After the dark seeds completely broke out, Lin Qinghe was very fast, wrapped in black fog, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Gu Hongxuan's several S-class strong men.

"Stop him, don't let him kill anyone!" Gu Hongxuan saw Lin Qinghe's murderous, and he obviously ran to kill ji'ana.

Yesterday's thing, already let their several guardians competition's s class strong person lose face completely, therefore today is more on guard.

If Lin Qinghe is allowed to kill people at will under such circumstances, the face of several S-class strong men will be really lost.

In fact, there is no need for Gu Hongxuan to speak at all.

As early as when Lin Qinghe changed his body, Nelson and others had already tried their best to break out the spiritual power in his body, and condensed into an iron wall to protect Gianna.

Then they moved.

I don't know why, seeing the black fog on Lin Qinghe, Nelson and others can't help feeling disgust, instinctively want to kill Lin Qinghe.

"Jie Jie!" When Lin Qinghe saw Nelson and others start, he immediately sneered, "if you should take the lead, then I'm not polite. Your vitality is under my command..."

At the end of the speech, the black fog darted out of the body, turned into three big black hands, and photographed Nelson and others

The violent power of spirit swept away in an instant.

However, just as the collision was about to happen, Gianna, who finally recovered, suddenly said: "stop, this game, I give up..."

Her voice made other people in the battlefield freeze at the same time.

Then Gu Hongxuan and others stopped.

Lin Qinghe saw that Gu Hongxuan and others gave up their work. He was also a little bit short of interest. The black fog on his body dispersed and he recovered to his original appearance again. "It's really meaningless to admit defeat."

He licked his lips and looked at Gu Hongxuan and others, revealing his greed. "Sooner or later, the vitality on you is mine. I'll let you go first today Jie Jie

At this point, dark dimensional creatures are no longer afraid to expose their identities. The whole Lin family was seeded with dark seeds by him, and all the people were boarded by him.

Just give him a little time, and then the whole empire, even this dimension, will be his.

But the next moment, Lin Qinghe's eyes went through the battlefield and fell on Lin Luo, who was on the team seat. With a sneer from the bottom of his heart, "only this Lin Luo is a threat..."

The danger he sensed at the entrance of the arena was really sensed by linlo.

However, the dark dimensional creature also noticed that as long as his noumenon was hidden and not exposed, this Linluo didn't seem to have any way for him.


Just wait until tomorrow

He fed back all the life power he absorbed to Lin Wudao, and let Lin Wudao kill Lin Luo. Who can stop him?

At that time, he will be able to recover to the peak if he devours the life of the whole imperial capital, even the whole empire and the whole dimension

Thinking of this, Lin Qinghe, who is controlled by the dark dimensional creatures, laughs again and turns into a black fog.

Seeing Lin Qinghe disappear, Gu Hongxuan and others are relieved. When they face Lin Qinghe, they always feel palpitating, as if they are targeted by some creature.

As S-class strong people, they have a very strong sense of danger. They know that there is a huge storm accumulating

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