Tsuchima buried herself tightly in the quilt again and began to tremble, shaking violently. This huge movement even attracted the attention of Tsuchima Dahei.

"……that! If you are really cold, you can add more quilts."

Tsuchima Daihei crossed his arms and stared at Tsuchima Mi with a frown.

Tsuchima Mi seemed to have not heard anything, and at this moment she only felt that the world was ending. Suddenly she thought of something, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wait a minute...it seems like there is no solution?"

After pondering for a moment, Tsuchima Mi made a decision.

"According to the guy named Black Cat, how about that? Let’s go watch One Piece first!"

Tsuchima is going to go see the Pirate King first and find out who Whitebeard is.

If he is a good person, then there is nothing wrong with her being a daughter.

But if Mr. Whitebeard is a bad person, then there is no need for more Having said that, she must dodge, and dodging requires some skills...

She must find someone who can protect herself...

After a quick glance around, Tsuchima Mi chose Su Han... As an expert Chang, and showed such terrifying power. He must be able to protect her...

Moreover, the guild president is more likely to agree to protect the guild members than others, right?

After finding the solution, Doma Buried felt relieved and continued to eat potato chips and drink Coke. He watched the guild live broadcast.

I have to say that after giving up his worries, watching the guild live broadcast was even better than watching those blockbusters with top special effects. Be comfortable.

Doma Dahei:"???"

Tsuchima Dahei looked confused. He looked at his sister who was still worried before, and instantly returned to normal. He even closed his eyes, his face still showed excitement, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Dahei Doma was thinking, is his sister under too much pressure recently? So you have some mental issues?!

"You shouldn't go to the hospital for this, right?"Tsuchima Dahei seemed a little entangled. After hesitating again and again, he sighed,"Let's forget it!"

Turn around, Tsuchima Dahei continued to cook.

At this time, Tsuchima Mi was watching the guild live broadcast and the guild chat treasure.

My sister is super uncute:"Just now...Horaishan Kaguya What exactly is the lady's power? Why did her opponent die of old age in an instant?"

Kosaka Kyosuke still shudders when he thinks of Ishida Kazu's death method, mainly because... the way Ishida Kazu died was too weird.

Monster Sage:"That is the power of eternity and a moment."

Xiao Tongtong:"……The power of eternity and a moment? I actually read the president’s Gensokyo character introduction and talked about it! But I don’t know exactly what this power is?"

Monster Sage:"To put it simply! It's just that time stops."

Xia Shizi:"???"


King:"Hi! This ability... is a bit scary."

Shirai Kuroko:"This ability is so enviable... No! It's so despised. People with this ability! Should be punished by heaven."

Horaishan Kaguya:"……"

Nakiri Erina:"The perverted aura of Ms. Shirai Kuroko! You can really smell it from 50 kilometers away."

Kasumi Shiko:"I don't need to think about it... Shirai Kuroko must be trying to stop using time. ability, and then do this, that, strange things to Misaka Mikoto!"

Kuroko Shirai:"!!!"

Kuroko Shirai:"How can you accuse someone of their innocence? The most I can do is rub against my sister! I won't do anything else."

Gabriel:"Yes, I will just rub against you! I won't go in.

" Lulu:"!!!"


Kuroko Shirai:"Wait a minute, Gabriel! Why can you say such shameless words so calmly?"

Joan of Arc:"My impression of angels has further collapsed... Although after watching the fallen Gabriel, I I don’t have a good impression anymore!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"……that! I'm the only one curious, does the stopping of time have something to do with the reincarnation of the abyss and the death of old age?"

Symbol of peace:"Miss Black Cat! You discovered your blind spots."

Monster Sage:"It's not just that time has stopped! But to manipulate time. Horaisan Kaguya must have sped up the passage of time! This made the guy die instantly."

My sister is so unlovable:"Fuck!"

Webber:" Damn it.……"

Tony is not the richest man:"Damn it... you can still do this! Doesn't this mean that as long as your life span is not endless! Doesn't it mean that you are vulnerable in front of Miss Kaguya?"

Whitebeard dad:" Conceptual ability! I really don’t know what to say."

Sakata Gintoki:"……Talking about the topic of life span is too heavy. How about we talk about some happy topics!"

I am a Marquis:"……For example?"

Sakata Gintoki:"@苏小小. President! congratulations! You become the last person to complete the task again."

My sister is so unlovable:"……"

I am a Marquis:"……"


Are you sure this is a happy topic and not a deadly topic?

Kasumi Shiko:"Why do I suddenly feel this! Sakata Gintoki is crazily seeking death right now. Does he want to replace Mr. Tony's position?"

Xiaozhi:"Shut up! Mr. Tony's position as the Death King is irreplaceable.! At least that’s the case in my heart. I respect Mr. Tony immensely! No one can replace his position! Even Sakata Gintoki can’t."

Tony is not the richest man:"……Bastard thing! What's irreplaceable about this?"

Tony is not the richest man:"Also, is your respect for me used in the wrong place? Please give me a good apology for the word"respect"."

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's just that the battle was delayed for a while...after all, immortality and all! It's a bit difficult to do. Leader Luo Hao:"

So, sworn brother, what about now?""

Su Xiaoxiao:"I have already thought of a solution."

Su Han smiled casually and moved his body. He stared at Kaguya Otsutsuki in front of him, whose body had returned to normal.

There was a trace of despair in Kaguya Otsutsuki's eyes. She bit her lower lip.

She There is really no way not to despair. In terms of pure strength, the opponent is superior to her. Kaguya Otsutsuki even had the illusion that even if those opponents from the Otsutsuki clan that made her feel suffocated arrived, they would not be Su Han. opponent

"On this indigenous planet! How could a strong man like you appear? Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's lips wriggled and her voice was very low,"And why is it that what you practice is not chakra at all?""

Although Su Han heard Otsutsuki Kaguya's question, he did not answer and stretched out his hand to form a mark.

"Dark Fruit. Dark Barrier!"

The jet-black brilliance refracted from Su Han's palm and enveloped Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's body.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's expression was stagnant, and he was a little surprised to find that the black light had no attack power... But in the next moment, , Otsutsuki Kaguya realized that the psychic power that kept him in the real world was declining.

"No! you can not do that."Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's body was trembling, her voice was sharp, and her hair was flying.

Although it was very painful to fight an enemy like Su Han who was destined to be unbeatable. But compared to being immersed in darkness forever, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Would rather bear this pain

"goodbye! No...it should be goodbye!"

Su Han sighed softly, and Otsutsuki Kaguya disappeared. Instead, Snow Huiyu fell from the sky.

Su Han didn't say a word. His sight and color domineering sense made it clear that Snow Huiyu had already Died.

A clear voice sounded in the ears of all guild members.

"Ding! The guild mission has been completed... Now let’s start the mission summary——"

"Guild president Su Xiaoxiao made the greatest contribution and received 30,000 points! Namikaze Minato made an outstanding contribution and received 20,000 points! Uzumaki Nagato made outstanding contributions and received 20,000 points! Kaguya Horaishan made outstanding contributions and received 20,000 points! Tony is not the richest man to contribute and get 10,000 points!"

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