Conquer the World

Chapter 620: Who else can scare me?

(At the end of the month, let ’s see if there is a monthly ticket. To keep your position, the end of the month is the most important thing. You do n’t know how to let a month ’s hard work go at the last minute, right? Let ’s fight now, the distance is successful Just one step!)

Chapter 620 Who else can scare?

Chi Haonian and Zhong Xin did not walk out of the room all afternoon. The door was the two of them with their trusted followers. Someone was kindly blocked by the water. When the day was about to go, Wu came and greeted him personally. The door only opened from the inside. After Wu Yi entered, he stayed in it for more than an hour, and did not know what the three people had discussed.

During dinner Wu Yidao sent someone to ask Fang Jie, but Fang Jie made people go back to say that he was still asleep and didn't wake up. Chi Haonian and Zhong Xin knew that this was deliberately done by Fang Jie, but it was a bit rude, so Wu Yidao apologized on behalf of Fang Jie, and then arranged a banquet to continue drinking.

It wasn't just Wu Yidao who accompanied the drink this time. The main commanders of the Black Flag Army in the camp were all on the table. There were a dozen people. These guys have a strong competition, one after another. After two rounds of respect, Chi Haonian and Zhong Xin have been unable to carry it. Although they are not bad, they use a large bowl instead of a wine cup for drinking in the Black Banner. The two of them have a fine drink, and each of these soldiers is rough.

A drink of wine drank for almost an hour, this time the two Fengjiang officials really drank too much.

The two were taken back to rest. This time they did not put them together again, but lived in separate rooms. The guards brought by Chi Haonian and Zhong Xin followed, but no one paid attention to this detail. After eating wine at noon, I put the two together to discuss them. After eating wine at night, it was not just because the two were sleeping in a room because the Black Flag was rude.

The next day, when it wasn't dawn, the two of them were awakened by the screaming roar outside. Zhong Xin struggled to get up from the bed, rubbing his almost cracked head and pushing the window to look out. The countless number of black armored soldiers on the school field in the distance were training and shouting.

At the northernmost point on the school ground, the young man who looked weak and weak stood in a black robe yesterday, standing upright and heroic.

The soldiers on the school ground continued to change the formation as the flag bearers on the podium waved their flags. The Black Flag Army, which followed the changes of the Great Sui infantry formation, looked solemn. Seeing at least 10,000 soldiers in the school are training , But there is no slight stagnation between formation transformations.

Although Zhong Xin is not a military commander, it doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything.

After decades of playing on the official court, what kind of scenes have he never seen? While in Liangcheng, when he looked at the Black Flag Cavalry outside, he knew that this was an elite. Today, when he saw the Black Banner infantry drill, he reexamined the young man called Fangjie again.

He remembers that when he was young, his father once said a word to him, and he kept it in his heart.

No one can succeed casually, even if they are famous.

Fang Xie can have the current strength, how could it be just luck? He initially traveled to the northwest with a battalion of battalions. Instead of annihilating in the chaotic situation, he pulled back a team with tens of thousands of elite horsebacks. In less than a year, he established such a scale in Suzakushan. Camp, but also trained such a majestic infantry ... Only in the early morning, Zhong Xin's impression of the other side's solution changed greatly.

At this time, Zhong Xin also guessed and found that the window next to it was opened, and Chi Haonian looked at the young man in the black robe on the school ground as solemnly as he did.

The eyes of the two men were intertwined, and before they had any time to talk, Wu Yi walked over with a smile: "Why did the two wake up so early, did they get noisy by the soldiers? Sorry, this is The general's habit, no matter how cold, hot, rainy, or snowy, is to train personally in the morning every morning. I apologize to the two generals and disturb you. "

"No no"

Chi Haonian, who was closer, waved his hands and said, "The majesty of the general to rule the army is admirable."

"Why should we go and see?"

Wu Yidao made a please gesture.

As the saying goes, the guest is at will. Although the two of them are prominent, they are also guests at the Suzaku Mountain Camp. They refreshed and changed their clothes, and followed Wu to the school yard.

"Scattered money ..."

Chi Haonian hesitated, but still couldn't help asking: "The general was drunk yesterday. What did you say to you when you woke up?"

Wu Yi nodded his head and said, "Last night our banquet was dispersed, and the general was up, because I told him not to wake him up, and he lost his temper because he said that he slowed down two noble guests."

"not this……"

Chi Haonian was anxious: "Nothing else said?"


Wu Yidao thought for a moment, and when he was about to speak, he saw Luo Weiran with a team of Snap Riding School passing by, and the moment he saw Luo Weiran, the faces of Chi Haonian and Zhong Xin obviously changed.

"Who ... was that the commander of the Inari Guard at the time, Luo Weiran?"

Zhong Xin asked subconsciously.


Wu Yi nodded his head: "Now he is working under the command of the General, not just him ..."

Wu Yidao pointed to the person who stood on the stage in the distance and respectfully respected the person standing behind Fang Jie. "The former **** in the imperial study, the emperor trusted him very much. Before the imperial expedition, he gave him a secret message. Come to find the general, it can be said that the general is acting in accordance with the secret order of the emperor. "

These words confused Chi Haonian and Zhong Xin. Isn't Fang Xie Luo Luo's son? Wasn't he staying in Huangyang Road to keep the foundation for Luo Yao, why did he suddenly become an emperor? How could it suddenly become a secret act of the emperor?

