A lot of people are not convinced, the long-range shooters of the major teams, this moment no longer hidden, have burst out their strongest strike.

But it's no use

Soon, most of those who took part in the battle had already done so, and the best result was only to break through the seven defenses.

Those who beat through the sevens, however, were members of the top 16 teams in the last college competition. They already had A-level strength. They were also a great God in the battle net

Some people look at the front of the defense, pale, full of despair.

What's more, it's a hammer!!

This is a defense device made by those perverts. It's perverted.

"Wow, Kaka! Scum, get out of my way. "

At this time, avrila looked at the desperate people and couldn't help it any more. She burst out laughing and said, "look at my super secret weapon, the third generation triple defense in front of me, start shaking..."

Before she spoke, avrila had already copied the specially made Rune gun in her hand. Meanwhile, the fury of psychic power, flame power and pale blue flame all poured into the rune gun.

The next moment, I saw a pale blue flash at the muzzle of the rune gun, followed by a beam of light with a diameter of more than two meters, suddenly burst out, like a meteor, tearing the void in front of me completely, turning it into a vacuum Avenue.

By this light beam, the defense in front of avrila, like paper paste, began to crash.

First, second, third

The beam killed all the way and soon surpassed the previous record of the highest level, the seventh level. And this is not the limit, then the eighth, even the ninth defense was also destroyed by the powerful destructive power of the beam, until the tenth, it stopped.

Avrila, she shot through the nine defenses

Seeing this scene, countless people immediately took a breath of air conditioning, completely stupid. They look at avrila's eyes, also revealed a strong color of fear.

It's worthy of being the goddess of fire dance. It's famous for its powerful spirit sea and fire power. Its destructive power is terrible.

What's more, if it hits people, who can stand it? What's more terrifying is that the two goods have no brains and show no mercy

Many people have made a decision at the bottom of their heart. If they meet this product in the race, it's better to rush to it. Otherwise, they may have to kneel down!!

"Wow, Kaka!" Seeing that she broke the previous record, avrila jumped up and said with a laugh, "frost girl, do you see that? I shot through the nine defenses, can you? "

With that, she winked at Gianna with a sneer on her face.

"Ha ha! Is that all you can do? Gianna laughs, "but it's just jiuzhong, which makes you happy like this?"

With that, she stepped out, and the terrible ice power suddenly burst out. At the same time, a chill also followed, instantly filled the whole battlefield.

Gianna's ice system ability is not suitable for output, but just a few days ago, she learned the spiral pill from Linluo, and completely stepped into the A-level ranks.

Later, she even touched the gate bar of the third form of the power from valkiri, which completely transformed Gianna and made her output ability explode.

With the rise of chill, the void above Gianna's head suddenly began to whirl violently, like a huge vortex, inhaling all the chill in the battlefield.

A gun, three meters long and completely condensed by ice crystals, suddenly appeared

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