Laura and norat look at Lin Qinghe, who is under control in the battlefield. Their eyes are very dignified, and they do not act rashly.

There are tens of thousands of spectators in the whole arena. It would be a disaster for the whole imperial city if the dark dimensional creatures were angered.

What's more, Laura and norat have no way to deal with dark dimensional creatures.

"For today's sake, we can only hope that Linluo will take the hand to contain the dark dimensional creatures."

Laura looked at Lin Luo in the dawn team and suddenly said, "with Lin Wudao's resentment towards Lin Luo, he should not have any change before killing Lin Luo."

"The only way now is to use linlo as a bait when they fight a decisive battle to let the dark dimensional creatures appear. Then, concentrate the power of the whole empire and see if they can eliminate them..."

"Take linlo as bait!"

Laura Leng for a moment, "you are going to use Linluo!? This man's threat to the empire is not under the dark dimension. Are you sure you can control the situation? "

"I'm not sure, but there's no other way now."

Norat's head hurt a little, and told Laura, "now, immediately contact the S-class strong men guarding the major elements of the city, and let them gather in the imperial capital as soon as possible."

After a pause, he continued: "in addition, I'm trying to see if I can get in touch with master Robb..."

Laura's face suddenly darkened at the word Robb. By the way, looking at Lin Luo's eyes, there is also a trace of gloom.

However, norat and Laura two people's plot, are all Linluo to see in the eyes. Suddenly, a smile appeared on Linluo's face, and he wanted to be used as bait!?

It's ridiculous!!

But linlo doesn't matter. As long as the reward value of Laura and dark dimension creatures is in hand, what if they can help them?

Then he looked again at the center of the battlefield.

At the moment, the atmosphere of the battlefield is still a bit thick.

Lin Qinghe, who had been controlled by the dark seeds, sneered and glanced at Gu Hongxuan and others, "don't you want to interfere in the competition? Aren't you going to kill me? What are you waiting for, come on? "

The next moment, his eyes crossed everyone and looked at Gianna, "if you don't come, I'll do it..."

Between the words, layers of black fog rushed out of Lin Qinghe's body, instantly wrapped his whole body, and became the monster again.

At the same time, at the moment when the transformation was completed, a force that was obviously beyond the ordinary S-class came suddenly and enveloped the whole battlefield.

After the outbreak of the dark seed, Lin Qinghe's strength went directly from the A-level peak to the S-level peak, crossing a big level

Seeing this scene, Gu Hongxuan and others immediately took a breath of cold air, and their whole body began to be on guard.


Lin Qinghe almost did not hesitate. At the moment of completion, his body's spiritual power was shocked, and he rushed directly to ji'anna.

In fact, what controls Lin Qinghe at this moment has already become the will of creatures in the dark dimension.

Before entering the battlefield, Lin Wudao told him that he must win the battle, even if he killed his opponent.

Now that the host has been explained, Lin Qinghe will not worry about others. He has been trapped for nearly a hundred years, so it's time to vent his anger.

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