Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 419 Fire in the backyard?

After returning to the United States from Europe, he drove directly to Taylor's villa in Beverly Hills, wanting to stop Taylor in the villa and have a serious talk with this stubborn woman.

Unfortunately, he was a step too late. Mrs. Andrea said that Taylor had returned to Nashville.

Link said that he also wanted to go to Nashville and asked Mrs. Andrea to give him another address.

Mrs. Andrea asked him to ask Taylor's opinion first.

Link said that all his contact information had been blocked by Taylor.

Mrs. Andrea said there was no way, Taylor was a very stubborn person.

Link could only leave some specialties brought back from Europe and a letter to Mrs. Andrea, and drove back to Santa Monica Bay.

On the way, he took out his computer and flipped through the entertainment news in the United States in the past two days, and was surprised to find that his backyard was on fire.

This morning, the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and the Hollywood Reporter and other media jointly broke a big news-Link was kicked out again, and Miss Thompson found a new love?

According to the Los Angeles Times, during Link's trip to France to attend the Cannes Film Festival, Miss Eva Ka Tomp frequently interacted with a middle-aged man.

According to the investigation, the middle-aged man is named Pam Abdi, the newly appointed CEO of Warner Pictures' marketing department. He is 39 years old, young and promising, worth over 100 million, and divorced and single.

There are also many photos of the two chatting in a cafe in the newspaper, and two photos of them sitting close to each other.

There are more reports about this incident on the Internet, and some websites have revealed photos of the two suspected of dating in the Hilton Hotel.

The headlines of these news are mostly-

'Eva Ka finds a new love, and the playboy Link is broken up'

'Link and Eva Ka break up, where will Link Music go? '

'Link and Eva Ka break up, Lionsgate may usher in changes again'

'According to people familiar with the matter, Link may lose everything without the protection of the Tomp family'

And so on.

Most of the news headlines are very scary, and the news is reported in an extremely affirmative tone, as if his breakup with Evaka has become an irreversible foregone conclusion.

Also on social media, the topic discussed by netizens has changed from the initial "Link and Evaka" breakup to "How important is Evaka to Link", "Is Link a gigolo?"

Many netizens believe that Evaka is very important to Link. Without her, Link Music would never be so successful, and Lionsgate would never be taken over smoothly. Without Evaka, Link's value would definitely plummet.

There are also a large number of comments with similar content in the message area of ​​many platforms.

For example, "Link is a gigolo, without Evaka, Link is a pauper", "Link started his career with Evaka but often cheated, he is a scumbag", "If Evaka kicks Link out, Link will become that poor beach boy again", "The scumbag Link's true appearance".

Many of Link's fans also left messages to refute, saying that before Link started dating Eva Ka, he was already worth more than 1 billion US dollars, and he was also an Olympic champion, a world boxing champion, and a world-class singer. If this is considered a gigolo, then no one can be worthy of Eva Ka.

This comment received more than 50,000 likes and more than 10,000 messages in favor.

Some netizens refuted the fans' comments, saying that apart from the fact that Link is an Olympic champion and a world boxing champion, if Eva Ka had not managed Link Music, Link Music would never be as successful as it is now, and Link would not have such a big reputation.

If he was not so famous, his albums would not have sold so many copies, and he would not have made so much money.

Without so much money, he would not have been able to invest in Tesla, Twitter, Nvidia, and Lionsgate.

So, without Eva Ka, there would be no Link today.

This comment also received more than 10,000 likes and more than 3,000 opposing comments.

Many fans of Link refuted below, saying that the above comments have obvious logical errors. The reason why Link Music is as successful as it is now is entirely because of Link.

At first, the company only had one singer, Link, and most of the songs in his albums were written by him. From the first to the third, the sales of each one were higher than the last. His talent is the fundamental reason for his fame and the fundamental reason for the growth of Link Music.

In addition, several platinum singers under Link Music were discovered by Link, and the songs they debuted with were also written by Link himself.

From this point of view, Link is the key and core of the development and growth of Link Music, and Eva Ka is an important factor in the growth of Link Music.

Just like the reason why MJ became a superstar was because of his own talent and hard work, not relying on the music company under his name.

These comments received many likes and support.

But some netizens said that regardless of the facts, if there was no Eva Ka, and someone else managed Link Music, would Link Music be as successful as it is now?

In addition, although the songs under Link's name are all written by him, is it really the case?

It is no secret in the music industry that there are many singers who cannot write songs and put the songs bought by the company under their own names, pretending to be creative singers.

Link may be one of these singers.

