Conquer the World

Chapter 369: Tell the truth (3)

(That ... I'm going to go back and forth, I'm always uncomfortable in the twenty-first position of this month's ticket list. The monthly ticket is in the top 20, and there are five chapters on the last day of the month?)

Chapter 369 Telling the Truth (3)

The arrangement of the Fang Jie did not help, because Ye Jinnan had no plans to compete with him at all. First, the cavalry was sent out to **** the banner. Ye Jinnan turned a blind eye. Then ordered the cavalry to follow the patrolling speed of Ye Jinan's army with harassment tactics. Ye Jinnan also ruled his body with his own way, and sent cavalry to follow the cavalry behind the Falcon Army. The final harassment battle became a game of cat and mouse changing between cavalry and cavalry.

When Fang Xie saw all this, he could not help but shake his head and smiled, and it was not easy to take advantage of a general who had been a leader for more than ten years and had a hundred battles. He himself had to admit that the previous tricks might not work. Ye Jinnan only put on a posture of constant response, and it seemed that all his arrangements were broken.

So now, it seems that everything must be solved directly.

In the eyes of the people watching the battle, Fang Jie has fallen into the downwind. He set the road Ye Jinnan did not come up, but he had to follow the road set by Ye Jinnan, although the result was Fang Jie want. He occupied the high **** to defend and Ye Jinnan led the army to attack, but this kind of feeling let by others would not be comfortable.

Although the result is the same, it will definitely not make people feel the same as what they fought for and others let them over.

Taking the horse and rushing to the high ground, Fang Xie looked at the surrounding environment and thought about his calculations from beginning to end again.

This is not a place where one man is the one who will not be opened. Although Gao Po is in front of Ye Jinnan's army, if it is not for the test but he is actually on the battlefield, Ye Jinnan has no need to storm. Just go around.

It was time for a head-to-head confrontation, and Ye Jinnan's self-confidence gave Fang Jie tremendous pressure.

Others took the initiative to give up the advantage, which proves that Ye Jinnan has absolute confidence to overcome Gaopo. Although the military strength of the two sides was the same, Ye Jinnan obviously did not feel that he was at a disadvantage.

"Archers don't go to the front!"

Seeing that the archers of the Shanzi camp spontaneously came to the front, Fang Xie shouted loudly to stop them from forming an array: "All go to the back of the high slope, and the shield and long armour are in front. The archers are all standing high Behind the slope, there are many rows, listen to my orders and release arrows! "

This arrangement surprised the soldiers, which was totally unconventional. According to past experience, the archer is at the forefront of the battle line, firing arrows to stop the attack, and when the enemy rushes to the front, he quickly retreats to complete the change. However, Fangjie ordered the archer to retreat behind the high slope, so that the archer of the Shanzi camp would shoot blindly. Without seeing the enemy, the feather arrow was sent to the designated place entirely by command of the commander.

Doesn't this reduce the power of the archer?

Chen Qianshan looked at the soldiers in hesitation, and loudly ordered the soldiers to follow the general's instructions. He is full of respect for Xie Xie, but not only because Xie Xie gave him a robe of six captains, but because Xie Xie recognized him. He has been in the army for many years and understands the purpose of Fang Jie.

Although occupying a high slope, a large gentle slope, for the attacking side, it will not be difficult to run, and the speed will not be greatly affected. Within this distance, there is not much difference between the archer's blind shooting before the high **** or the high slope. The main thing is that Fang Jie knew that Ye Jinnan's men and horses brought many giant shields. Therefore, Ye Jinnan's attack style can be expected. When the opponent pushes forward with a giant shield, the archer's threat is not great.

The giant shield protects the team like a giant beetle. Rolling forward like this, the role of the archer is minimal, it is better to let the archer back to save physical strength, when the defense line is not used as a reserve team.

After the array was completed, Fang Xie turned back and instructed Chen Qianshan to say, "Go, take someone to chop the bamboo, and ensure that the length is more than one foot, the more the better."

Chen Qianshan froze for a while, but did not understand the intention of Fangjie's move, but still did so, and led a group of people to cut the green bamboo behind the high slope.

After half an hour of the Shanzi camp, Ye Jinnan's men and horses slowly pressed up.

Seeing the formation on Gaopo, he lowered his eyes to the south and could n’t help but smile: "Give up the archer to stop me from the beginning, did you see my intention?"

"Shield hands, fight!"

He commanded aloud, and the clarion sounded immediately.

Six people were placed side by side and the giant shield stood in front of them. The shield hand at the back held the giant shield together, and the shield at the side was next to the shield, leaving only a gap for observation. There were pikemen between the shields, and at this time they were holding wooden sticks.

Two shield formations are formed, each team has 500 people. Ye Jinnan left two hundred elites as a reserve team, and then ordered a super beetle composed of two giant shields to attack the high slope.

A mile away on the high slope, Luo Yao raised a thousand miles of eyes and looked at this side.

"The soldiers in the south are still so stable, the high **** is too short, and the **** is very slow. It is best for the shield to squeeze forward, and the archer on the defensive side will not play a role. This is a test, which does not allow real injury Therefore, it is impossible and impossible for the solution to prepare to roll the wood, there is no crossbow car, and there are not many ways to deal with the shield formation. "

He said with a smile: "Both men gave up using cavalry. It is really boring to have cavalry in such a test. The speed of a cavalry team of 100 can raise the defense line of a thousand infantry. I am interested It is Fangjie where exactly those 150 people are. "

Zhan Yao standing beside him was silent for a while, and suddenly looked at the bamboo forest behind Gaopo.

