[trigger system special transaction task: spell extraction!! 】

[extract the power of mantra seal from alien organisms. 1000 copies of the power of mantra seal can be exchanged for a complete mantra seal. At the same time, you can get 2000 bonus points! 】

[congratulations to the host for completing the spell seal puzzle task and getting 40000 bonus points!! 】

"wow Oh, shit! "

Suddenly, there was no sound in the system.

All of a sudden, there was one more task, but somehow the task of the curse seal mystery was also completed.

Forty thousand reward.

Shadow separation of the art, with, flying thunder god of the art, also have!!

It's beautiful. It's so happy.

But the next moment, linlo noticed something wrong.

According to the two-point reward value of an alien creature, every large-scale explosion in this cave will produce at least tens of thousands of alien creatures, or even more

And now

These exotic creatures are at least half the way.

According to the regulations given by the system, this half of the alien creatures who have run will have at least tens of thousands of reward value!?

"Damn it Lin Luo suddenly burst out a rude remark, instantly feel the body was hollowed out, there is a loss of tens of billions of imperial coins to catch up!!

After that, he dodged the exotic creatures and ran out of the cave


These are all reward values. You can't put another one in the past.

What's more, while Lin Luo's figure is flashing, 40000 bonus points are used up, and the skills of multiple shadow separation and flying Thunder God are all exchanged

In addition to the magic and Mudun, Linluo at this moment seems to be the ultimate boss. In the entire Noah Empire, there are only a few who can threaten Linluo

"The art of multiple shadow separation!"

All of a sudden, hundreds of Linluo avatars appear in front of the alien creatures, dispersing the hatred that attracts them, and all the alien creatures

Linluo use shadow avatars to attract the hatred of the alien creatures while running, finally blocking all the alien creatures.

"Xianfa. Fengdun. Super large jade spiral pill!"

The next moment, hundreds of Linluo split up, no one holding a super ball with a diameter of seven or eight meters, rushed towards the exotic creatures

The scene instantly turned into a big scuffle!!

However, the situation is totally one-sided. It's not easy to deal with some exotic creatures and crush them directly

Even if there are more exotic creatures, what can we do? There are also many parts of linlo.

Even I don't have to do it. Just watch the performance.

Lin Luo watched the scene with great satisfaction.

It turns out that group fighting is so cool!

I wish I had found out earlier. I don't care if I can fight. However, it's just a group of people beating one up

I'm afraid of you!

But it's not too late to find out.

Lin Luo has made a decision at the bottom of his heart. When he finishes everything here and returns to the Empire, he must kill the Lin family, sweep the Lin family thoroughly, and then kill Lin Wudao

The next moment, however, he hesitated.

It turns out that pulling hatred can trigger system tasks, and then swipe the reward crazily. If you really kill Lin Wudao, how can you pull hatred and swipe the copy?

Well, that's a problem!?

Even what Lin Luo thought in his mind was: when he returned to the imperial capital, he would not only pull the hatred of the Lin family, but also the hatred of other family forces.

It's better to involve the imperial family

Anyway, with his current strength, no matter how crazy he is, he will not overturn.

Afraid of a hammer!!

But what should we do?

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