At the moment, Zola is in a big hurry, and has only one idea in his mind.

How can it be!?

This seal was set up by the master Rune who followed the ancestor emperor. Other people can't even understand it

But now it has been changed, and the seal has been strengthened from inside. Even the old guys in the imperial Institute of Rune can't catch up with this level of Rune.

The most important thing is that someone can reinforce the seal at the entrance of the dark prison, so naturally the seal of the third layer of imperial treasure house of the dark prison can be cracked.

You don't even need to break it, just use brute force to tear it, because the people in the courthouse can't get into the dark prison at all.

No wonder there was such a big noise from the dark prison just now. Someone must have been fighting against the imperial treasure house

This person must be Lin Luo, and the one who wants to tear the seal of the imperial treasure house should be yuan Tu.

These two people, unexpectedly unite to fight against the attention of the imperial treasure house

Zola's eyes became a little red, and suddenly yelled at the people nearby: "what are you doing here? Go to the imperial Institute of Rune and ask them to come and break the seal immediately..."

After a pause, he seemed to think of something. He said again, "by the way, let Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi, the two guardians, come here, too."

Hearing Zola's words, all the people around were dull.

What's the trouble with the warden?

You know, the meaning of the existence of guardians is to sit in court and guard the judgment Center

If you want to be a guardian, you must reach s level. If you don't have to, you can't disturb the guardian.

Because in a place like the imperial capital, once the S-class strongmen take action, the panic caused is absolutely unprecedented.

Zola also knows the consequences of alerting S-level guardians, but he's a little flustered now.


The third floor of the dungeon is the imperial treasure house.

If this treasure house is really exposed, the royal family will definitely fight to the end with the trial, and even directly shake the foundation of the Empire.

What Zola can do now is to ask the S-level guardian to kill Lin Luo and Yuan Tu and hide the secret forever

The people in the courthouse are very efficient.

A few people who were sent out to inform the imperial Institute of rune, but it took a short time to get back.

However, only a few of them, from the imperial Institute of rune, did not come.

"What about people?"

Zuowen went to the Research Institute and said, "don't you call me gloomy? What about the old guys? "

The people who were sent out were almost crying at the moment, "they, they didn't come, and Premier Pei Bo asked me to bring a sentence to the chief justice!"

"What, say it?"

"Mr. Pei Bo said that judge Zola dared to arrest the people of the rune Research Institute, so don't ask us. From then on, all the things of the rune Research Institute will be prohibited from being used in the trial."

Suddenly, Zola was furious. "I caught the rune Institute!"!? When did I catch the rune Institute? "

Then it occurred to him.

The relationship between Lin Luo and Pei Bo is not simple. It seems that Pei Bo allowed Lin Luo to participate in the secret exploration mission

"Damn it!? When did Lin Luo get involved with the Institute of Rune? "

The next moment, he suddenly told the people around him again, "let Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi, the two judges, come quickly..."

His voice has not yet fallen, a voice with violent and authoritative, suddenly rang out, "judge Zola, we have come!"

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