The guardian of the royal family of spirits is second only to the royal family in the status of the royal family of spirits, and the number is not much.

Therefore, the guardian of the spirit royal family is a major event of the spirit family.

The news that the shadow clan was successfully defeated soon spread to all the affiliated forces of the elf clan, which means that a guardian of the elf royal clan will be born.

Therefore, these forces have sent representatives to participate.

In the eyes of these forces, Lowell of the Tianlei clan and eclipse of the Moyu clan will be good competitors for the guardians this time.

As for linlo, they haven't even heard of it.

As one of the guardians of the holy land, the elves also participated in the canonization ceremony.

The people who went to the Elves were the most powerful monasteries in the holy land, and master Helen was one of them.

She also went to the elves for the first time and was deeply shocked by what she saw.

In particular, the moon tree that holds up the whole secret place of the elves overturns all her understanding.

The more so, the more regretful Helen was.

If the holy land had fully supported Linluo at the beginning, it might have become a favorable competitor for the guardian. Even if it failed in the end, it would greatly enhance the status of the holy land among the elves.

Not every guardian can be born.

Now, however, it's too late to say anything.

All the subordinate forces of the Elven clan gathered in the palace of the Elven queen, and the ceremony of canonization of the guardian will also be held here.

At the center of the palace is the queen of the elves.

Next to her, Asha, Maggie, and the other royal families stood on both sides in turn. As for the rear, they were their respective guardians.

It's rare that all the royal families of the elves and their guardians gather together, which makes many guardians of subordinate forces stare straight and begin to talk.

"It's a great event for the elves. Your royal Highnesses and their guardians are all here. It's worth the trip."

"Yes, among the royal families today, only his highness Aisha and his highness Maggie have a vacancy for their respective guardians. I don't know who can be the lucky ones and be canonized by their highness..."

"Hahaha, you are wrong. After today, the number of guardians of his highness Asha will be determined. That is to say, among the royal families today, only the number of guardians of his highness Maggie is vacant."

"If there is no accident, the guardian of his highness Aisha will be determined from the eclipse of Lowell and Moyu of Tianlei clan. I really envy them."

"Yes, whether it's Tianlei or Moyu, as long as there is a guardian in the group, they can soar to the sky and really enter the vision of the elves..."

"It's said that a place called holy land was founded by the Empire of the third dimension. They actually have a quota. It's said that it's a man named Linluo. It's just a tyrant."

"But holy land expelled the person who had the guardian test quota. It's stupid..."

"Such a good chance for nothing."

"Well, if we have this opportunity, we will definitely give our support at all costs. For this reason, even if we have all the details of the ethnic group, we will not hesitate to give up."

"Yes, it's a pity. If the Holy Land fully supports Lin Luo, there might be a lot more to fight for..."

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