At this time, the volcano finally erupted, and the terrible spirit storm destroyed everything around.

Even the melon eaters around them were not spared. They were all involved in the air and then smashed to the ground

And this time, Asha and bell didn't intervene.

Robb's face is beaten like this. If he doesn't let off steam, he won't have to play next time.

Yes, Aisha has even begun to plan the next face beating action in her heart. At that time, she must take part in it.


Robb's psychic storm lasted for a long time before it finally stopped.

His face was livid.

Although there are no obvious scars, for Robb, it's much more painful than having scars.

The super S-class strong man of the Empire, the legendary supreme being, was beaten in the face by a group of small fish today. It was a real face beating, naked face beating

If it were any other time, even if there were elves in the presence of the royal family, Robb would have broken out and killed all the people who saw this scene.

But today, he has to endure.

Because he found a way to return to the peak, or even step closer, to the legendary supreme level.

As long as he can grab linlo and take over his body.

At that time, even if you enter the fourth dimension, you can become a strong one. You won't be afraid of the elves at all. If it's a big deal, you can go to other big forces.

The power of the fourth dimension is not only the elves

"Noble spirit guardian, today's business, we will stop, how?"

At this time, Robb's calm voice finally began to ring.

Although Robb's voice is calm, anyone can tell that his anger at the moment must have reached the extreme. He wants to cramp Lin Luo and his little friend

Bell did not speak.

The old man asked for mercy, and he said, "it's your voice today!"

To tell you the truth, linlo didn't dare to push Robb too fast.

If this old guy is really irritated, once he gets angry, no one can do him except Aisha.

However, Lin Luo took a look at the appearance of Aisha eating melon to see the play, and immediately knew that it was impossible to let this guy do it.

What's more, today's face slapping campaign has successfully completed the task.


Linlo, it's just a tactical retreat. He won't let rob go.

When he recovers the pupil power of his round eye, and goes further, he can exchange for the eternal kaleidoscope of Zhiba type. That's when Lin Luo comes to rob to settle the accounts.

At that time, even without the help of this group of little friends, he will be able to fight against Robb.

Avrila retreated to the safe position and immediately yelled, "Wow, linlo, I just used the flame ball to bite the face of the super-s class strong man. It's so cool..."

Then she looked back at Robb with a look of joy.

Although he didn't speak, everyone understood avrila's meaning. It seemed that he was going to have another meal

In fact, after everyone stopped, they realized how crazy they were.

At this time, they were shaking all over. Of course, they were not excited, they were scared.

A group of shrimps, with their heads hot, went to surround and fight the only super-s class strong man in the Empire, the legendary supreme existence

It can be said that their face beating action is absolutely unprecedented.

Without the protection of the elves, these people would have stopped cooking

At this moment, a lot of people are also affected.

They look at Lin Luo several people's eyes, full of fear.

This group of guys, who have broken the sky, dare to surround rob. It's crazy.

Heaven of the Empire, it's going to change

Robb's face turned green.

He had no face to stay here any longer, but it was absolutely impossible for Robb to let linlo go.

Linlo's body, he must get

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