Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 418: Trip to Switzerland

While having breakfast, Andrew Kramer, the international business operations officer, called and said that he had won the North American distribution rights of "Far Cry" for 250,000 US dollars.

Hearing this number, Link couldn't help but sigh that it was really cheap, it was just a bargain.

But he also understood the idea of ​​the distributor of "Far Cry".

Due to language barriers and different cultural backgrounds, Chinese horror movies have almost no market overseas, not to mention that this is just a movie of average quality.

It is also a good thing for the producer that someone is willing to buy the distribution rights of this movie. Even the smallest mosquito is meat.

And for the movie, it can also play a good publicity role.

For example, after the transaction, the film publicity and distribution company can publish the news in the media that the copyright of this movie has been won by the famous Hollywood Lionsgate Films. Lionsgate Films is the producer of the famous horror movie "Saw Series".

Under the effect of the halo effect, many horror movie fans will think that the quality of this movie should be very good, so it will be favored by Lionsgate Films, and then they will be curious and can't help but go to the cinema to watch it.

There are also many benefits for the leading actors. Their films are released overseas and have achieved certain box office results. They can also have the halo of an "international movie star" in media publicity.

This is also one of the reasons why Link bought this movie, to raise Yang Daming's status.

Andrew Kramer then talked about "Mr. Tree", saying that the distributor of this movie had left Cannes in advance and he was contacting the film producer Jia Zhangke.

Link said he knew.

During the meal, he also met Director Allen, who told him that the organizers of the Cannes Film Festival wanted to invite him to be the award presenter and asked him if he was interested. If he was willing, the organizers of Cannes would send him an invitation letter.

Link said he didn't have time and had other things to deal with, and he would leave Cannes later.

"What? Picking up girls?"

Director Allen pulled the French bread and dipped it in the thick soup.

"I passed by the Alps yesterday and saw that it was beautiful there. I plan to go to the mountains to cultivate my sentiments."

Link shrugged.

Director Allen stared at him and laughed, seeming to not believe him.

Link didn't explain much. After breakfast, he got on the Mercedes SUV that Bob and Wallace bought in Nice and drove north, passing through the Provence region in southeastern France again.

This is the hometown of lavender. In May and June, it is also the season for lavender to bloom. Along the way, you can see large tracts of purple lavender beds, and the air is also filled with refreshing fragrance. There are also large tracts of grape plantations. At this time, the grapes are not ripe yet. The vineyards are lush and green. Occasionally, you can see a few bunches of green grapes, and the fruits are only the size of beans.

The houses on the roadside also have local characteristics, with Gothic spire brick and stone structures, and almost no modern steel frame buildings. The colors of the houses are also brighter, pink, bright orange, and bright yellow, and the scenery is charming.

Link likes the scenery here very much. He plans to ask about the house prices here on the return trip and bring his children here for vacation in the future.

The car drove in Provence for a day and a half, and entered the canton of Geneva in southeastern Switzerland the next day.

Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world. It is also known as the heart of Europe, the kingdom of watches, and the country of finance. Also, because most of its territory is in the Alps, it is called the ‘mountain country’ and the ‘roof of Europe’.

The southern and northern regions of Switzerland are all plateaus and mountains. Only the central part has some low-lying plains. The famous cities of Geneva, Bern, and Zurich are all in the plains.

However, the city of Interlaken, where Link is going this time, is on a plateau. There are towering mountains everywhere. Most of the mountains are more than a thousand meters high, and the tops of the mountains are covered with snow all year round.

Link breathed in the cool breeze blowing from the mountains, and once again felt that Taylor was a bit cruel. She dared to send the child to such a place not long after the child was born. This is not caring about the child's life at all.

The car ran in the Alps for two days, and on the third day it came to the small town of Ilokbad in Interlaken. Although it is also a tourist city, the area is remote and the transportation is extremely inconvenient. Link drove around in the mountains for two days before arriving at the villa at No. 13, Lesnethera Street mentioned by Mrs. Andrea.

However, he walked around the area and didn't find Villa No. 13. There was only a tourist hotel there. On the window glass of the hotel, there was a poster of Taylor Swift's concert in April.

