Two figures fall to Zola's side. They are Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi, two S-level guardians.

Seeing Zola's gloomy face, Yu Shan immediately asked, "judge Zola, what happened when you called us here?"

Zola replied: "something happened in the dark prison. Yuantu, he defected."


"Yuantu, he has defected! "

in the depth of Huo Guangxi's eyes, two Li mang suddenly flashed," I have long felt that Yuantu, an old man, was unreliable. He actually rebelled. At the beginning, he should not be attached to the trial house, but should have killed him directly... "

Then, he suddenly said to Zola, "Yuantu, where is he?"

Zola's eyes, the same flashing fierce color, "Yuan Tu, he is now in the dark prison."

"What are you waiting for?"

Huo Guangxi is also a violent temper, "I will kill now, the yuan Tu traitor to pieces, let him know the end of the betrayal court!"

However, as soon as he came out of the prison, the seal of the eight trigrams turned dark

"That's what I mean by asking you to come here. I hope you can tear the seal by force..." Zola said.

However, before he finished his words, Yu Shan began to retort, "it's not right. There are countless poor and ferocious important criminals in the dark prison. If the seal is torn, will those important criminals be released together? In that case, the whole imperial capital will fall into chaos."

Then, Yu Shan's eyes suddenly looked at Zola, "judge Zola, are you hiding something from us? If Yuantu really rebelled, shouldn't he destroy the seal from inside and then escape? "

He was puzzled, "why did Yuantu trap himself in the dark prison, and he didn't have the ability to reinforce the seal of the entrance to such an extent?"

Yu Shan's words, also attracted the attention of Huo Guangxi, eyes also turned to Zola.

Zola's face is a little pale. He knows that he can't hide the imperial treasure house. Although he is one of the supreme judges, he has no right to let Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi, two S-level guardians, force his hand.

If they don't, the imperial treasure house will really fall into the hands of Linluo and Yuantu.

Zola breathed a sigh and waved away all the people around him, leaving only Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi. Then he said, "the third floor of the dark prison is actually a treasure house, in which there are treasures plundered by the Royal ancestors!? And Yuantu, he is the secret of this treasure house... "


"The third floor of the dark prison is the imperial treasure house!"

Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi all exclaimed.

The imperial treasure house is not a secret among some high-level forces in the Empire. However, except for the five chief judges of the tribunal, no one knows where the imperial treasure house is!?

But now, Yu Shan and Huo Guangxi have heard this amazing news from Zola.

The imperial treasure house has always been in the dark prison under the trial house!?

However, Yu Shan still had a little doubt in his heart, "judge Zola, even if Yuantu wanted to pay attention to the imperial treasure house, don't forget that he is also trapped in the dark prison at the moment. What can he do if he gets the treasure house?"

In fact, Huo Guangxi was a little confused, and then he looked at Zola, as if waiting for his answe

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