"The harvest this time seems pretty good!"Su Han glanced at the mission reward and nodded slightly.

Su Han didn't care much about the 30,000 mission points. After all, he didn't lack these points, but he was quite interested in Dacheng's Yin Yang Dun.

Yin Yang Escape Jutsu has always had a very high status in the world of Naruto, and is called the existence that is superior to the Five Elements Escape Technique. Those who master the Five Elements Escape Technique can be strong. For example, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is skilled in controlling the Five Elements Escape Technique. Escape, is called a doctor of ninjutsu.

But if you want to step into the Six Paths, without the blessing of blood, you must master the Yin and Yang Escape... Well, Minato Namikaze didn't mention it, although he didn't master the Yin and Yang Escape. , but sometimes he has space ninjutsu, which is also a kind of cheating.

Su Han clicked to receive the Yin and Yang Escape Technique, and the next moment, a mysterious force circulated in Su Han's body.

Su Han closed his eyes After studying it carefully, he murmured,"It's interesting!"

When Su Han opened his eyes again, the six magatama samsara eyes had changed again, and there were three more magatama in the outermost circle.

"Naruto world! Is it true that the more magatama in the eyes, the stronger the strength?"Su Han couldn't help but complain, subconsciously thinking of the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye displayed by Six Paths Madara after becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

"The more magatama! The pupil power will be stronger, probably so."

Namikaze Minato, who instantly appeared next to Su Han using the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, added with a smile on his face. It was obvious that he had also integrated the Yin and Yang Escape Technique at this moment, and his strength has been greatly improved.

The Yang attribute Escape Technique is Needless to say, it can enhance physical fitness. No matter what damage is suffered, it can be repaired instantly with the help of Yang attribute chakra, and it can also heal others.

More importantly, if the Yang attribute is developed to the extreme, it can even be combined with Sage mode to greatly improve Enhance the power of Sage Mode...or develop a unique escape technique like Wood Release like Senju Hashirama...

Yin attribute chakra...is also of great use to Namikaze Minato. Even Namikaze Feng Shui Men is not good at illusions, but this at least greatly increases his Flying Thunder God Technique.

"maybe!"Su Han was noncommittal.

After thinking about it, Su Han's hands suddenly clasped together, and then a black Jade for Seeking the Way actually appeared next to him.

Namikaze Minato:"???"

Uzumaki Nagato hurried over:"!!!"

Both of them looked at Su Han's display of the Seeking Jade, and their eyes were a little straight.

"Why can't I use the Jade of Seeking Dao?"

Uzumaki Nagato muttered, and at the same time he was thinking in his heart, is it because his talent is too far different from Su Han's? Or is it because he lacks something very important.

Su Han smiled and did not answer.

The Tao-seeking jade instantly expanded and became huge. This was the Expanding Tao-seeking Jade that Otsutsuki Kaguya had displayed before.

After some movement, Su Han put the Expanding Tao-seeking Jade away.

The reason why Su Han can use the Tao-seeking Jade is, But Uzumaki Nagato couldn't, naturally because at this moment, Su Han used the Reality Stone to bless some of his power. Of course

, after using the Reality Stone once to use the Seeking Jade, Su Han also had a clear understanding of this power.

Presumably, in the future, After a period of time, he will be able to understand the power of the Seeking Dao Jade. At that time, even without using the power of the Reality Stone, he can still create the Seeking Dao Jade with the Yin-Yang Escape Technique.

"It’s time to end!"

Namikaze Minato formed several seals, and the Flying Thunder God barrier he had set up was instantly reversed, and then shattered.

With a few crisp sounds, the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was wearing an armored stomach, , Jiraiya, all appeared on the battlefield

"……Is the battle over?"Sarutobi Hiruzen looked heavy, and he breathed a sigh of relief until he saw that Namikaze Minato was safe and sound.

"……It was like a battlefield left over from a battle between gods."

Jiraiya glanced around, his eyes flickering, and he spoke with emotion. But when he saw Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama who were sealed in the distance by Tony Stark using the Hell Bat Armor, the corners of his eyes twitched. -Move a little

"……Have the previous Hokage been summoned again? No! Not only the previous Hokage, but also the previous Kages of many other shinobi villages."

Jiraiya fell into deep thought. Every time something big happens, the shadows of these ancestors will be dug up. It's not a problem to continue like this. Shouldn't we study the forbidden arts carefully and finally develop the anti-filth reincarnation method? Jutsu?

Namikaze Minato glanced at Jiraiya, noticed his teacher's thoughts, and comforted him softly,"Don't worry! teacher. I have figured out how to deal with the shadows of these ancestors...or how to deal with the reincarnation of the dirty land!"

Originally, Namikaze Minato found it very troublesome, but now, with the Yin Yang Escape Technique, what else does he have to fear? Isn't it just a seal? What a big deal. Kaguya of Mount Horai appeared next to Su

Han with a swipe.

Han's expression did not change, and he glanced at Kaguya Hoglaiyama, with a hint of envy in his eyes. He naturally knew that Kaguya Hoglaiyama used the power of eternity and a moment to appear beside him across time and space.

"……The power of time!"

Su Han sighed faintly. If he could obtain the time gem in the hands of the ancient master and use the system fusion, then he could also complete the operation of time and space like Penglai Mountain Kaguya.

But... this idea only exists in Su Han His mind stayed for a moment.

After all, he had a good relationship with Tony Stark, and he had no grudge against the Ancient One. He wouldn't want to think about the Time Stone just to get stronger.

And... no Fusion of time gems! It may not mean that you cannot control the power of time attributes. Su Han already has a rough path in his mind.

But if he wants to embark on this path, the most important thing is to fuse the last gem in his hand, the soul gem. Now It's still too early to think about these things……

"Now that the mission has been accomplished! Then I should go too."Su Han stretched his body and activated the two gems of space and reality.

All the union members appeared beside Su Han with a swipe.

As for the strong men who were reincarnated from the dirty soil, they were all moved to Su Han. In front of him, there were some powerful reincarnated men from the dirt who had not yet been sealed. The moment they were transferred, they took up an attack stance.

Before they could actually take action, golden waves rose in the void, and one after another Diamond chains sprang out and bound their bodies. They sealed the power within their bodies, making them unable to move.

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