Conquer That Demoness

Chapter 25 - Lamia Clan's Past

Then why is she so interested and desperate to know of his relationship with the God Conqueror?

All these important questions flooded his mind. He had a feeling that this was his ticket away from death, so he racked his brain out in search of the answer, but it was to no avail. He could not deduce anything due to the lack of information.

However, one thing was for sure. Venn could tell that Rena was quite anxious to know the answer seeing her desirous hazel-colored eyes. Though she tried to suppress her expression, her eyes were filled with frenzy.

"I can't speak properly like this. Can you release me from the stone pillars that are binding me?" Taking advantage of the situation, Venn tested her response. 

He was coiled by the same spell that attacked Rin from before, and delaying for time would be advantageous for him as he needs to extract more information from her. If she retracts her spell, that would mean that his life was currently not in danger. At least not until he revealed the secret of the God Conqueror System. 

As if she had read his mind, Lord Rena smiled with a hearty guffaw, her twin baby teeth that looked like a pair of fangs were exposed out in the air with a glint. "Don't you dare to try this trick on me. Tell me what you know."

"I've no idea what you are talking about? Who is this God Conqueror?" Venn feigned ignorance.

The worst scenario had happened. Negotiation between them had failed. It was doom from the start. Negotiation could only happen when both parties have around the same amount of bargaining chip. Having his life at the total mercy of Rena was not a good start to negotiation, the scale was unbalanced right from the get-go, but still he had to try. 

He was determined not to spill anything even if his life was threatened. He had a gut feeling that doing so was the best option.

Judging from Venn's resolute face, Rena was certain that it would be pointless to argue or torture him seeing that he had made his decision, thus, she decided to show an undeniable prove.

"It's unmistakable." In response to Venn's denial, Rena summoned a black familiar in the form of a black snake from nothingness. 

A void was opened out of nowhere, and a snake slithered out from within it. With a rather slow movement, the large snake glided down and reached Rena's feet before stopping at a halt. After that, a bulge could be seen protruding out from his belly where it subsequently moved in a squirming manner in an upwards direction towards its large mouth. As the bulge reached its mouth, the snake coughed out a peculiar looking object.

The object was jet black in color with a matte finish and a handle attached to the square base. Venn couldn't tell what it was but a loud gasp resounded the minute the object was revealed.

The gasp was made by Rin.

"Lord Rena! That is the matriarch prized procession!"

"Yes, this was passed down to me 6 years ago along with the title of the Great Devil. The artefact that once belonged to the God Conqueror… My grandfather." Rena replied with pride as she opened her palm and did a pushing motion. The moment that she did so, the object hovered towards Venn's direction. As soon as it neared him, a bright dazzling light shone from within the object, making it hard to open their eyes.

"Fufu~ I knew it…" Rena said with a smug face.

"The object before you is the clan stamp of the succubi that once belonged to the God Conqueror. It had the exact same smell that you are producing currently. Fufufu~ There is no point in you denying it anymore." Rena declared with a sly smile seeing that it was her victory. 

The intensity of the light emitted from the seal grew brighter the closer it got to Venn, so much so that even she could hardly open her eyes from the blinding light.

With her point proven, she recovered the clan stamp with a wave of her hand which prompted the seal to fly towards her direction and back into her right hand.

Then, with pursed lips, she silently looked at Venn with a gentle smile as if she was looking at a child whose hand got caught red-handed in the cookie jar.

"Y—You are right. I inherited some of the God Conqueror's power when I chanced upon his inheritances accidentally." Venn confessed. Faced with such undeniable evidence, that was the only thing he could do. Especially when he sensed that the infamous Great Devil in front of him wanted something more out of him.

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to kill me? Demons and Gods are mortal enemies aren't they?" Venn asked with uncertainty. There exists a great possibility that he would be killed since the demons are at war with the Gods.

"Fufufu~ Don't be ridiculous. That was five hundred years ago. The Gods are no match for the Demons now." Rena covered her mouth while laughing as if she had just heard a hilarious joke. Along with her cackle laughter, her pair of jade rabbits bounces up and down as well in an exaggerated motion.

Watching Rena's perfectly shaped breasts defying the laws of gravity was very stimulating to Venn. But his attention shifted when Rena began to tell a story to him.

"Have you heard of how the rise of the Lamia clan came about? Did you know that we were once a lesser clan that the Succubi clan reigned over?" Rena asked with an encouraging tone.

"800 years ago, we, the Lamia clan, served the Succubi clan with utmost humbleness. It was an inescapable fate. The weak submit to the strong, that is the only law that this world goes by. Having our clan stamp taken away by the Succubi clan when they defeated us, we became their slaves; our fates no longer belong to us.." She sighed before continuing.

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