Conquer the World

Chapter 636: Just kill it

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Chapter 636 Is It

When Fang Xie heard Luo Qiu talking about Mrs. Luo Yao's Chu family, she suddenly understood many things. Luo Yao's scam was not just for solution, but also for his wife. He deceived the trick to better control his physical substitute. And he lied to her wife to give her a hope of living.

For a moment, Fang Jie thought the woman was pathetic. But this idea came out, and Fang Jie thought of the tree doll in Chu's yard.

He shivered.

"what happened?"

Luo Qiu asked.

"It's all right"

Fang Xie smiled and said, "It was summer when I came to Yongzhou last time, and the hot people were a little adaptive. This time was the best time for the weather, and I got cold from the car but felt a bit cold."

Luo Qiu naturally did not doubt anything, he took Fang Jie's hand and trembled into the gate. Officials in Yongzhou City are waiting outside. Luo Qiu is holding Fang Jie and cannot give up. They also have no chance to speak. Fang Jietai also saved the courtesy of these people next to each other, saving a lot of trouble.

After entering the city gate, Fang Jie and Luo Qiu went to the horse-drawn carriage of the Governor's Mansion. Chen Dingnan and other generals entered the city with a mighty team. But the people who came back with the army were not allowed to enter the city, because there was not much grain left in the city. Without opening the Xinggong granary, Fang Jie brought more than 70,000 troops into the city, which would have added tremendous pressure to Yongzhou City. Fortunately, Fang Xie brought a large number of grains and grasses, which are enough for their own use.

"Last moment, let's take a few days to calculate the days."

In the carriage, Luo Qiu sighed and said, "General Fang has lost his childish style, and I am already old. I was thinking of leaving the family and retired to home, grow vegetables, turn the soil, and raise a few rabbits and cage birds. Well, leisurely contentment till death. But I did n’t expect that when the Nanmanzi Tatars got into trouble, I did n’t even think about escaping from the battle ... To be honest, if you do n’t come here, the days of Yongzhou City are really not. Okay. "

He pointed to the outside of the carriage: "The south of the city is the camp of the Tatars, which stretches for more than ten miles and looks like no less than 600,000 or 700,000 people. Moreover, the Tatars will drive the wolf tigers and leopards as soldiers, and my people have no other choice. I am out of the city to meet the enemy. I am looking forward to the stars and the moon, and only to you as soon as possible to relieve the siege of Yongzhou and relieve the suffering of the people of Shangdao. "

"so much……"

Fang Xie was a little surprised and said, "Isn't the Tatar people killed enough these years, why are there so many troops?"

Luo Qiu sighed: "Everywhere is a soldier, then the puppet emperor Yan Rongmu of Yan Kingdom invited the King of Kings to join the army. Those southern barbarians have been suppressed hard these years, and they will not let go of revenge if they have a chance. It is millions. The army, in fact, even the teenage children in the village and the elderly in their fifties came out. The numerous crimes committed by the people in Pingshang Road are beyond description, and it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of people have died in military disasters ... Here, my heart as a magistrate hurts like a knife twisted. "

Fang Jie comforted: "The Shi Bo needn't worry. They could hit the South Man in the jungle back then, and they can still do it today. If it didn't happen to the frontier, neither Murong Shao nor the South Man would dare to level the business. Idea. Now that I ’m here, although I ’m not familiar with learning, I still have the blood to do my best. ”

"it is good!"

Luo Qiu clapped his hands and said, "I know what you said, and I'm at ease. Today's Yongzhou City, there will be no general, no soldiers, no food, no food ... To be honest, just Only when you realize that you are willing to come. I sent dozens of people out one after another to call for soldiers in various places, but those people are unwilling to come, or are they afraid of losing their strength? "

Fang Jie smiled in his heart, and said to himself, are you saying that I am smart or that I am stupid?

He spoke a few words, nothing more than being a general who naturally has the responsibility of keeping the soil. The enthusiasm that Luo Qiu showed, in fact, the two did not have much friendship. After speaking the scene, it seemed a bit deserted. Luo Qiu constantly changed the topic, and Fang Jie responded with a smile.

Both of them cleverly avoided Luo Yao, the emperor, and the people and things in the chaos of the Great Sui Dynasty. It was not easy to find some words to talk with.

"Let's go to the city first"

Fang Xie opened the curtains of the car and looked out, and found that the people who welcomed on both sides of the street welcomed the faces with completely different expressions from the refugees encountered outside the city. The refugees outside the city saw that joy when the army arrived, and the expressions on the faces of the people in the city, despite waving their arms, were all pretend joy.

Fang Jie understands why there is such a difference.

The people outside the city are suffering and they have lost everything. Loved ones, houses, fields, lost their entire homes, they were helpless or even unable to eat. At this time, the arrival of the Black Flag Army undoubtedly opened a door of hope for them. They could look hard into the door, everything they had seemed to be within reach.

But the people in the city are different. They are still safe now, living in their own homes, covered with warm quilts ... The first thing they have to worry about at this time may not be whether the tartars outside the city will break in and come in. It is whether the reinforcements that can come in at random will distribute their rations ... Sometimes, especially when the disaster comes, some people's vision will become farther and farther, and some will become shallower.


Luo Qiu stunned for a moment: "The home is ready for the reception ..."

"Not hungry"

Fang Jie smiled: "Go back and eat, or go to the city first to see. Sometimes eating is the most anxious thing, sometimes, eating is the least anxious thing ..."

