Su Han raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded thoughtfully.

Because I didn’t even show up, did I only get a guaranteed value of 1,000 points?

Su Han smacked his lips and didn't say anything more. He just glanced at Erqite."Now that the matter has been resolved! Then we should go back."

Gemstone Weng's ears moved slightly, go back? In other words, have you returned to your hometown? Where is the hometown of these monsters?

However, although the gem man was extremely curious. But in this state, he remained silent and did not speak.

Mainly because he was afraid of attracting Su Han's attention. If Su Han wants to settle the account of peeping with him, then he will really be caught blind.

"President...are you leaving?"

Arquitet's somewhat excited expression paused, and then a trace of disappointment appeared on her face. However, after thinking about it, she nodded seriously.

Although Arquitet was very naive, she could at least understand. , Su Han and others came here to help her. Although she really wanted to entertain Su Han, since Su Han and others had already decided to leave, she had no reason to stay.

Erquette hesitated for a long time, and finally just Said something

"Then... I wish you a safe journey!"

Su Han smiled slightly, and then clicked Submit Task in his mind.

In the next moment, a brilliant brilliance surrounded the bodies of Su Han Aran and Akado, and in the blink of an eye, they all disappeared..

The gem man was silent for a long time, looking at the void repeatedly, and finally confirmed that he could not detect how Su Han and others disappeared. This was a special phenomenon that was beyond his knowledge. With a faint sigh

, The gem man turned around and stared at the somewhat melancholy Arquette. He opened his mouth to ask about the situation of Su Han and others, but thinking of the power that Su Han and others had, his words reached his throat and got stuck again. If he asks here, Su Han senses something and rushes back immediately. What should we do if he beats him up?

Don't say it's impossible. The strength of Su Han and others is undoubtedly superior to Above him. Who can know what kind of power a being of this level has?

After a deep look at Elquit, the gem man shook his head, and finally retreated directly into the void.


On the other side, Su Han opened and closed his eyes and returned to his home.

Luo Cuilian stared at Su Han with a faint smile on her lips. She always pays attention to the live broadcast in the guild, and naturally knows when Su Han will come back.

Su Han nodded to Luo Cuilian, then continued to lie on the bed, entered the guild chat room, and started his salty life. Luo Cuilian didn't care about it either.

I am a Marquis:"Okay! The guild mission has been completed. Has anyone started to experience the third method! Tell me what the effect is?"

Whitebeard Dad:"I am also very curious about this! It can't be true. He directly became a magician, and then became immortal."

Weber:"It means that he has experienced it, except that the soul power has increased significantly! The magic power in the body has increased significantly! Thinking about problems more clearly. In addition to having higher qualifications in magic... Nothing has changed."

Weber said he had slowly lost his smile.

He accepted the task as soon as Su Han and others completed the task, and then experienced the third method. The result of the experience... was very confusing.

The system very rudely asked him to experiment with the third method and feel the basic operation of the third method in the body. Then, he kicked him into reality.

With the help of the system, Weber was naturally blessed when he used it. He felt that he had already mastered it, but without the assistance of the system... What is the principle of this magic? Weber said he was blind.

Once, there was an opportunity to control magic in front of him, but he didn't cherish it. He regretted it only after losing it.

Nangong that month:"……Magic talent has been improved! The soul power has been improved! The magic power has increased! With such significant changes, what more could you want?"

The corners of Nangong Luoyue's mouth twitched while drinking black tea. She felt that this was a typical example of a person's inadequacy.

Weber:"……There seems to be no problem with that."

After thinking about it, Weber nodded. Nangong Nayue was right. With this kind of harvest, it is already very good. He was originally a soy sauce person.

Accardo:"I haven't started to experience the third method yet, no. Dare to speak."

Joan of Arc:"I haven't started to experience it either! I'm going to experiment now. Everyone, farewell."

Tony is not the richest man:"That guy Aizen didn't bubble?"

L:"Obviously... Aizen should be experiencing the third method now? It seems that this opportunity should be related to personal potential!"

L:"Weber tried it, and the result was that his talents in all aspects only increased! But...if it's Aizen, maybe he can really control it."

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat Family of the Fallen Angel:"Where is the Demon King? Could it be said that the Demon King is also experiencing it now? According to Lord Demon King’s talent of being open and hanging! Maybe he really understands the true meaning of magic."

The Fourth Hokage:"……"

Namikaze Minato remembered his flying thunder god technique that Su Han had learned instantly, and the corner of his mouth twitched, indicating that he didn't want to speak.

Su Xiaoxiao:"No! I just came back. I was diving before."

My sister is super uncute:"……President! Why can you take such a shameful behavior as diving and take it for granted?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Is diving shameful? If this is the case! So count for me, how many divers are there in this guild?"

Horaiyama Kaguya:" Diving No. 1 member report! It means that as a new member, you must firmly hug the chairman's thigh."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"!!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Miss Horaizan Kaguya! The good impression you made on me as a princess...all collapsed!"

Tokisaki Kurumi:"Ah la la, the president said it! That's not allowed. I won’t show face to the guild leader. I’ll come out and take a dip too!"

Clark Kent:"I’ll take a dip too... No! I wasn’t diving at all just now. I said I was just looking at the guild screen! Do you believe it?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"I believe it."

Clark Kent:"I'm telling the truth! I just happened to be saving in Metropolis... Um? President, what you just said was that you believe it?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Honest man. What Clark said! Why don't I believe it?"

Clark Kent:"……"

Although I am very touched by your straightforward expression of your trust in me, but can you explain to me what the three words"honest person" mean?

Clark thought about it, no matter which angle he considered it, he felt that these three words had an inexplicable ambiguity? Is this his imagination?

Sakata Gintoki:"I have been professionally trained! I generally don't laugh. Unless I can't help it!"

My sister is super uncute:"Pfft hahaha!!!"

Sakata Gintoki:"???"

Um? He hasn't started laughing yet. What's going on with Kousaka Kyousuke who intervenes midway? Take away his chance to laugh?! Can such a cruel operation be possible? Sakata Gintoki's laughter was stuck in his throat. He was choked.

Clark Kent:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"Okay! Don't say that again. If you say that again, Clark will be angry. Don't think that honest people have no temper! Be careful and drag all of you guys into the virtual battlefield to teach you a lesson."

Clark Kent:"???"

Although he was touched that Tony spoke for him, but could the words"honest person" be removed? He felt a headache when he saw those three words!

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