At the same time, in a dense forest hundreds of kilometers away from Linluo and others, Leila's flying cloud team suffered a crisis.

And the source of their crisis is the wolf team.

In fact, after the wolf team came to the secret place, they wanted to find Lin Luo for revenge, but thinking of Lin Hao's unpredictable strength, they gave up and prepared to kill the Feiyun team first.

"Lin Chao, it's a critical period for us to explore the secret world. Do you dare to disobey our tutor's orders and attack us?" Flying cloud team, blue daisy said angrily.

Next to her, the other members of the flying cloud team were almost injured to varying degrees, while the wolf team was not injured at all.

There's no way. This time, the wolf team is led by Lin Chao, who is at the s level. The strength difference between the two sides is too big.

When Lin Chao heard LAN Daisy's words, he immediately sneered, "you all dare to hurt our wolf team in the task hall. What else can we dare not do? What's more, I don't remember when my tutor said, "you can't do it to other teams in secret exploration?"

At this time, another member of the wolf team suddenly said: "Lin Chao, why do you tell them so much? Have you forgotten how they dealt with the members of our wolf team in the task hall?"

Lin Chao fixed his eyes and said with a sneer: "of course, I remember that the people of the wolf team listened to the order and planned to throw all their bones into the dense forest to feed the mutant animals!"

When the members of the wolf team heard this, they all gathered around the Feiyun team with a grim smile.

All the members of the team were desperate when they saw the scene.

Randy was more angry roar: "Damn, all this is Lin Luo they hurt, if it wasn't for them, the wolf team would not be so fast after us?"

"Randis, don't say it again. Even if Linluo didn't do it, the crazy wave team won't wait a month. As long as they have a chance, they will definitely do it and take all the flying cloud team Cough Cough... "

Leila explained, but before she finished, she coughed violently.

"At this time, you have to defend for them?"

Landaisi was very angry. "If it wasn't for them, how could our flying cloud team have come to this point?"

With that, there was a trace of despair in her eyes.

Because the people of the wolf team have come at them.

Leila didn't give up. Her eyes were full of ruthlessness. "You go first. I'll stay here to block them. If you can go one by one, find Linluo and tell him what happened here. He will take revenge for us..."

"Go, do you think you can go?"

Lin Chao's eyes also flashed a fierce color, "kill me, don't let go of one..."

The battle between the two sides broke out instantly, and the wolf team almost swept the Feiyun team in a rolling attitude.

Suddenly, several shrill screams suddenly rang out.

Leila listens to the scream of her teammates, but she is also unable to protect herself. A member of the wolf team has hit her with a weapon.

At this moment, she suddenly heard what Linluo said.

If you are in danger, remember to open that scroll.

"Now that we have reached this point, why not have a try?" With this in mind, Leila takes out the scroll and opens it.

On the first day, Lin Luo and others searched the whole swamp, and did not even see the shadow of the dimensional beast.

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