Luo Qiu's heart tightened, and suddenly there was some fever on her face.



As the capital of the Shang Dynasty, Yongzhou's city walls can be ranked among the top three in the Central Plains. This place is also a place where Han and Tatar cultures blend, so the style of the building is quite different from that of the Central Plains. In the Central Plains, the houses where the people lived were blue bricks and red tiles, and the rich households were high-walled courtyards. In the southwest, especially in Yongzhou, the houses where people live are mostly wooden buildings, which have obvious regional characteristics.

The walls of Yongzhou are exceptionally wide. Although they are not as tall as the walls of Chang'an, their thickness is not much different. When Fang Xie walked up the city wall, he found that the width of the wall was enough for three carriages to run side by side. Such a width can ensure that the reserve team is prepared at the shortest distance, but the disadvantage is that once the enemy attacks the city wall, the enemy can easily find a foothold.

However, Luo Yao's operation in Yongzhou in these decades has turned Yongzhou into a fortress. The defenses on the walls are well-equipped and well maintained.

The bed crossbow wiped very brightly, the heavy crossbow in the wooden box next to it reflected light, there was no trace of rust, and the butter was wiped, so it still looked brand new.

The arrow tower is sturdy and spacious, and it can accommodate at least twenty archers. At the height of the Yongzhou city wall, a wolf-tooth pat is hung outside the city wall, which can directly smash people into mud. In addition, there was a large iron pot every 30 meters on the city wall. Fang Jie walked over and looked around, and found that the pot was full of oil. In fact, this kind of thing is not fully utilized at the moment, and even in war, few people think of using it.

Fang Xie didn't see the logs and stones on the wall, which shows that at least there is no shortage of crossbow arrows in the city. Although the two things are not impossible to coexist, the generals who defend the city rarely choose to ship a large amount of wood and stones to the city wall with sufficient preparation for feather arrows.

You don't need to look carefully to find out that even if there are hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers instead of hundreds of thousands of soldiers outside the city, it is not easy to break through Yongzhou City rebuilt by Luo Yao.

He walked to the wall, reached out and took a thousand miles from Kirin, and looked out of the city.

About five miles away is the camp of the people, and it really stretches for more than ten miles as Luo Qiu said. From the scale of the big camp, the opponent's strength can be roughly estimated, and the figure obtained by the solution makes him dignified.

Yongzhou City is not easy to break through, but Fang Xie did not rest assured.

The reason is simple, he didn't come to cling to a city.

"In recent days, the Tatars have been called out every day, but there is not enough troops in the city, and there is no tactic to restrain Tatars and beasts, so they have not played ..."

Xu Qingzhi whispered after Fang disbanded.

In fact, he had been observing Fang Jie along the way. When the last time Fang Jie came, he had not had direct contact with Fang Jie. As a general of Sipinglang in the Governor's Mansion, he naturally followed Luo Qiu to receive the commission, but he only glanced at it from a distance. At that time, he didn't care much about the solution.

But today, he can't help but want to take a closer look at this man who is about to take over Yongzhou military power from his own hands.

"Where's the frontier?"

Fang Xie looked back at Xu Qing and asked.

"When Luo Yao was there, the frontiers were rotated once a year, but since Luo Yao was gone, the number of frontiers staying in the border town has become much smaller. Moreover, they were mainly arranged on the side of Nanyan, so they were sloppy. There was almost no obstacle. After Yan Yan Murong Yongduo sent troops to pretend to be a caravan to deceive Baishui City, he directly entered Pingshang Road ... The garrisons in the other cities became lone soldiers, each city had more than 1,000 people, Broken food lanes are mostly more ferocious. "

Xu Qingzhi's answer was calm, but Fang Xie could find a trace of dissatisfaction in his tone.

Undoubtedly, no one paid attention to the frontier after Luo Yao left, and lost the logistics supply. It can be imagined how hard those frontiers lived. But even so, none of the Border Army soldiers withdrew from their positions until they all died.

"Maybe there are still ..."

Fang Xie said something awkwardly, Xu Qingzhi didn't understand what he meant.

Xu Qingzhi pointed to the tallest account in the Tatar camp outside the city: "There should be the Tatar king. Originally there was no Tatar king. After the Shang Dynasty was destroyed, the Tatar people were civil unrest. Almost every day there were battles, and the Tatars split into many tribes, each governing their own affairs. But Nan Yan Murong met with the chieftains of the Dai nationality a while ago, embracing him as the king of the king. "

"What's your king?"

Fang Xiewen ~ ~ Tunhun is different "

Xu Qingzhi replied: "According to the Tatar people, Tuhunduo is a very powerful practitioner and he is called the **** of the sky. Of course, the Tatar people have a natural fear of the big toast, so it may be a rumor."

"Then really listen."

Fang Jie said something casually, and then pointed to the most chaotic place in the Tatar Camp: "Where is the Tatar Beast?"


Xu Qingzhi nodded: "There are at least more than 10,000 beasts. They are led by two hundred wizards. They ride elephants and use horns to drive the beasts. If there is any way to destroy the savage beast army, the savages outside Even if there are millions, there is no fear! "

"Then get rid of it."

Fang Jie said flatly, just as easily as pinching an ant to death. So Xu Qingzhi froze for a while and didn't understand where Fang Xie's faint but strong confidence came from.

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