At this time, the elf Queen's eyes also fell on Muto. Although she didn't speak, anyone could feel a trace of dissatisfaction in her eyes

Muto's face darkened.

Lin Luo's message is delivered by him, and people are also received by him. However, now the people are gone!?

Don't think about it. It must be his reason.

Seems to feel the dissatisfied eyes of the fairy queen, a voice suddenly cold hum up, "hum, a little aborigine from the third dimension, really big face, let us so many people wait, really damned."

The speaker is also an elf royal family, named Shamu. He is a royal family with high seniority in the elf family.

Then, sham's eyes fell on Aisha and continued: "Aisha, you provided the guardian quota of Linluo. Now that this happens, should you also take part of the responsibility?"

Although the elves are strong, they are not monolithic. It is common for the royal families to fight with each other. Even the guardians of the royal families will fight.

Although Shamu is a royal family with high seniority, his talent is not outstanding, and his reputation among the elves is even worse than that of Aisha.

At the beginning, bell, who had awakened his spatial power, was also robbed by Aisha, so he was dissatisfied with Aisha.

Now that there is an opportunity, will Sharm let it go!?

And Sharm's words, like a huge stone into the calm of the lake, instantly stirred up a thousand waves, so that a few see Aisha unhappy royal family, also have to speak.

"Sharm is right. Linlo has committed a great crime and should be killed if she dares to let her majesty wait! As the guardian quota provider, Aisha is also guilty and should be punished! "

"Hum, a little human dare to ignore the orders of the elves. How bold!"

"At the beginning, we should not accept the imperial human beings in the third dimension world. This is a group of moths. We should kill them all..."

When Sharm heard the words of other elves, a smile suddenly appeared in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of ridicule.

And the representatives of the major affiliated forces of the elves below, listening to the comments of the elves, were so scared that they did not dare to speak out.

Of course, there are also some schadenfreuders, because the holy land is not powerful among the major affiliated forces, but it has huge resources.

If the holy land is destroyed, the resources in the holy land will be divided up by other subordinate forces.

Therefore, many forces want the holy land to be destroyed.

As for the representative of the holy land, Helen and others have long been pale and trembling with fear.

Helen is OK, others even start to curse Linluo.

If the holy land is really destroyed because of linlo, linlo will become a sinner in the third dimension world

For this sudden scene, the fairy queen did not mean to stop, but showed a look of great interest.

There is competition, can become more powerful, this is the eternal law!!

The spirit queen was the same at the beginning, competing with several other royal families, and finally became the queen.

Today's Royal elves also need to compete, not only for themselves, but also for their respective guardians.

Only in this way can we have a foothold in the elves!!

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