In the poster, Taylor was wearing a white dress, with long golden hair, holding a microphone and singing passionately, with her right hand making a 'V' sign to the street.

Holding a lollipop in his mouth, Link found a patrolman on the roadside and asked him where Villa No. 13 on Lesnethera Street was.

The policeman said that this street was a tourist area and there was no Villa No. 13. The Lalong area next door was a residential area with many villas, and there was Villa No. 13 there.

Link thanked the policeman, returned to the car and sent a text message to Mrs. Andrea, asking if she remembered the address wrong?

After a while, he didn't get a response. He calculated the time and remembered that it was still midnight in the United States.

He, Bob, and Wallace could only settle down in the hotel first.

The tour guide said that this place was not far from the famous tourist attraction Schilthorn in Switzerland. He and Bob discussed it and decided to go for a walk on the mountain. They took a few photos in the snow and sent them to Little Round Face to make her jealous.

Schilthorn is not high, only 2970 meters. You can take the cable car up and down the mountain, so the transportation is relatively convenient. When he came down the mountain, it was not dark yet, and he also received a reply from Mrs. Andrea on his mobile phone, as well as two missed calls.

Lady Andrea asked him what his address was?

Link replied that he asked her last time if it was convenient to take care of the child. She replied that Taylor gave the child away at 31 Lesnet Hera Street, Leukerbad Town, Interlaken, Canton of Bern, Switzerland. Villa, and sent her a screenshot of the last message.

Mrs. Andrea said no, she didn't see his message last time, nor did he send any address. The children were still in Nashville and had not been sent to Switzerland.

Link's face turned dark when he saw this message. If this message was not sent by Mrs. Andrea, then who could it be?


Los Angeles, Beverly Hills Villa, Mrs. Andrea opened the door of the study room and saw Taylor chatting via video, staring at the child on the screen and laughing non-stop.

"Mom, is something wrong?"

Taylor took off his headphones and looked at Mrs. Andrea and asked.

"Did you send messages on my phone?"

Lady Andrea asked with a straight face.

"No, why should I use your phone to send messages?"

Taylor shook his head.

Mrs. Andrea handed her the screenshot of the message and looked at it, "Did you send this?"

Taylor glanced at it and immediately remembered it. She wrinkled the bridge of her nose, "I posted it. Link went to Switzerland? Ha, he is so stupid. Switzerland is a Christian country. He can't even guess taboo 13?" , I really hope Cynthia and Alexander won’t be as stupid as him when they grow up.”

Mrs. Andrea looked at her and said, "You sent it from my mobile phone. Of course he believed it. Are you doing this to deliberately embarrass him?"

"So what, I've had a hard time getting pregnant and giving birth to a baby for more than a year, and I just asked him to go to Switzerland. What's wrong, and I told him not to ask random questions, but he still keeps harassing us. This is what he asked for. "

Taylor hummed.

Mrs. Andrea shook her head, "What do you think? If you wanted to completely separate from Link, why did you have a child in the first place? If you didn't want to separate, why didn't you find a way to reconcile? I think you and Link are very suitable. Although He is a bit of a playboy, but he is still young and more suitable than other men.

I don’t understand what your purpose is for doing this now. Don’t you think about the future? Are you going to continue to be a single mother like this? "

"Mom, please stop talking. I am very satisfied with my current life and don't want to think about anything else."

Taylor said.

Mrs. Andrea saw her stubborn look and said nothing more. Taylor was too opinionated. Unless she changed her mind about some things, no matter how much others said, it was useless.

After leaving the study, Mrs. Andrea texted back and told Link that the child was not in Switzerland and had not been given away. If you have any other questions, please contact Taylor. She cannot make the decision.

Link received Mrs. Andrea's message and tried to send a message to Taylor using WhatsApp.

"Are you there?"

"What are you doing? Just say what you want. Don't ask if you are there every time. I hate this question."

Taylor's reply was so fierce that her discomfort could be felt across the screen.

"You blocked me before. I need to make sure I can send it successfully."

Link quickly replied.

"So it's my problem?!!"

