Conquer the World

Chapter 621: Take you to revenge

Chapter 621 Takes You To Revenge

The black flag's southward movement was settled during the training on the school ground. The speed of the settled was beyond the expectations of Chi Haonian and Zhong Xin. The two were drunk last night and woke up again this morning. It was a little confused. At that time, Wu Yi was dragged to see Fang Jie, and Fang Jie used the prestige of the forces to provide the conditions, and gave them little room for consideration.

"It is a matter of the Black Banner Army to fight the invasion of foreign enemies southward. I thought for a long time last night. If I did n’t send soldiers, how would I face the generals? If I did n’t send soldiers, how would I face the people?

As soon as Fang Xie's remarks came out, both Chi Haonian and Zhong Xin were relieved immediately, but before they praised the decision of Xie Xie, the tone of Fang Xie suddenly changed.


Fang Jie looked for a moment, looking at Chi Haonian and Zhong Xin. He stood on a high platform with his back facing Chaoyang, so he looked extraordinarily tall with a gold edge around his body.

"As a leading general, I can't act rashly. My majesty's lives are in my hands and I can't be sloppy. There is a way that the army goes ahead without providing food and grass. Now my camp has insufficient food and grass. In support of the army's thousands of miles of attack, I remember the Gao Yi of the two adults yesterday, I would not believe it without words? "

"This is nature!"

Chi Haonian hugged his fist: "If the general is willing to send troops to expel the thieves for the country, naturally the generals do not need to worry about the generals. Before I came, the Governor of Pingshangdao, Lord Luo, specifically asked for it. He said that if the general is willing to lead the army to Pingshandao All officials below him in Pingshang Road are willing to wait for the general's demolition, but the general will be the first to look forward. The money and food used will be supplied by the four governors of Fushang Road, Pingshang Road, Yongbei Road, Nanhui Road, and Beihui Road. They will never let the soldiers suffer. Wronged. "

"it is good"

Fang Xie looked at Zhong Xin and asked, "Master Zhong said yesterday that if anyone would lead the army south, all relevant card routes on the North Hui Road would be released, and the grain and grass supplies along the road would also be provided by Bei Hui Road. Is this true?"


Zhong Xin said: "I am the great minister of Sui Dynasty, and I dare not perform my duties with due diligence when I am in trouble. When I pass Beihui Road, I guarantee that all relevant cartoon activities will be unimpeded and that all money and food will be provided without worry."

"That's not enough!"

Fang Xie said slightly coldly: "If you want to win every battle, the first thing is not that my black flag generals are fighting to death, but that the locals are working together. Since the two adults are so sincere, I have to say the ugly words first. If At the extreme level of my army and the enemy's killing, some people in the local area did not listen and would not keep their schedule. Don't blame me for acting in accordance with the military laws of the Black Flag Army. In addition, since Lord Luo said that all officials of Pingshangdao are willing to assist the army to kill the enemy, I still One requirement ... "

Fang Xie said earnestly: "The turmoil in southern Xinjiang cannot be eliminated in a short while, and my forces are limited, so in addition to the Pingshang Road, Lord Zhong's Beihui Road, Lord Chi's Yongbei Road, and Du The adults sit on the southern Anhui Road, and each road mobilizes 10,000 county soldiers for me to drive. I wonder if the two can make the decision? "

"This one……"

Zhong Xin and Chi Haonian glanced at each other, their hearts were tight. They did not expect that Fangjiejie would make such an excessive request, which is why they are unwilling to agree anyhow. The reason why they are willing to ask Fang Jie to go to Ping Shang Dao is not to save Da Sui and the minds of the people. Now Fang Jie has made them personally transfer 10,000 county soldiers from their respective forces to follow the Black Banner Army. If they are willing, strange.

"This ... the general also knows that the local team is already thin, and the county soldiers are still struggling to maintain local law and order. If another 10,000 horses are deployed, the locals are afraid that it will be difficult to maintain."

Zhong Xin pretended to be extremely difficult.

Fang Xie smiled: "Master Zhong has forgotten Fang's mission?"

He clenched his fist towards the north: "I came to the southwest with the ordinance to protect the locals against the rebels, and it was my duty to keep the people in the southwest safe and secure. The master Zhong said that the troops in the local county I ’m afraid there ’s nothing wrong with it. It ’s hard for me to suppress it. Am I just setting up the Black Flag Army? The Suzaku Mountain camp is here, even if I ’m not in the camp, if there ’s something in the area, Master Zhong only needs to send someone to Suzaku Mountain. I'll see who my Majesty dares to turn a blind eye? "

He turned to Wu Yi and said, "Houye, please help me remember. After I leave with the soldiers, if there is difficulty in the area, the Black Flag lieutenant general deliberately pushes the slacker, chop!"


Wu Yidao clenched his fists: "Remember your subordinates!"

Fang Xie narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhong Xin: "Sir, what doubts do you have?"

Originally in a poor state, this clock Xin felt that he was even more headache. He looked at Chi Haonian, and Chi Haonian was equally embarrassed.

Fang Xie said with a cold hum: "Since there is no guarantee that I will cooperate with the Black Flag Army, I will not dare to go south easily. Two adults, please go back for breakfast first, and then accompany the two adults to explore the Suzaku. mountain."

Wu Yidao said immediately, "Breakfast is ready, two adults please."

Chi Haonian pursed his lips and suddenly stomped: "Okay! I don't care about serving the country. If General Fang is willing to lead his troops south, I will draw 10,000 elites from the army of Yongbei County and let the general drive me! "

Zhong Xin froze for a moment, and said in his heart how could this be promised?

