Conquer the World

Chapter 370: Tell the truth (4)

(20th before the monthly ticket and 5th at the end of the month)

Chapter 370 Telling the Truth (4)

Ye Jinnan's shield line has been squeezed forward, and the archer's blow really did not help. In this kind of test, the wrapped feather arrow has no effect. The raindrops fell on the shield, and there was no use except for the crackling noise. The two sides gave up the cavalry by accident from the beginning, and now they give up the archer by accident. This contest seems to have long been doomed to be a duel.

"General, what do you do!"

Looking at the shield array that was getting closer, Chen Qianshan's face was a bit ugly: "Originally to deal with this shield array, you can use a crossbow car, you can use a rolling wood, you can use a cavalry to collide, there are many ways to use a rocket. But now we ca n’t use the methods that can be used in this case, because this is not a real fight. Now we can only watch the shields squeeze in. As long as they do n’t lift the shields, the wooden knife in our hands is not enough. They tickle. "

"Yeah, nothing works."

A captain said: "A crossbow car is impossible, and there is no such thing as a lethal weapon. There is nothing to prepare for it. The archer is powerless and can only watch ... Is it really faster than speed now? Who is the first? Ran to the banner ... Then what's the significance of the test. No wonder General Ye didn't care that we grabbed Gaopo. When his men and horses came out of the camp, they brought so many giant shields. Will seize this high slope. "

"As a general, if the terrain is unclear before the war, it will be a failure."

Chen Qianshan sighed, then looked at Fang Jie: "General, what should I do?"

"Using shields in such a test can be considered a rogue."

Fang Jie smiled, and seemed to care nothing.


Everyone was surprised and didn't dare to answer.

"I thought I was supposed to be a rogue, but General Ye said in this way that it sounds good and should be constant, and that if it's bad, it's still rogue. There is only one way to deal with rogue since ancient times. ...... I can't do that rogue, I have to do the ruthless one. "


Chen Qianshan froze for a moment, and then remembered so many green bamboos he had cut with his soldiers.

"Let the two hundred archers distribute the green bamboos that were cut before, regardless of the formation and tactics. Are they not confined in the giant shield? Then we will fight wildly. The people in the shield array are in the hands of The wooden sticks are not as long as our green bamboo, and now it is their turn to fight back. "


Chen Qianshan immediately understood the intent of Fang Xie. No wonder he had at least made it a long time when cutting green bamboo.

"Come on, send the bamboo!"

Chen Qianshan ordered loudly.

The two hundred archers behind Gaopo who acted as reserve teams immediately picked up a few green bamboo poles and quickly distributed them. The soldiers of the Shanzi camp lost the wooden knife in their hands, and each person held a green bamboo with a length of one foot to surround the shield formations. With the order of Fang Xie, a piece of green bamboo crackled down. Either hesitate or shoot ... A team of more than a thousand people was thrilled to play around two big "beetles".

The soldiers felt a little ridiculous at first, but they became addicted immediately after fighting. Ye Jinan soldiers hiding in the shield formation at the beginning had the advantage. As long as they maintained the formation, the Shanzi camp could not take them. But now it is not the same. Green bamboo is very tough. It is full of strength, and the shield soldiers who trembled on the giant shield numb. The soldiers of the Shanzi camp were far away, smashing and smashing as if they were rushing a pig, so that the soldiers under Ye Jinnan were filled with humiliation.

Soon, the shield was shaken by green bamboo. The shield soldiers were tiring enough, and where they could bear such a mess. Soon, some shield soldiers couldn't keep the shield from letting go, a shield showed a flaw, and half of the shield formation stopped for a while, then the formation began to loosen.


Chen Qianshan watched the rise, rolled up his sleeves, grabbed a green bamboo pole and rushed up, poking away at the shield array from a distance away, and the shield soldier he poked on was sitting on the ground unstable, A hole was revealed immediately. Chen Qianshan poked the green bamboo pole into the cave, smashed like a garlic, and looked excited.

The soldiers at the Shanzi camp were all crazy. Where is it like a test, it was like playing in a group of older children.

A mile away

Duan Bianxiong lowered the clairvoyance in his hand and twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "What the **** is this?"

Wen Yidao squeaked his face disdainfully: "Where is this like a group of well-trained soldiers? It is basically a group of streets fighting in the street! What a good mountain camp ... how he was led into a group of mules. If there is no formation, there is no tactics ... if this works, you can win the battle by pulling a bunch of splashes on the battlefield! "

The corner of Luo Yao's mouth was always laughing, and he looked inside and out with interest.

"Just win"

Zhan Yao said for a while and said silently: "Although this method is not very handy, it really looks like a group of rogue and rogue fights. But there is no doubt that in this case, the general thinks out a good way to deal with the shield array ... General Ye thought With constant response, this is troublesome. "

The numbers on both sides were similar. Fang demodulated 150 people and left without knowing where. Ye Jinnan used a thousand men in his offensive, with two hundred men remaining in his reserve.

