi had heard of his name for a long time, and naturally he knew that if he wanted to face him, he would not be sure of victory... Maybe Confucianism Only when Dao Zhuan is domineering and truly at the pinnacle of his life can he snatch the princess back.

Yuan Dagu:"So, why is that world different from the one in the memory copy?"

Yuan Dagu looked a little strange, and he was keenly aware of something wrong.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Speaking of this...I suddenly thought of one thing. It seems that Huang Longjia is not a native resident of that world! He calls himself a book-turner? I suspect he may be a time traveler or a reborn person."

Sakata Gintoki:"Indeed... this possibility is very high."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Even if the Yellow Dragon Armor in the original work is a time traveler, it should be a legal time traveler like Subaru in Life in a Different World from Zero."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Of course that's in the original work, but now this Yellow Dragon Armor... it's really hard to say."

Xue Nao was thoughtful under the snow.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

After a brief thought, Su Han directly entered the union task column. After he glanced twice, he spoke in the guild chat room again.

Su Xiaoxiao:"There should be no problem with Huanglongjia, at least there are no new tasks on my side! Of course, if you want to find out the twists and turns, you may have to ask @李王王世子."

李王王世子:"I asked My father, it seems like back then! A group of guys calling themselves the Samsaras broke into the final battlefield of Xichu and interfered……"

Prince Liang:"At least, my father said that if those guys hadn't caused trouble, maybe the Princess of Western Chu would have really fallen into his hands."

Cao Guanzi:"Indeed, this happened."

Cao Guanzi said this Over the years, I don’t know how much information I have explored from that year, so he has more information than Prince Xu.

He even went out of his way to follow the whereabouts of those who claimed to be reincarnationists, but those people disappeared very strangely... His origins could not be found, nor their final destinations, as if they had never been found. None of these people showed up.

Cao Guanzi suddenly smiled bitterly. Who could have thought that the disappearance of Princess Xichu was indeed the result of reincarnation. But in the end, it was Huanglongjia, who seemed to have little to do with the reincarnations, who actually adopted the little clay figurine...

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

The Black Cat with Twelve Wings of the Fallen Angel:"I see, everything can be explained like this."

Prince Liang:"Who can explain it to me?"

Prince Xu said that he was confused now. He himself was a little confused when he said it. Why did these guys in the union accept it all of a sudden?

Doctor Luo Man:"It would be too troublesome to explain this. You should continue to stay in the guild. The longer you stay, the more you will understand everything."

Prince Liang:"????"

Queen Medusa:"It's interesting... I suddenly suffered an attack here."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"

Queen Medusa:"The people who attacked me... Judging from their appearance, they should be members of the Soul Clan, and the people who attacked me are very powerful... The first two have already reached the Nine-Star Dou Zun."

Queen Medusa:"If I hadn't been adhering to the way of the Great Master and reached the realm of semi-saint... I would have been in trouble this time."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Queen Medusa's mouth.


Nan Xiaoniao:"!!!!!"

Tushan Honghong:"……So scary."

Chu Zihang:"It hasn't been long since Queen Medusa said she entered Dou Zun... and she has crossed another big step! It looks like Queen Medusa will be able to enter the legendary imperial realm in a while."

Chu Zihang spoke expressionlessly.

Queen Medusa:"How can it be that exaggerated... Even if you really set foot in the realm of half-emperor, you still need to obtain enough original power, so that you can truly step forward. Take that step……"

Queen Medusa:"Although I think that with the help of the union, even if there is no original power, it will not be a big problem."

At this point, Queen Medusa's lips raised a slight smile.

Tsuchima:"It makes sense...the union is omnipotent."

Tsuchima nodded in agreement.

Lelouch:"So the key issue being discussed now...isn't it the question of why those powerful soul clan men suddenly attacked Medusa?"

The corner of Lelouch's mouth twitched. Did you take the topic too far? Already?

Magical Girl Nanoha:"Is it because of the butterfly effect? ​​The queen provoked the existence of the Soul Clan in advance?"

Nanoha's mind was wide open for a while.

Queen Medusa:"Of course it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen...I have now arrived at the door of Xiao's house, and sure enough...all the clan members in Xiao Huohuo's house have disappeared.……"

Queen Medusa:"It seems that there is a problem in our world."


Ayumi Aikawa:"……"

Aikawa Ayumu suddenly had a guess in his heart, and he looked stunned.

Ayumi Aikawa:"Could it be said that a time traveler appeared within the Soul Clan?"

Batman:"This is indeed a reasonable explanation... and this time traveler is probably a high-ranking person."

Batman tapped his fingers lightly on the table , a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Su Xiaoxiao:"I'm going to check out the union task section."

Su Han raised his eyebrows and entered the union task section.

The next moment, he found a task quietly displayed there.

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