Conquer That Demoness

Chapter 26 - Rena's Actions

"It was at this time, the matriarch of that time, my grandmother stood forth and seduced a God for his favour. Using her overwhelming skills in bed, she was able to satisfy the God's need, and in turn, managed to persuade the God to defeat the Succubi clan that were hanging over our heads."

"Although the method was not something to be proud of, ultimately, it benefited us and sealed the fate of the succubi clan where our roles are reversed as you can see now."

"More importantly, through that incident, my esteemed Mother was born. Having God's blood coursed through her, she led our clan to become one of the seven greatest demonic clans in Viore."

"Now, do you understand what I want from you?" Rena asked Venn in an encouraging tone as her eyes flickered with brightness.

"Does she want the inheritance of the God Conqueror for herself?"

"But she just mentioned that the Gods are no match for the Demons now, didn't she?"

Venn panicked as he had no idea what was going on, and before he could give the matter some more thought, Rena suddenly exclaimed with passion.

"I want your baby!"

"What?!" Venn was so shocked that he couldn't help but exclaim out loud. With his mouth agape and his eyes wide opened, he looked like a vampire that was confronted with onions. 

The answer that Rena gave was totally unexpected. Heck, he could not even find any relation to the short story that she had just narrated.

Noticing Venn's shocked face, Rena pouted her lips. Venn's reaction was rather rude, unlike the other humans that she mated with. Even if they were to understand that they would die after having sex with her, they were willing to do so readily like moths flying into flames.

"Geez. Is it so hard to understand?"

"I. Want. You. To. Fertilise. My. Eggs. Be thankful that a scum like you is allowed to impregnate me." Rena emphasized her words.

"You can do it right? I can sense an abundant amount of mana in your body unlike the rest of the humans. It might just be enough. If you do your task well, I might be kind enough to spare your life. Fufufu~"

"Besides, you should know the consequences if you refuse me. So it's wise that you don't invoke my wrath." Rena said to Venn with a delightful smile on her face.

Her smile was angelic and sweet, however when combined with her cold tone and harsh words, it conveyed a completely different meaning.

Venn's shoulders shuddered at the thought of the possible consequences. Who knows what the demons would do to him. Despite the intense pressure he was feeling, he kept his composure and took a deep breath. 

Since the start of the conversation with Rena, this was the first time he had the initiative; he had something that the other party desired. 

He finally had a bargaining chip in his hands. But the issue at hand is to determine the value of the chip. Based on how much Rena desires to be impregnated by him, the value of the bargaining chip changes as well. And in turn, determine the outcome of his fate.

On the surface, Venn remained calm. But inside his mind, mountains of thoughts were piled up, calculating his available choices, and overclocking his brain to its limit.

Accordingly to the information given by Rin, something didn't add up.

With the kidnapping of the Beast Clan's princess by the Lamia Clan, their high-strung relationship would suffer yet another heavy blow. It would not even surprise him if both of the clans would engage in an all-out war right now.

The Beast Clan that was constantly looking to devour the Lamia Clan would definitely retaliate in kind what the Lamia Clan did to them, and that would explain the actions why Rena and her groups would leave for the capital once Rena's injuries recovers. 

They were retreating back to the capital!

As the least powerful clan among the seven great clans, even the Great Devil Rena would fear the retaliation of the Beast Clan. However, the behavior and actions that Rena exhibited did not correctly reflect that.

"Just what is she scheming?"

Even in the eve of a possible war breaking out between the two clans, she wanted to be impregnated so badly? Wouldn't she be affected in fighting if she was to be pregnant? Furthermore, while she was still injured, she disappeared for several nights. Where did she go on these nights and what did she do? Venn felt that if he had the answer to these, everything would be clear to him. Thus, he channeled all his thoughts to these questions and a flash of inspiration came into his brain.

"That's right! The ritual that I was almost forced to participate in! She was organising that ritual because she wanted to increase the overall strength of the Clan by converting female humans to succubi! The sex she was having was to allow herself to reproduce as well! As a genius of the Lamia clan that would make all ordinary Lamias pale in comparison to her strength, an heir of hers would equate to hundreds or even thousands of ordinary Lamias. 

That would explain her story as well! All the things that she does are all for the sake of increasing the power of her clan! That is why she wanted to mate with me! What a filial child!

"Hehehe." Now that Venn understood his circumstances, he couldn't help but laugh. No matter what happened, his life was no longer in any danger.

As an accountant that has dealt with negotiation with other companies, he knew that how he carries himself going forward will determine his eventual fate. Now was the time to state his demand instead of blindly agreeing to Rena.

"I can agree to your request. In fact, I can ensure that you will be impregnated by me on the first try! However, I demand four things from you! If you agree to it, then we can start with the copulation. If not, then you can go ahead and kill me.

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