Wu Yi just made them confused, and when they saw the faces of the two people changing, he smiled and said, "Actually, the two generals mentioned yesterday, and the generals were also upset after they knew. The generals served the emperor's will to clear the southwest rebellion. The bandit, who has the discretionary discretion, reasonably understands that in this case, the general in the southern Xinjiang must inevitably lead the army to fight the thieves. Now, there is indeed a shortage of food and grass in the camp, so the general has insufficient power.

"If the general intends to go south to fight the thieves, do he have to worry about the problem of grain and grass?"

Chi Haonian said: "The two of us at the banquet yesterday were not jokes!"

Zhong Xin also said: "Since the general has the will of his Majesty, sending troops to fight the thief is also justified. Wherever I go, which one will not support it? My words yesterday are countable. As long as the general is willing to lead his troops south, I will calculate in Beihui No matter how poor you can still support some money and food, you must not let the soldiers hungry to kill the enemy for the country! "

"In this case, the two don't talk later, I will first test the meaning of the general."

Wu Yixiao smiled: "It's just that my general is worried that the General Suzakushan camp that was just set up cannot be reluctant to be established. In the event that the General One fights against foreign enemies for the country, someone comes to fight me. The general chilled? "

"will not!"

Chi Haonian said: "Surely not!"

Wu Yi sighed: "The two said no, I naturally believe that the generals must also think about the hundreds of thousands of generals below ... If they do not send out all the threats, the generals will not be able to take the team south with confidence. . "

"do not know……"

Zhong Xin frowned and asked, "How can you reassure the general?"




Standing on the tall city wall in Yongzhou and looking south with clairvoyance, you can already see smoke rising from the farthest line of sight. All the gates of Yongzhou City have been closed. Even today, even the people who have fled can't enter the city. No matter how they begged, the gates did not open. The soldiers who guarded the city also looked at the movement. And they dare not disobey.

In fact, this is not to blame the generals' cruelty. Now the Tatars and Nan Yan ’s army are close at hand. No one knows whether these refugees have mixed in Nan Yan. Once the enemies are mixed in, the city will be Who can guarantee it?

So the people below were begging again and again, and the soldiers turned their heads and couldn't bear to look, but they still couldn't open the gate.

The people begged for a long time and did not wait for the city gate to open, so they had to bypass Yongzhou and go north. In fact, many refugees have been accepted in Yongzhou City since these days. People living on the streets of Yongzhou are fleeing from the south. It is too fierce to kill a man, and it is a beast compared to the Nanyan army. Nanyan people only robbed money and seldom killed people, because they also robbed people back.

After the founding of Nanyan, the population of the country was not large. In addition, because Da Sui's life is better than Nan Yan, many people secretly ran to Da Sui to settle down. Da Sui is here to resist, and Mu Rongsha didn't dare to offend Luo Yao, so he didn't even ask. , Had to pretend to be deaf.

For the most year, one hundred thousand people came from Nanyan to become Sui people.

The people of Nanyan's national strength and the weak are heavily taxed, and the Emperor Sui has always taken good care of the southwestern provinces, and every year will have the purpose of reducing money and food. Although Luo Yao did a good job of searching, it wasn't the common people who were searching but the wealthy households. Even if Luo Yao collects it, it is much lower than Nan Yan's. Luo Yao also likes these Nanyan people to vote, because these people have no respect for Da Sui, and selecting soldiers from these people is even more assured.

Because of this, Mu Rongsha's hatred is stronger. He deceived the Shang Dynasty emperor's will from the Big Dog brothers at first. If the Big Dog had no special ability, the two brothers would have been killed by him. It was difficult to pretend to be the Crown Prince of the Shang Dynasty to establish Nan Yan, but the national strength was weak, and he had no choice but to bow to the strong Sui Empire.

This resentment has been accumulated for a long time. So he ordered the Nanyan army not only to plunder money, but also the population. Moreover, it is necessary to check that all the people who had fled from Nanyan to Pingshang Road at the beginning were branded with a slave character on their faces with a red hot iron.

As for the Dai people, they may not even know what they want.

Because they have been killing people all the time ~ ~ The current defender of Yongzhou City is Xu Qingzhi, a four-pins general of Daojiao, although Luo Qiu is also in the city, but because he does not understand military affairs, he will simply defend the city Gave it to him.

Xu Qingzhi is only 35 years old and under the age of six. He is already a good general in the fourth grade. If Da Sui is not in chaos, he will not have the opportunity to become one of the sixteenth guard generals after a few more years.

He stood on the city wall and looked at the smoky smoke in the distance, and then looked back at the crowded refugees in Yongzhou City.

"Without these refugees, Yongzhou would be able to last for two months if it was besieged. Although Luo Yao took away most of the crops, anyway, there are still some inventories. But with these refugees now, it would be good to support one month."

He sighed and looked at the Governor Suo Qiu's Da Sui flag, which was re-hung on the walls of Yongzhou, shaking his head and grinning: "Now we have to hang the Da Sui flag ... who else can scare me?"

Do not know why, he suddenly wanted to cry.

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