At this moment, seeing that his shield was broken by such unreasonable rogue play, Ye Jinnan's face was red and white for a while: "Master Xiaofang uses soldiers ... it's really eclectic ..."

The shield was scattered, and the soldiers in it rushed out of shame to fight the dead. But the weapons in their hands were short, and many people were knocked out of their bags soon. In the end, the shield soldiers and gunmen fought fiercely, howling and rushing to hug the soldiers of the Shanzi camp to start chaos. It really became more and more like a group of gangsters who had no quality ...

Fang Xie looked almost, and smiled, "Let them fight here, let's go!"

He started beckoning, took Chen Qianshan and a dozen others and rushed out in the direction of the green bamboo forest. Behind the high **** is the endless bamboo forest, and the specific place where the banner is inserted is only Luo Yao who watched the battle. They know that Fang Jie and Ye Jinnan have only been informed of the general area and need to find it by themselves.

Turning and rushing down the high slope, the smile on Fang Jie's mouth grew stronger.

This way you can still keep your mentality intact?



Ye Jinnan was indeed a little depressed, and it was awkward how the shield was broken by this method. Seeing Fang Jie ’s side moving the flag behind Gaopo, he immediately stretched his fingers and pointed out: "The soldiers and I went after them, and the others went to tell those soldiers not to fight again, hug together and wrestle ... what kind of system! "


A captain responded, and rushed to the rack with more than a hundred soldiers ...

"Don't fight, don't fight!"

"Why don't you guys at Shanzi Camp!"

"I-Fuck! General Fang said, you have to be rude to those who are foolish to you!"

"You guys are playing tricks!"

"Fart! You're playing rogue with a shield!"

"I'll go to his mother's ... hit him hit him!"

Crackling, happy.

More than 2,000 people scolded and became more excited, and the scene of scuffles was spectacular. When you crooked your armor and crooked your nose, two thousand well-trained soldiers just scolded me and slapped you. Gaopo was a mess, and I don't know how many people hugged and rolled down Gaopo, and the soldiers were gone.

Duan Bianxiong who watched in the distance couldn't help laughing: "It's really fierce ..."

Duan Bianbao's mouth drew: "Hehe ... hehe ... hahahaha"

When he smiled, the generals around Luo Yao couldn't help laughing. This trial is to let them gain insight, fight into a fight, and fight without any rules, and turn the soldiers into a rogue rogue ... This little master's ability is really impressive.

According to the truth, Luo Yao should have been angry when he saw this kind of scene, but he looked at it with a smile, where he could find a little unpleasantness on his face.

"I understand"

The only unsmiling Zhan Yao sighed suddenly and said very seriously: "General Fang deliberately did this. He knew that the command of the Shanzi camp could not be compared with that of General Ye's command. It was only one month before he came to the Shanzi camp. I'm not familiar with the Shanzi camp, but General Ye commanded his men like an arm. General Fang knew that he couldn't compare at this point, so he simply scrambled. This was just a field test anyway ... He deliberately let Shanzi The battalion's soldiers angered General Ye's soldiers, and the trial turned into a fight. "

"Since you know you can't fight, then drag the opponent's forces. General Ye's experience is incomparable to General Fang's, so he makes General Ye's experience useless ... a little interesting."

Wen Xiaodao's face changed, and he couldn't help but nodded: "It turned out ... now I know why those people in his team are gone."

Duan Bianbao smiled hehe: "Ye Jinnan is going to eat gluttony this time."

Ye Jinnan chased out with his relatives on horseback, watching Fang Xie's flag enter the bamboo forest. He is extremely familiar with war, and how to line up troops to deal with the enemy's military strategy, he is very capable. To cope with this rogue play, he has no experience ...

Fang Jie deliberately made his experience obsolete and completely unused.

Ye Jinnan was a little depressed and annoyed at this moment. Playing like this is too childish, so at first he was convinced that Fang Xie would not go straight to capture the flag, but now he has to doubt that Fang Xie did. Even such a rogue can do it. What else can't he do?

So he greeted his soldiers, followed Fang Xie and entered the bamboo forest.



"Uncle Zhong, tell me, what happened to my brother then?"

Luo Wen clutched Zhongbo's hand tightly and begged: "I haven't seen any cold iron coffins in my memory ~ ~ How was his body finally disposed of? Buried? Or was it really made by Bo Chi? Become a zombie? If so ... where is the zombie now? "

"I do not know……"

Zhong Bo shook his head: "At that time, I was also new to General General's Mansion. I don't know these things. Master don't believe that monk is nonsense. Seventy-eighth of what he said is not true."

"You must know!"

Luo Wen's eyes stared at Zhongbo's face redly: "I beg you, tell me."

"Master ..."

Uncle Zhong sighed longly: "Master, you just need to keep in mind that as long as you listen to the general and the wife, nothing will happen. The general's industry will be yours sooner or later, and outsiders will never **** it away. "


Luo Wen cried with a headache: "I don't know now, this outsider ... is someone else ... or me?"

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