
That's for sure.

Although Lin Lu is in urgent need of reward value in exchange for a powerful ninja to protect his life, when he sees the cave, he is not in a hurry.

After a good transformation, this place is a holy land for immortals.

As long as Lin Luo can always use Mu Dun to absorb natural energy here, won't he be able to open immortal mode all the time!?

In this way, wood Dun in hand.

Who is he afraid of!?

Whoever comes will not be beaten at all.

The next moment, Lin Luo directly chose the origin of the exchange wind.

[the source of wind has been fused, and the wind attribute of the host chakra has been given!! 】

as the system prompts, the tone falls.

Linluo's palm spread, a huge wind, and chakra began to condense, rotate and compress madly, and then turned into a ball.

Fengdun. Spiral pill!!

Moreover, with the continuous injection of chakra, the ball becomes bigger and bigger, exuding a breath of astonishing destruction.

There was a little excitement in Linluo's heart.

He has been thinking, in the end can not rub out a big earth explosion star ball?

Now it seems that as long as chakra is enough, not to mention one earth exploding star, even ten earth exploding star sized balls will not be a problem.


In the future, who dares to provoke him, directly use super big balls to bombard him.

There's nothing that can't be solved by pills. If there is, we'll have another one

At the next moment, Lin Luo controls the super ball with a diameter of several meters in his hand and opposes the barrier of this space


Like a mirror broken in general, countless cracks spread, followed by a crash broken.

Lin Luo also returned to the original cave, he looked at his palm dully, "Wow, this power is too terrible!"

There was a trace of horror in his heart.

Chakra, the wind attribute extracted from the origin of wind, has the cutting ability close to the spirit of wind element. Its power is terrible.

Even if it's a space barrier, it can't stand a ball and is smashed directly.

If this thing is connected to people!?

It is estimated that there will be no residue left

Just imagining the scene, Lin Luo felt chilly.

Then, he set his eyes on the exotic creatures running out of the black fog to test the power of another kind of pill.

"Xianfa. Fengdun. Spiral pill!"

With the injection of Lin Luo's magic skill chakra, a black ball suddenly appeared in his hand. The volume of the ball was only one tenth of that of the super ball just now, but the smell of destruction was not weak at all, even stronger.

Then, Linluo's body flashed, and the black ball went down towards the alien creatures.


Suddenly, the whole cave began to shake up, and countless pieces of gravel soon fell to the ground.

At this time, the rune in the black fog began to light up, and turned into a dark curtain to cover the whole cave, which made the cave not be directly destroyed.

However, after this outbreak, runes become weaker and their sealing effect on foreign channels is much lower.

And the seal weakened, the exotic creatures from the exotic channel also became more crazy, and all rushed towards the emerging Linluo.

Linlo was startled.

He almost broke the seal with a magic pill.

It's very dangerous!!

At this moment, the system's prompt sound suddenly rings

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