Mission name: Kill the time traveler.

Time traveler name: Soul Emperor Traveler

Introduction: The time traveler traveled through time and became the well-deserved master of the soul clan. After digesting this power, he wanted to reach the sky in one step and become the legendary emperor, so , he used his own power to capture the Xiao family. At the same time, masters of various Douzun levels were also sent to various places to collect various kinds of strange fires. Then use this to open the ancient tomb, swallow the strange fire, break through the realm, and want to truly rule the entire world.

Mission requirements: Completely kill this time traveler.

Mission restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (robable mission mode). Mission reward: 300,000 points, an unlimited lottery.


After a brief silence, Su Han completed the screenshot and then sent it to the union chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Let's evaluate this mission. (Screenshot)"

The union fell into a brief silence, and then became excited.

Tony is not the richest man:"Should I say it was unexpected, or is it a matter of course?"

White-bearded dad:"Gla la la la, it's normal! I have guessed before that it is possible that the person who was taken away this time was the Soul Emperor... Of course, it is also possible that he is the elder of the soul clan inside, or the heir of the soul emperor."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I think what happened this time is a bit scary."

Kosaka Kyosuke rubbed his chin, his expression a little solemn.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"There is no doubt about the strength of Soul Emperor. He is definitely the top of Dou Qi Continent, and... the soul clan is originally a clan that is good at playing with souls. But even with these characteristics, Soul Emperor is still easily taken away by the time-travelers. Are you done?"

Sakata Gintoki:"!!!!"

Sakata Gintoki:"It's so scary."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……I was a little shocked at first, but then I thought about it, are there too many boss-level figures that the time traveler has taken over before?"

A hint of helplessness appeared on Yukinoshita Yukino's face.

Gui Yanye:"That's right.

Gui Yanye nodded approvingly, and added a sentence by the way.

Gui Yanye:"Believe it or not... In two days, a deprived immortal king, or one of the immortal kings, will appear in the perfect world." existence of the class."

Gui Yanye glanced at the union chat room with a strange expression.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke was choked. After thinking about it, he found that he was speechless.

Doctor Roman:"I only pay attention to the rewards for this mission... 300,000 points and unlimited lottery! It's quite satisfactory."

Ernesti:"……It suddenly occurred to me, President, the last wireless lottery was not used yet. (My eyes are red with envy.jpg)"

Nan Xiaoniao:"Do you think I am envious? Yes, I am really envious!"

Lelouch:" FinishedThe president... Even in a guild with many big bosses, there is no doubt that he is the top boss.

Tu Shan Honghong:"Am I the only one paying attention to the reason why Miss Medusa was hunted down by the masters of the soul clan?""

Tushan Honghong fell into deep thought.

Edogawa Conan:"This is actually easy to explain. Conan straightened his collar and continued to speak.

Edogawa Conan:"Look, one of the mission prompts is to collect all the strange fires. I'm afraid those masters of the soul clan... learned about it through various channels. I realized that Medusa had the Green Lotus Fire in her hand, so she came here to find it."

Magical Girl Nanoha:"Well-founded and convincing!"

Kaitou Kidd:"But if you put it this way... it's possible that after Miss Medusa kills someone... the Soul Clan will notice something is wrong and send more powerful personnel over!"

Kaitai Kidd's words paused, and a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, let's stop the discussion here for now."

Su Han interrupted the topic bluntly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"We are going to start the task selection. Those who want to participate in the task should be fully prepared."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"!!!! Well, I can do the draw any day now."

Let the world feel the pain:"Emperor Soul? I haven’t set off for a while, so I’ll take part in this mission! If you can grab a mission, it's a good time to stretch your muscles."


Hijikata Jushiro:"It's terrible.…Will both Uzumaki Nagato participate? I can imagine how many boss-level figures in the union are going to participate."

Sakata Gintoki:"Let's not talk about the old bosses... Even if they are new to the union, if a boss like a sick old man or Dugu Master gets the task, I'm afraid they will slap him in the face! Emperor Hun Tian died."

Kayaba Akihiko:"It's too real."

Su Han looked at the content of the conversation in the guild chat room and burst into laughter. However, he didn't say anything more. He counted a few times in his mind. He probably confirmed that the union members were ready and spoke immediately.

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's officially begun. snatch."

As Su Han finished speaking, a crisp voice suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Union President Su Xiaoxiao! Ye Hei! Ten thousand years later, I was resurrected and successfully participated in this mission."

The union fell into a brief silence, and then there was an uproar.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"????"


Kurosaki Ichigo:"Wait... I have no problem with Ye Hei participating in this mission! But Chen Nan participating in this mission... emmm."

Kurosaki Ichigo's expression was a little subtle.

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"……"

Ten thousand years later, I was resurrected:"Did I provoke you? What's wrong with my participation in this mission?"

Chen Nan began to grind his teeth.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Mainly because I discussed with Ye Hei last time... His strength has reached the peak stage of the Dao Slayer King. Half of his feet have entered the holy realm! At this realm, he can even easily Blast the stars in the sky."

Ichigo Kurosaki:"No matter how you analyze the Soul Emperor, he cannot be more powerful than Ye Hei... But what about you?"

I was resurrected ten thousand years later. :"I have successfully become an immortal now!"

Chen Nan said plausibly.

Sakuragi said:"emmm……"

Kuroko Tetsuya:"If it is an immortal who covers the world with one hand... then it is indeed terrifyingly powerful... but an immortal from the Tomb of Gods world."

Kuroko Tetsuya covered his face, he no longer knew what kind of expression he should show.

Kirishima Touka:"I don't think there is a problem...According to what you said, Ye Hei can complete the mission alone, so what if Chen Nan is added to it?"

Kirishima Touka was noncommittal.

Kirishima Touka:"Besides, Chen Nan is not without the power to restrain a chicken! Xian, this kind of power is already very good... Maybe it is not top-notch in the fighting spirit world, but it is definitely more than enough to protect yourself."

Su. Xiaoxiao:"Okay... let's discuss this topic here."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Get ready to participate in the mission."

Looking at the union, he found that it was quiet. Su Han didn't say anything more, he just He stood up and clicked to join the mission.

A brilliant brilliance lingered around his body, and when the brilliance dissipated, Su Han's figure also disappeared from where he was.

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