In the palace, the quiet and terrible, and just noisy scene is completely two extremes.

Everyone is waiting for the fairy queen's next words.

However, the queen didn't mention anything about the power of the Yuri.

As time went on, some people couldn't sit still.

What's going on!?

What about the Conferment Ceremony of the elves!?

Now the two heroes who defeated the attack of the shadow clan are right in front of us. Why hasn't the fairy queen opened her mouth all the time!?

Isn't it!? Is that right!? There's no one coming!?

The more people think about it, the more they think it is possible

What's more, they instantly guessed who the person who didn't come was!?

There were three candidates in this test. Besides Lowell and eclipse, there was a guy named linlo.

As one of the world's overlords, the Royal canonization ceremony is a major event. It will not start until all the candidates arrive, so as not to make people talk.

Think of here, many people's hearts suddenly sneer.

Dare to let the fairy queen wait for a long time, this Lin Luo is looking for death!?

But Lowell and eclipse are black faced. If Lin Luo doesn't come for a day, isn't their canonization ceremony going to wait all the time!?

The next moment, two people's eyes suddenly fell on Helen and others, they know that they have seen Helen, know that Helen is the holy land.

Because Lowell and eclipse were dissatisfied with linlo, even the people who looked at the holy land began to get upset

And Helen, it is a heart beat.

Lin Luo is too brave. He should be informed. How dare he be late!? Does he want to die?

Although there was a little worry in her heart, Helen didn't dare to speak or even play

Time goes by.

The atmosphere in the palace also became dignified.

At the end, even Aisha's brows wrinkled slightly.

Besides Maggie, other royal families are waiting to see a good play.

They are very curious about the guardian recruited by Aisha. A native of the third dimension world can become the guardian of the royal family of elves!?

It's incredible!!

They also want to have a look, this person named Linluo, who is sacred on earth!?

But now it seems that there is no need.

It's a big crime to make the fairy queen wait for a long time. Linluo is dead

Maggie looks at the expression of other royal families beside her, which is also the expression of watching a play.

The difference is that other royal families watch the good plays of Aisha and Linluo, but she sees their good plays

She can't wait to see these black faces.

To be honest, if Maggie hadn't seen the pictures Muto brought back, she would have been the same as other royal families, but now it's different.

But as time went by, her face turned black first.

It's been a long time, isn't this guy lost!?

Then, Maggie looked at Muto not far away, and immediately saw that Muto's face was blacker than her, almost coke.

Although Muto temporarily decided to leave linlo on the way, with linlo's perception and the ability to travel through space, it's easy to find the palace!?

Thinking of Lin Luo's refusal to participate in the guardian ceremony of the elves, Muto instantly understood.

Linlo, that guy, must have gone somewhere else

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