"No, it's my problem. I'm very happy to hear from Annie that our child is still there. Thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you?? Why thank you? These are my children. I gave birth to them and it has nothing to do with you. I don't need your thanks."

"Okay, okay, wait, are they? Twins? Triplets? Quadruplets?"

Link asked in surprise.

"Asshole, are you crazy?! I'm a human, not an animal. How could I have quadruplets?! They're twins. Didn't Anne tell you?"

"No, Anne just told me that the baby was fine and told me not to worry. She didn't tell me anything else, so are they really twins? Do we have two children? My dear, you are so amazing. Most women can only give birth to one child at a time. You give birth to two at a time, you are so powerful."

Link boasted without hesitation.

"Shut up! I don't need you to praise me. Alexander and Cynthia are my children and have nothing to do with you. You'd better not let anyone investigate where they are. If you dare to do this, I will send them to Africa. ”

Taylor said.

Link's mouth twitched.

"Alexander and Cynthia? A boy and a girl? That's great and the names are beautiful. Are they with you? Can you take some pictures for me to see?"

"Don't even think about it! If you chose to cheat in the first place, don't think that your child will recognize you. There is no such good thing in the world. This is the price of your cheating."

Taylor said.

"I know I did something wrong, but I think the children may need me. Look at the children around you. Children with fathers will be braver and stronger. Children without fathers are mostly timid, cowardly and introverted. For the sake of the children, For future consideration, I need to obtain the right to visit them, and I hope you can give me this opportunity.”

"You're right, I will find them a father as soon as possible."

"They are my children. No one will love them more than me, and no one can replace my role. In addition, you are too busy at work, often running outside, and you cannot see your children several times a month.

I will retire from the music scene in the second half of the year and will spend a lot of time at home in the future. I suggest you leave your children to me. I promise to take good care of them. With me taking care of them, you can go to work with more confidence. How about Honey? "

"Absolutely impossible! Alexander and Cynthia are my children. I will never hand them over to you. Don't even think about it, you bastard!"

Taylor said.

"I said on the news that many nannies secretly add sleeping pills to milk powder because they can't stand their children crying in the middle of the night. Sometimes the nannies work emotionally and will pinch the children secretly, prick the children with needles, and leave the children to the nanny to take care of. Are you relieved?"

"Don't talk nonsense! The nannies I have found are very kind and professional people. They would never do that kind of thing."

Taylor said.

"I hope so, but I feel that in the process of children growing up, parents are irreplaceable by anyone. No matter how many professional nannies you find, it will not work. I think raising children by your side is more beneficial to their growth. Favorable, I hope you will seriously consider it.

And I promise that I will never snatch the children from you. You are the mother of the children, and you are more important to them. I just want to see them more and accompany them to grow up to make up for my fault to you and them. I hope you Can you give me this opportunity. "

After a while, Taylor replied:

"I need to think about it, don't push me."

"Okay, think about it slowly, but can you please don't block me? I hope we can communicate like friends. I promise I won't harass you by randomly sending messages."

"Well, it depends on your performance."

Taylor said.

Link breathed a sigh of relief, finally calming down this irritable woman.

"How much does the child weigh now? Does he look like you or me?"

"Alexander is 18.7 pounds and Cynthia is 18.4 pounds. They are very healthy. Of course they both look like me. If they grow like you, they will be hopeless."

"Indeed, it's not good to be too handsome. You won't win an Oscar. It's good to be ordinary like you."

"You are so stinky! If Alexander is like this when he grows up, I will beat him every day."

Taylor said.

Link smiled softly and was about to reply to the message when Taylor sent another one.

"I thought about it and decided to block you."

Taylor said.

"Why? I was just joking. You are very beautiful, with a top-notch figure and appearance, and your blond hair is very charming. It is best for children to look like you."

"It's not because of this, it's because you have affected my life. I was calmly reading and creating at home, but because of your message, my mind was completely messed up. I don't want this to continue to happen. Goodbye bastard!"

"Hey, don't do that."

As soon as the message was sent, 'Not a Friend' was displayed on the chat interface. Please add friends first before sending the message.

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