This comment was like stirring up a hornet's nest. It was posted at 9:12, and as of 10:30, there were more than 8,000 comments below, almost all of which were opposing opinions.

Many netizens said in strong words that all the popular songs Link had created since his debut were written by him personally.

Including "Despacito" that became a hit on the Internet, boxing inspirational songs "the fighter" and "Unstoppable", and "Give Me Reason" which was written when the confrontation was exposed on the Internet in March 2009. The songs "I'm the one", "Lighters", "Believer", etc. were written during the rap competition.

There is also the song "See You Again" written in memory of MJ, not to mention the song "Legends Never Die" written for the Super Bowl at the end of 2009, and the songs on the third album are all love songs written for Taylor.

Later there are number one singles he wrote for Selena, Wiz Khalifa, Lana Del Rey, and Bruno Mars.

Link's creative ability is so strong, but he still needs help from others to write songs?

Complete nonsense.

Seeing that they could not argue on this matter, those who held objections brought the debate back to the relationship between Link and Iwaka.

Evaka is called the daughter of a wealthy family. The Thompson family is worth billions of dollars and has countless connections. Without her, Link would never be as successful as he is now. If Link was kicked out by Evaka, he would be very disappointed. He will soon become a pauper.

Link's fans say, yes, he is a pauper who earns 40 to 50 million in two or three minutes. In addition, Link's label of 'human money printing machine' is brought up again. As a human money printing machine, he is probably the only one who is poor. Money has been spent.

The two sides are quarreling on the Internet. The supporters insist on discussing the matter as it is, and facts are better than sophistry. The opponents insist on making nonsense and disregarding the facts.

There were so many people participating in the debate that it accidentally became a hot search again.

Jingle Bell!

When the car returned to the Bay Villa, Link received a call from Catherine, asking him what time he would arrive in Los Angeles? Have you seen today's news? Ask him not to believe the news in the newspapers.

When Ivacana was negotiating with people from Warner Bros. in a coffee shop that day, she and "Bridesmaids" producer Kristen Wiig were also present.

It’s just that the person who secretly took the photos had an ulterior motive and deliberately only took photos of Ivaka and Warner Marketing President Pam Abdi.

Link said he got it and wouldn't think about it. Ivaca is now the chairman of Lionsgate Pictures. If he just drinks a cup of coffee with the opposite sex and thinks about it, he would be too unconfident and it would appear that he doesn't trust Ivaca. The most important thing between lovers is trust.

Link asked again about the status of negotiations with Warner Pictures.

Catherine said that after they presented a lot of actual evidence, Warner Pictures Distribution Company has admitted that there were data errors in box office statistics, but there are certain differences between the two parties on the issue of compensation.

"According to data provided by the movie box office monitoring company Rentrak, the current box office of "Bridesmaids" in North America is 128 million US dollars, not 70.5 million US dollars. We require Warner Pictures to return all the transferred box office and bear all investigation costs of about 2 million US dollars.

In this regard, Warner Pictures said that so far, the North American box office of "Bridesmaids" is only 104 million US dollars, not the 128 million released by Rentrak, and it is only willing to pay US$500,000 for investigation expenses.

After the negotiation failed, we gave Warner Pictures three days to consider. Tomorrow we will submit all the evidence to the MPAA and the Los Angeles District Court for trial. The case will also be heard publicly.

We suspect that this scandal is also related to Warner Group, and they want to use this incident to disrupt our arrangements.

I just had a meeting with Ivaca and discussed that we should give up continuing to negotiate with Warner Pictures and directly hand over the evidence to the MPAA and the court for trial. We not only require Warner Pictures to compensate for all the box office, but also require Warner to provide a certain percentage of compensation. "

"Is our evidence sufficient?"

Link asked.

Behind Warner Pictures is Time Warner Group, one of the media giants, which owns Time Magazine, Sports Illustrated, Fortune Magazine, Turner Television Network, CNN, HBO, DC Comics, Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Records and other sub-brand companies have a market value of more than 40 billion.

Once it goes to court with Warner, without sufficient evidence, the lawsuit may become a protracted tug of war.

Catherine said: "The main way Warner Pictures stole the box office this time was by diverting the box office of "Bridesmaids" to the two movies "Unidentified" and "Hello" released by Warner in February.

Because their methods are relatively covert, it is very difficult to obtain key evidence, but with the evidence we have, we can confirm that Warner Pictures stole the box office.

In the end, the specific penalty will depend on the importance the MPAA attaches to this matter, as well as Warner Pictures' public relations capabilities. No matter what Warner chooses, as long as this matter is exposed, it will definitely have a great impact on them. "

Link thought for a moment and understood.

