Fighting does not stop in the holy land. It is common for the major vanguard teams to collide when they go out to carry out their tasks, even when the regiment is destroyed.

Because of this, these people dare to be so unscrupulous.

"Shit, you want to fight? Who is afraid of whom? " Avrila listened to them and was furious. She rolled up her sleeves and rushed up.

However, he was held by Lin Luo in time.

He said faintly: "gone, isn't it a mutant crocodile? What about giving it to them? "

With that, Lin Luo directly drags avrila and greets others to continue on their way.

And his this action, once again found a burst of ridicule.

"Ha ha ha, is it a counsellor?"

"What's more, a new man dare to be arrogant in us. If they don't leave, I will kill them directly."

"But those girls are really good. They are all beauties!"

Hearing these words, avrila felt even more upset and said to Linluo, "Wow, Linluo, you're afraid of a hammer. Go back and kill them?"

Serena and other people's eyes also fall on Lin Luo, Lin Luo should not be afraid of the talent, right, why go?

"I'm afraid!" Lin Luo snorted coldly and said, "I just found something more interesting. Look, the play is about to start."

As soon as his voice fell, the ground suddenly vibrated, and even a roaring body could be heard from the ground

Then came a few screams, and a very bad roar.

"I knock, isn't this silver toothed alligator alone? Why is there a companion? "

"Retreat Retreat quickly... "

"Run, run, if you can run one, it's one!"

"Ah Help me... "

The cry didn't last long, it was over soon.

Selena, avrila, Gianna, Su Xiaoyu and Fu Xinyi all stare at Lin Luo, which is a bit incredible.

This is Did the regiment go out?

"Linlo, this is the silver toothed alligator, isn't it alone? How come there are so many companions all of a sudden? " Avrila couldn't help asking.

Lin Luo said with a smile, "that silver toothed alligator is really alone, but I attracted other silver toothed alligators."

Now, he said, "we're going to the old nest and he's going to find out where they are."

With that, Lin Luo has taken the lead to walk out.

Serena and others looked at each other and suddenly had a cold war.

Wow, this is too dark.

People can see that linlo is using this vanguard team to attract the attention of the silver toothed alligator!?

That's cruel.

However, for this vanguard team, it's all deserved.

If you want to blame them, you can only blame themselves for being greedy.

Linlo took them all the way, but a moment later, they came to a huge cave, and this is the nest of the silver toothed alligator.

If you look at it, it's full of alligator eggs!!

"Eggs, lots of eggs!" Avrila looked at the crocodile eggs, her eyes shining and her mouth watering.

As we all know, the meat quality of the mutant beast has a significant effect on the physique of the psionic warrior, and the egg quality of the mutant beast is the same, even better.

This is also the reason why Linluo took people to copy the nest of silver toothed alligator!!

Serena and others can step into the class as fast as they can

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