The ice crystal spear on Gianna's head filled with cold.

Then, the long gun suddenly began to rotate violently, as if to pierce the void, and lock the front 33 heavy defense.

"Go!" Gianna said quietly with a confident smile.

It's like saying what you say. The void in front of you suddenly vibrates. With the sound of "whoosh", the long gun shoots straight out.


The sound of the defense being smashed sounded again.

First, second, third Weight eight, number nine

Nine in all.

Like avrila, Gianna's ice crystal spear actually penetrated the nine defenses.

The long-range shooters of other major teams all watched the scene in shock and swallowed a mouthful of saliva in silence


Who said that frost goddess is only suitable for playing auxiliary, not for playing output!?

Stand up and kill him!!

In the bottom of these people's hearts, there is another woman who can't be provoked.

Avrila was completely shocked. She couldn't believe it in her eyes. Then she suddenly yelled, "Wow, frost girl, what's your fighting skill!? When was it developed? Have you caught up with my secret weapon? "

Gianna ignored avrila's roar and shook her head slightly, with a little regret in her heart. She just touched the hurdle of the third form of the ice system power, but didn't really step into the third form. Otherwise, the power of the ice crystal spear will surely go up to a higher level and penetrate more defense with one shot.

Today's ranking, avrila and Gianna tied for the first place, all through the twelve defense. And there are not many people left.

Only Lin Luo, Aisha, valkiri, AISI, Lin Qinghe, and a few minions hiding in the corner with their faces covered and without the courage to fight.

And then everybody said, "it's time for me to step out, then?"

He looks modest, as if to ask Lin Luo and others, but his action is not, as early as in the words, the ice power has broken out.

It's the same move as Gianna. It's also a long gun.

But valkiri's spear is more solid and chilly than Gianna's

In fact, this move was originally given to Gianna by valkiri.

Then valkiri reached for his hand, and his long gun shot straight out, like a sharp arrow off the string, instantly penetrated the void and blasted on the defense device.

The spear went forward, but in an instant, it shot through the nine defenses of avrila and Gianna, and came to the tenth, which was not the limit. The tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth defenses were also pierced one after another

Finally, valkiri's ice crystal spear finally stopped on the 15th defense. Even so, the tip of the spear has gone into the 15th defense. As long as the power of the spear is stronger, it can penetrate the 15th defense.

In the whole battlefield, there was a sudden silence.

Countless people looked at valkiri with their mouths open.

This is the first batch of ancient gods in battle. Net, who developed the natural ice powers to the third form of super ferocious man, so terrible!!

In the fourteenth round, valkiri actually broke through the fourteenth defense, and only a little bit short of breaking through the fifteenth.

This strength, too powerful, this is the peak God, high above, overlooking other teams of long-range shooters

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