But when he saw Chi Haonian winking at himself, he nodded and said, "I will not fall behind North Huidao, but also protect the country and protect the country. Cavity hot blood. "



The major party nodded, and left the rest to Wu Yi to discuss. Fang Xie asked Chen Xiaoru to send someone to notify Chen Qianshan, who was a bandit in Beihui Road, and brought back the old ladies or principals who were invited to return politely. Since Zhong Xin has made concessions, Fang Jie The mobile combat capabilities of the Black Banner cavalry have also been demonstrated. This trip is not a white run, at least also trained. Let Chen Qianshan return with the flying eagle army and meet with Cui Zhongzhen, waiting for Wu to dispatch.

Then Fang Xie prepared Xiahou Baichuan's Flying Lion Army, Chen Dingnan's Flying Tiger Army, and Liu Xuri's Flying Leopard Army. Fang Jie intended to bring only these three cavalry, plus the heavy dog ​​battalion, and the army's auxiliary With a total of about 40,000 troops, they went south. All the infantry remained in the Suzaku Mountain Camp, and the remaining cavalry of the Flying Wolf Army, the Flying Bear Army, and the Flying Eagle Army. For the forces in the southwest, no one dared to make an idea for the Black Flag Army.

Moreover, Fang Xie believed Wu Yi together, not only because of Wu Yinyu's relationship, but also because Wu Yi Dao had almost all the capital on Fang Jie.

There is no need to worry about the solution of the next thing. Wu Yitong is the most successful businessman. How to get the most benefits, he is like the solution. Although the solution has the same business mind, after all, it has not been manipulated in these years. Besides, he can't do everything himself.

Leaders who don't know about devolution are not qualified.

The cavalry of the three armies are preparing. The auxiliary soldiers are busy taking things out of the heavy battalion, then checking the saddle pedals for the war horses, and checking the weapons and armor for the cavalry. The heavy battalion is the busiest, although Zhong Xin He Chi Haonian promised to provide food for the army, but he still had to spend at least half a month. If you can't get supplies in Beihui Road, you must return enough grain.

Of course, if there is no supply in Beihui Road, Fang Jie will never return so easily.

All day, Wu Yidao and Chi Haonian Zhong Xin discussed the specific matters in the hall. Until it was getting dark, the two talents came out of the parliament hall and went back to rest. As soon as he entered the door, Zhong Xin threw himself in the seat and breathed a long breath, exhausting his body and mind.

"It seems you and I have underestimated this solution."

He sighed slightly: "I understand now, we don't know him at all. Before you came, would you have thought that Wu Yidao was actually helping Fangjie to do things, Luo Weiran was also here! What kind of two people are As a result, he was willing to be driven by a young man with a very low level of prestige ... somewhat confusing. "

Chi Haonian thought about another thing: "We really underestimated Fang Jie. When he drank yesterday, what he did about Nanjiang was just like a deceptive expression, and then he began to pretend to be drunk, looking superficial. And without a master, but now I understand that this man is so complete that even small things are calculated in order to accomplish something ... Last night he arranged the generals of the Black Flag Army to accompany the drink. You and I were drunk. Take soldiers to practice on the school grounds to wake you up, and then while you and I are not awake, immediately settle the matter ... "

He breathed a sigh of relief: "It's been calculated ... It's been many years and I haven't seen such a good-looking junior. Not only that, when talking to you and me, he even stood on top of it. Think about it in advance, this plan ... is a bit scary. "

Zhong Xin shook his head: "What I am most looking forward to is that he and his men will quickly pass by Beihui Road. As for your follow-up, I can do nothing."

"Mingzhe can help here, I'm so grateful!"

Chi Haonian said: "However, this incident will be of great benefit to the southwest. Let Fang Xie take the soldiers to fight with the Yanyan people. Although we paid some money, our strength can be preserved to the greatest extent. I just did not expect that Xie actually proposed to let us each send 10,000 soldiers ... It seems that he also thought of this layer. "

"Forget it"

Zhong Xin rubbed his eyebrows: "I don't want to deal with that Fangjie Wu any more, especially that Wu Yi, really is the most Sui Sui will do business ... I think I have a headache."

Chi Haonian smiled bitterly, thinking in his heart how to discuss with those people after returning, the conditions for the solution have exceeded the bottom line, I'm afraid I will be blamed.



After Fang Xie arranged the cavalry, after thinking about it, he should explain to the big dog. Although the origin of the big dog determines that he has not been in contact with ordinary people since childhood, what he has learned is not something that ordinary people can teach. But after all, this is the first real expedition of the Black Flag Army, and one of the enemies is Murong's enemies. That's why Fang Jie decided to bring the big dog. He had previously joked with the big dog about Murong Shame.

When Fang Xie arrived at Yingzhong, he found that the big dog was sitting in a daze in the sunset ~ ~ with a furry grass in his mouth and chewing.


Fang Jie couldn't help clapping his hands and praising, "I'll be able to feed myself in the future, and I can deal with grazing. I really like you more and more."

The big dog was startled, and then realized that he had eaten several grasses. He took out the grass in his mouth and gave it a solution. "Did you not hear what Lang said? Eating some grass properly will help excrete ... ... "

Fang Xie laughed: "Is the **** you pulled sleek?"

The dog chuckled and smiled, "Did I finish the **** and squat to take a closer look at what shape?"

"You should push away."

Big Dog smirked: "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing serious."

Fang Xie smiled and took the dog's shoulder and said, "Take you to get revenge, can't you play?"

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