Haoting hotel.

Lin Luo fights with the landlord. He suddenly feels that the whole building is shaking, which makes him jump. He thinks it's an earthquake.

Following countless noises from the corridor, I found out that it was an earthquake, but it was an earthquake in battle. Net, and it was a super earthquake.

The combination of ice and fire, which is made up of ice goddess and fire dancing goddess avrila, and the group of two people who make trouble, which is made up of the king of shadow and the fairy girl, are working.

"Faruk, the king of shadows!? Lovely fairy girl

Lin Luo's heart thumped for a while, and then he uttered a rude sentence: "dig a groove, disperse, play again tomorrow, play again tomorrow..."

Later, regardless of tasiya and other sisters of the Apocalypse team, they directly drove all the people out of the room.

TAsia was not happy. Now she was in debt and was looking forward to a turnaround.

But she was not stupid. She heard all the information Lin Luo had just inquired about. She knew that there was more excitement in battle. Net. She immediately called on the other members of the Apocalypse team to rush back to their hotel.

There are melons to eat, how less tasiya!? Although she doesn't fight the net, it doesn't mean she won't join in the fun.

On the other hand, when Lin Luo boarded the battle net, he found that the situation in front of him was more than an earthquake. It was earth shaking.

Almost paralyzed.

Whether it's a single match room, a double match room, or a team match room, it's all empty at the moment. Everyone stops matching and rushes into the arena where ice and fire goddess and troublemaker two fight madly.

At the end of the day, the arena could not be filled, and the tide poured into the official live broadcasting room of battle. Net, making the number of people in the live broadcasting room break through to an unprecedented peak.

"Wow! It's the first time that ice goddess and fire goddess join hands. It's definitely a lifetime series. It's estimated that there won't be a second time in my life. "

"I just found out that the opponents of the two goddesses are actually the troublemakers led by Faruk, the king of shadow. I'm a good girl. There are six of the golden ID of battle net. There are three of them here. It's really exciting."

"I'm kind of grateful to the troublemakers. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't see the two goddesses of ice and fire joining hands."

"Empty! Brother, don't talk nonsense when you go out. It's said that the troublemaker group led by the king of shadow has made the double match room of battle net a mess, including many second-line strong teams and even some quasi first-line strong teams. If they hear you, they will never forgive you. "

"Damn it! Is the king of shadow out of his mind!? Although she has always been very active, she is so cruel today that she has changed a lot. Has someone offended her? "

"Many people speculate that this matter is probably related to the fearlessness of the strong. It is because he led a leader yesterday that the king of shadow imitated him and took a rookie to play double row. But later, he seemed to play crazy and couldn't stop the car."

Linlo's a little guilty.

He is not only involved in this matter, but also the culprit.

Who is the king of shadows? Lin Luo is too clear. It's Fu Xinyi.

Yesterday, he specially told Fu Xinyi to take Aisha to appreciate the black technology of the Empire. However, he never asked Fu Xinyi to take Aisha to do business.

I'll go!!

The whole battle. Net was paralyzed in just one day. According to this rhythm, it's estimated that it won't be long before the battle. Net officials will have to name these two guys.

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