Linluo and his little friend's face beating action is like throwing a stone in the calm lake, but also just a few spray.

The royal family didn't publicize it, and the team invited by the banquet almost didn't publicize it.

And Lin Luo and others, naturally, will not publicize it at will.

Of course, the most important thing is that no one will believe it.

If you go to the street and say to someone, I took part in the face beating operation. I beat the only super-s class strong man in the Empire, the legendary supreme being, and even used the S-class fighting skills to fight him in the face

Who would believe that!?

Even will you just escape from the mental hospital as a lunatic, direct police catch you!!

That's what avrila did.

As soon as he rushed out of the banquet site, he yelled that he was invincible in the world. He boxed and kicked the super-s class strong.

As a result, she was almost caught by the police patrol.

Compared with Lin Luo's face slapping, another piece of news quickly captured the headlines of the imperial people

The fourth dimension of the spirit royal family, came to the Empire!!

This piece of news quickly spread throughout the Empire, attracted all people to discuss.

"What do the elves want when they come to the Empire?"

"Are you retarded? The spirit royal family chose to come to the Empire at this time, of course, for the Imperial College competition, otherwise he would not come sooner or later, why did he come at this time? "

"Yes, I've heard about it, and according to insiders, the royal family of elves is hiding in a team in the Eastern Division, which seems to be called Shu..."

"Dig grass, then this dawn what team is not take off, there are elves royal family all the way to lie down, into the finals are no problem?"

"Ha ha, Eastern Division? A group of weak chicken just, even if it is the spirit royal family, it may not move them!! What's more, the royal family of elves has long been taken away by the royal family. How can they have the spare time to lead a group of weak chickens to share... "

"It seems reasonable to hear brother say so. A group of rubbish bronzes, even kings, may not be able to move."

Just as everyone was talking about the elves, the Empire's triennial college competition was finally about to begin.

To this end, the war. Net official specially planned two activities.

Vote for the team you support and the players you like

Just at the beginning of these two activities, they completely detonated the whole battle net. Countless people flocked into battle net and began to vote for the teams they supported and the players they liked.

The results were quickly counted.

In the voting activities of the team, the four seed teams can be said to take the lead, leaving the other teams far behind.

If there is no accident, the first place in the Imperial College competition will be born from the four seed teams.

As for the voting activities of the contestants, the statistical results have greatly surprised everyone.

No.1, the strong are fearless!!

He was so far ahead that he even blew up Laura, the princess of the Empire, who was ranked second.

At this moment, all people think of brother fearless's bold words and ambition again: the first place in this college competition, I ordered it first!!

Domineering side leakage, invincible!!

However, what makes everyone feel pain is, brother fearless, who is he!?

But it doesn't matter, because the Imperial College competition has already started. It's time to unveil the mystery of brother fearless

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