Warner Pictures, a subsidiary of Time Warner Group, is also a publicly traded company.

This type of company values ​​reputation the most. Once such negative news is revealed, the loss in the stock market will definitely exceed tens of millions. Once the stock price drops and affects the interests of shareholders, Warner Pictures' top management may face changes.

Warner Distribution Company, knowing that the consequences would be serious, still took a lot of risks to swallow up the box office, probably because it underestimated the strength of Palm Beach Pictures.

Before the film was released, I didn’t expect that Lionsgate would temporarily obtain the distribution rights in most regions.

If Lionsgate had not participated in the distribution, Eva Ka and Catherine would not have been able to see the problems in the box office through the differences in the box office in each state, and then arrange people to investigate the box office problems, thereby discovering the violations of Warner Pictures.

Link thought of "The Scandal Project" and asked Catherine whether the movie had stolen the box office.

Catherine said that the movie had been offline, and even if there was a case of stealing the box office, it would not be easy to find out.

However, during the promotion, doubts can be raised, and other independent production companies and producers whose box office was stolen by Warner stood up. I believe that the victim is not only Palm Beach Pictures.

As long as more peers stand up, Warner Pictures will have to make concessions.

Link thinks this is not a bad idea, and at the same time, he feels that buying Lionsgate is right. If there is no film distribution company, even if Palm Beach Pictures can make countless movies with good box office, they will be stolen by the six majors.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for independent production companies and investors to survive in Hollywood.

Link reminded Catherine to be careful recently and asked her if she wanted a bodyguard?

Catherine smiled and said that as long as he was fine, Warner would never dare to do anything to her and Evaka, and their safety would not be a problem.

Link thought about it and it was true. The senior executives of Warner Pictures were just a group of workers. Even if they did something wrong and caused the company to lose money, the worst thing they could do was just resign. No one would take risks for such a thing.

At present, Warner can only use the power of the media to stir up trouble.

Back at the Bay Villa, Evaka was still working in the company. Link called her to tell her that he was back, but the call didn't go through. When he turned on the TV, he saw the news that Evaka was interviewed by reporters at the Lionsgate headquarters.

A reporter interviewed Evaka with several popular topics at the moment, asking her about her current relationship with Link?

Evaka said that the relationship between the two sides is very stable.

A reporter from the Los Angeles Times said that entertainment reporters noticed the news that she and Pam Abdi, president of the marketing department of Warner Pictures, frequently dated, and also photographed them drinking coffee together, asking what the relationship between the two was?

Evaka said that her recent contact with Warner was mainly about work.

The reporter from The Hollywood Reporter then asked if Eva Ka could reveal some information, saying that Warner Bros. had engaged in box office theft when releasing Bridesmaids, and that Palm Beach Pictures and Lionsgate had already obtained key evidence.

When the reporter from The Hollywood Reporter asked this question, many entertainment reporters at the scene shouted in surprise.

Obviously, compared with Eva Ka and Link's private affairs, the news that Warner Bros. stole the box office was obviously more sensational, and it was a news with a great impact.

The reporters all looked at Eva Ka, hoping that she could reveal some information.

Eva Ka said that this was Palm Beach Pictures' business, and that Palm Beach Pictures would hold a press conference later to specifically answer the reporters' questions.

When the reporters heard her say this, they did not continue to ask, but continued to ask about her relationship with Link and the controversial issues on the Internet.

The reporter from USA Today said that there is a saying on the Internet that Link relied on her to get started, and if it weren't for her, Link would not be as successful as he is now. The reporter asked Eva Ka what percentage of her contribution would be if Link's success was 100%.

Evaka said bluntly that Link is an Olympic champion, world boxing champion, pop king, billionaire, and great philanthropist, and his success never depends on anyone.

If Link's success is 100%, no one can share 1%, and she and Link Music, Lionsgate, Dynasty Promotions and other companies and personal successes related to Link, Link is absolutely qualified to occupy a large percentage.

The reporter of "Vanity Fair" asked, everyone knows that Link is a playboy, and she can find a better partner with her conditions, why does she still stick to Link, is it more love or work relationship.

Evaka said that Link wrote a song for her at the beginning of the year, "Just the way you are", she likes this song very much, and there are also words she wants to tell Link in this song, Link is the best Link now, no matter what the rumors about him are, she loves Link like this.

The reporters on the scene were sprinkled with dog food.

Link also smiled when he saw the news.


The phone rang twice, it was Evaka calling, asking if he had arrived home?

Link said he was at home and asked her what time she would get off work.

Ivaka said she would get off work early today and would be back soon.

Link said okay, wait for her to come back and have dinner together.

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