Lin Luo wanted to squeeze into the arena to watch it, but there was no room for it. He had to step back and enter the official live broadcast room of battle. Net.

And then there was a very wonderful scene.

[the official live broadcast room of battle. Net is full, queue position: 220475, estimated waiting time: 30 minutes, please be calm, the younger brothers in the backstage of battle. Net are rescuing!! 】

linlo was immediately shocked.


I have to wait for half an hour to watch the live broadcast. When I get in, the dishes are cold and I have to watch a hammer!

The battle. Net studio didn't cut in the queue. It had to wait honestly, and the number of people waiting in the queue was still growing rapidly. Lin Luo was terrified.

He finally saw today, what is the top traffic star!?

And just then, a voice came out.

"Wow! Brother fearless, you're in line, too. That's great. "

"Who!? Who do you mean? "

"Brother fearless? Which fearless brother is the strong fearless? "

"I'll go. The strong are fearless. Are you planning to form a team to snipe and make trouble?"

"Brother Wuwei, I'll support you. Find someone to form a team, and go to work with the two men."

"I think yesterday's bell was very suitable. He was also a newcomer and a strong group."

"Yes, I think it's OK. They are all the owners of the golden ID of battle. Net and the newcomers with their own team. It must be a great war..."

Lin Luo listened to the discussion around him. To be honest, it hurt a little.

Don't I just line up?

What a hammer.

He can see that these melon eaters are not afraid of big things at all. They are eager to have a lively look every day.

"Damn, who's in front of me? Yes, it's you. Why are you still in a daze? Let's give way to brother fearless. Do you want to mix up?"

"Oh, Hello! I'm sorry to have been patronizing melon just now. Brother fearless, please

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, brother Fearless is coming, get out of the way for me."

In this way, Lin Luo went all the way to the studio along the green channel opened for him by the team.

In the studio, Jiang Heng and Yang baa are ready for the war.

Suddenly, the sound of the strong man's fearlessness came on, and the whole live broadcast room exploded instantly. The most exciting one was sheep Baa Baa, which was crazy.

Idol strong fearless, he came, he came to watch live.

Jiang Heng, on the other hand, has an unhappy face. As soon as he sees that the strong are fearless, he can't help but come up with the picture of live reading books. His face is a little green.

Suddenly, Jiang Heng thought of a wonderful attention and said: "it turns out that the strong are fearless to come to the official live broadcast room of battle. Net. Welcome.

It's rare for brother fearless to come here. How about participating in our interpretation? There are more people and more excitement. In fact, it doesn't need to be more professional. It just needs remote analysis.

After all, there are a lot of people who don't understand the operation of the golden net

In fact, his real heart is to make a fool of the strong.

Jiang Heng wants to use what he is good at to defeat the strong and fearless. What he said just now has also aroused the crazy support of countless people who eat melons.

If the strong are not afraid to join in the commentary, it is equivalent to indirectly participating in the battle. In that case, the number of users of the golden ID of battle net will reach four, which is absolutely unprecedented.

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