Aizen Sosuke:"It's interesting! Didn't Mr. Weber successfully understand the third method?"

Tony is not the richest man:"Aizen is bubbling?"

L:"Judging from Aizen's tone, could it be that Aizen has successfully understood the third method?"

Aizen Sosuke:"I don't know if I have successfully understood it...if it is the materialization of the soul! Well, no problem. Even without the help of the body, I can transform into physical and incorporeal forms at will. Probably the same as Kurosaki Ichigo."


Isn’t this already a success? Weber said he was so envious.

But he didn't say anything else. Someone has already proved that it is really possible to realize the third method. If he can't figure it out, he can only say that he is not living up to expectations.

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Wait a minute! Since you can complete the materialization of your soul, why do you say you are not sure whether you can succeed?"

Su Han frowned and saw the doubts in Aizen's words.

He still attached great importance to what happened to Aizen. After all, he also had a chance to gain enlightenment, but he hasn't used it yet. It's always good to gain more experience. Okay.

Aizen Sosuke:"……because! Although my spiritual pressure has increased a lot, it is still far from reaching the point of perpetual motion."

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

I am a Marquis:"……Is it like this? Is it because the laws of the world are different? Therefore, the source of the perpetual motion machine is cut off! Or is it that what Aizen realized was an incomplete third method?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Nine times out of ten, it's an incomplete third method. But it’s already pretty good!"

Aizen Sosuke:"Yes! Already very satisfied."

It's enough to be able to enhance your own strength. Without the power to gain motivation? What is that? It's just a small problem.


Weber felt a little relieved and a little ashamed at the same time.

I am relieved that others have not understood the complete third method. I am ashamed that I would have such a bad idea...

I am a Marquis:"……in this way! fine."

Having learned that it is not true, I will 100% guarantee you to become a magician and give you unlimited magic power. The old Marquis said that he felt a lot more comfortable.

If Aizen's soul directly obtains a perpetual motion machine after materializing, his spiritual power will never be exhausted. , then the old Marquis said that he was so angry that he could eat two more bowls of rice.

It was not that he was angry with other people, but that he was angry that he failed to win the last task. These hands are too damn disappointing!

Kurosaki Ichi Protector:"Aizen...can transform into incorporeal and physical forms at will? When I think of this... I'm so envious."

Xiao Zhizhi:"???"

Xiao Zhizhishu:"What is there to envy?"

In the laboratory, Xiao Zhizhishu, who was lying lazily on his work chair, saw this sentence and the corners of his mouth twitched.

If you envy Aizen's spiritual power that has increased significantly under the influence of the third method, then she can still understand what is going on. You envy Aizen for being able to switch between physical and virtual forms at will...

What the hell are you so envious of?

Sakata Gintoki:"……Could it be that! Kurosaki Ichigo hopes that he can be invisible and turn into entities at will in the real world, and then use this to do some very discordant things... Hey, do young people today... actually have such shameless ideas? But if you think about it from this perspective, Yin Sang is so envious... Bah! How despised. Shameless old thief!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"???"

Damn it! Is this what you think? Don't drag me into this.

Xia Shizi:"……I didn't expect that Madonna's classmate would have such an idea, she was just like a bedbug!"

Xiao Tongtong:"What a pervert! This kind of bug-like guy is even more disgusting than my perverted brother... This kind of person, no, this kind of bug, should be crushed to death with the sole of your feet... The single-cell paramecium abnormal life!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

Did I say anything? Why did my reputation suddenly go negative in the union?

Kurosaki Ichigo began to grind his teeth, and he locked the mastermind in an instant. Sakata Gintoki, it’s you!"Eat me with a Sky Lock Zangetsu Sword. If I don't string you on my Zangetsu Sword today, I will ride on Ichigo" written upside down.

Even though he was furious, Kurosaki Ichigo still hurriedly explained.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"That's not the case at all! Everyone in the guild, don't get me wrong. I have a way to explain it."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then what is the real situation like?"

Su Han said that he was very knowledgeable Interested in joining in the fun.

Kurosaki Ichigo hurriedly explained.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"What I thought before was that if I had Aizen's ability, then when we went to clean up those undead, we wouldn't have to worry about being chased by state violence agencies on the road all day long." The explanation is It has to be done quickly. Kurosaki Ichigo felt that if he did not explain, he would soon lose his value as a human within the union and would be promoted to a single-cell paramecium metamorphosis...

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Although those groups The state violence agencies can't catch up with me at all... but I always feel aggrieved when being chased. If I can turn reality into fiction! Those guys can't catch me at all."

Sakata Gintoki:"……Is that all? cut……"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"You pervert! That's what I thought. And what do you mean by being very disappointed? Do you really want to ask for a beating? Damn it! I want to enter a guild PK with you Fight on the battlefield."

Sakata Gintoki:"Young man! Don't be so angry. Suppress the fire! If the anger is too strong, it is easy to damage the kidneys. If the kidneys are gone! Then you will not have a happy sex life in the future!"

Koro-sensei :"The show is so good."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Sakata Gintoki, I remember I said it many times! There are many children in the chat room. Don't drive pornographic cars without permission."

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

"Ding! Sakata Gintoki has been banned for an hour."

The Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"I firmly admit it! Unrepentant."

Xia Shizi:"Tsk! After all, he is a man with the soul of a silver warrior. Even if you break through the south wall, you won't look back!"

Koro-sensei:"……Please! Don't put the Samurai Soul on this. The dead samurai will die with a grievance if they learn that the Samurai Soul is interpreted in this way."

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