Wen Xiaodao glanced at Zhan Yao and thoughtfully.



In Yongzhou City


Luo Wen knew that he had no other way to go. He pinched the elixir left by Shi Yuan and took a look at it, then shook his head with a bitter smile. I have eaten the first one, what else can I avoid? He stuffed the turquoise elixir into his mouth and poured a glass of water into his stomach.

Unlike the pain of burning the stomach when the first elixir was taken, this elixir has a very cool feeling. The coolness made him feel very comfortable, and the dryness and pain in his body quickly reduced a lot. This made him breathe a long sigh of relief and let go of his heart a lot.

But after a while, the pain in the lower abdomen suddenly burst out violently. The pain this time was much more severe than the pain caused by the first elixir, and his body twitched in an instant. He rolled on the bed with his lower abdomen in his arms, and soon sweat permeated his clothes.

The next second, the unstoppable Rowan fainted.

When he woke up again, he felt a little cold on his forehead. Difficulty opened his eyes and looked, and found a familiar figure sitting beside the bed.

"Uncle ... why are you here."

When Zhong Bo saw him awake, he quickly helped him to sit up: "Master ... you shouldn't lie to me, let alone listen to the monk's words ... how can the Buddhist things be touched easily!"

When saying this, Rowan felt the pain of Zhong Bo.

"I volunteered ..."

Luo Wen squeezed a difficult smile: "People have to fight once for themselves."

"Master, you are so confused!"

Zhong Bo's eyes were red, and the meaning in his eyes was very complicated. He felt distressed, angry, sorry, and worried.

"If you let the general know, is this okay?"

"But just die."

Luo Wen smiled at himself: "He has no other ability besides killing me. He did not intend to give me his things, and said that he might have thought of killing me long ago. Me, he justifiably gave everything to outsiders. "

After hearing this, Zhong Bo's face changed: "Why did the young master say this? Although the general is severe, he is your father after all."


Luo Wen took a sip: "I now doubt whether I am his son!"


Zhong Bo's face became more and more difficult. He looked at Luo Wen and said eagerly: "How did the young master think so? I was watching you grow up, don't you even believe me?"

"I believe you"

Luo Wen smiled reluctantly: "I can trust you in the whole house. Zhong Bo ... I want to ask you something, you have to tell me the truth. This is about how I should go in the future. If you Lie me, I won't forgive you. "

"Master, you ask"

"I ... does my father have other children?"


Zhong Bo's face changed so much that he couldn't help exclaiming. But soon, he shook his head vigorously: "Master, you are the only child of the general, and you are the only child of the general."

"I do not believe!"

Luo Wen struggled and reached out and grabbed Zhong Bo's clothes: "What did the father do when he caught a lot of wizards? Zhong Bo, you are the old man around your father, and you have followed him since you were young. I know my father Trust you, so you know many things! Now you have to tell me, what did the wizard let those wizards do? "

"Master, don't think about it! The general is just ... just curious about the wizardry of the wizards."

"Don't lie to me ... my wife is also a wizard, right? She still has a private relationship with Bo Chi, right? So she will let me go to Cangman Mountain and go to Bo Chi! So she will help me hide it Father, she hasn't changed her face for twenty years, just because she also learned witchcraft! "

Zhong Bo's body shook suddenly, almost unable to stand: "That monk ... what did he say to you ... hate, hate!"


Luo Wen took his hand and said eagerly, "Shi Yuan Tianzun said that it was true that his father planned to give his family business to an outsider instead of me. Is it true now that you have to mention that he is hiding me? I beg you, tell me what you know, I do n’t want to be caught in the drum anymore! I have had enough of this kind of life, please, please tell me! "

"Master ... you have to believe that the general has no prejudice against you."

Zhong Bo's voice was hoarse and said that at this moment he seemed to be ten years old, his body was shaking unsteadily, and his strength was exhausted.

"Mrs .... Mrs .... I did some wrong things that year, but the general did not pursue anything."

He looked at Luo Wen, his eyes were distressed: "Yes, my wife has learned witchcraft, so she can look unchanged for twenty years ~ ~ This is the time that Bo Chi studied hard to please your mother Witchcraft that was invented for a long time ... At that time, because of the separation between the young master and the general, there was very little communication between the two. However, the general was distressed by his wife, and he was looking for something strange to make her happy. The general knew that Bochi could drive the wolf, tiger, leopard, flying bird, and poisonous insects, so he sent Bochi to his wife, and wanted to make his wife happy. Who knew that Bochi was a beast, and he had a wistful mind for his wife ... "

"Later, General General noticed vaguely, so he broke Bo Chi's heart. But Bo Chi had taken precautions in advance and planted himself with insects to keep him alive. The General General thought he was dead and sent someone to throw him out of the city. The lady knew that Bochi would not die, and sent someone to rescue Bochi to Cangman Mountain in secret ... "

Luo Wen's face was extremely pale, and his voice murmured, "Shi Yuan ... didn't lie to me ..."

He was silent for a long time, and suddenly thought of something violently raised his head.

"Uncle ... you tell me, who the **** is ... whose child?"


Zhong Bo's face was twisted for a while, and it took a while to squeeze out word by word: "Of course ... of course the child of the general and his wife ..."

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