Helen listened to the comments around her and wanted to find a way in.

But she once said that she wanted to support the monastery.

The reason for supremacy is that the holy land has just entered the stage of development. It's the right way to be steady. There's no need to risk for the number of guardians.

You know, the enemy tested by the guardian is the powerful shadow clan. If the whole holy land is buried carelessly, it will not be worth the loss.

Helen always had a premonition that holy land would regret what she had done.

At this time, the original noisy scene suddenly quieted down.

At the entrance of the palace, two figures came in slowly. They were Lowell and eclipse.

Both of them were wearing armor, and there was even blood on the armor.

As soon as the two men appeared, many people in the palace felt a sense of evil and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Only those who have just returned from the battlefield can emit such a powerful evil spirit.

It's obvious that both of them are from the front line.

They didn't awaken the space power. After being canonized by the guardian of the royal family, they rushed to the elves.

Of course, the armor on Lowell and eclipses were both deliberately made by them.

In order to show their achievements!!

After all, with the help of the Tianlei clan and the Moyu clan, they blocked the attack of the shadow clan. Not everyone can do this. As for the location of the shadow clan, they have long ignored it.

When they saw the quiet people in the palace, and then the fairy queen in the center of the palace and the major fairy royal families, their eyes suddenly showed a trace of fire.

The test of the guardian of the spirit royal family will soon be known.

Thinking of this, Lowell and eclipse looked at each other with a strong sense of war in their eyes

Then, they walked towards the center of the palace at the same time and saluted the fairy queen and the royal families, "I have seen your majesty, your highness..."

"Get up!" The fairy queen said slowly: "the two led the clan to fight back the attack of the shadow clan and made great contributions. I hereby announce that the Tianlei clan and the Moyu clan will completely break away from their subordinate forces and become part of the elf clan."

The fairy queen, as the supreme existence of the fairy family, is second only to the great prophet. She has the supreme dignity as soon as she opens her mouth. Even if it's just a calm word, it also instantly frightens the people below.

When Lowell and eclipse heard the fairy queen's words, they were overjoyed and saluted the fairy queen again, "Lowell (eclipse) thanks your highness!"

They use their own people's lives to fill in, not for this purpose!?

Once Tianlei clan and Moyu clan break away from their subordinate forces, they can become part of the elf clan and even live in the secret place of the elf clan

The other affiliated forces in the palace trembled when they heard the fairy queen's words.

All this is what they want too!!

So everyone looked at Lowell and eclipse with admiration.

As for the representative of the holy land, Helen and others only had a bitter smile. If the holy land had supported Linluo, could the holy land also be separated from the affiliated forces of the elves!?

Now, however, it's too late to say anything.

And the fairy queen, after she said that, she did not mean to continue to speak, seems to be waiting for something!?

This scene also made the air in the whole palace quiet down instantly.

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