Conquer the World

Chapter 637: This word is so ugly

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Chapter 637 This word is so ugly

Mu Xiaowai sat in the yard and watched the guards move the salute into the yard, turning his head to see the listless big dog squatting and smoking a pipe. Theoretically speaking, the big dog should be busy rectifying at the Yingzhong camp, but I don't know why he ran here to squat.

"Dog, what are you doing?"

Mu Mu asked.

The dog raised his head and glanced at Mu Xiaowa, and then shook his head after a moment of stunning: "It's just uncomfortable here. I want to ask Xiaofangfang when we will leave."

"Leave before you arrive?"

Mu Xiaoyao was surprised: "Do you have any thoughts?"

The dog stunned the pipe and stood up, his mouth cornered: "Mu Xiao waist actually asked me if I had any thoughts ... Since you quit drinking, you are less and less like Mu Xiao waist. I remember when I was in Fan Gu If you see me squatting on your side smoking a pipe, you will never ask me if I have any concerns. "

Mu Xiaowa limped over the big dog's ass: "Get out!"

"now it's right!"

The big dog smiled and rubbed his **** and walked out the door: "If Fang Jie returns, you will be sent to let me know. I have something to do with him ... He first went to the city wall to observe the enemy situation, and he had to go to the Governor's House You can't come back before dark ... eh, I'll go back and gnaw my pig's trotters. "

Mu Xiaowa smiled and scolded a bitch, and the big dog twisted his **** in cooperation.

Looking at the back of the big dog leaving, the smile on the corner of Mu Xiao waist's mouth gradually disappeared.

"There must be something bad about him, and it's never a good thing."

she says.

Shen Qingfan was a little stunned, then shook his head: "You know him better than me. He hides when he sees me. It seems as if we haven't said more than a hundred words between us. I don't know what he hates me for. And just do n’t want to talk to me. "

"He is afraid of you"

Mu Xiaoyao looked at the lush trees in the courtyard and said, "He was afraid of you from the beginning. At that time, you were a little girl, but he always avoided you as if he met a nemesis. Maybe Because his nose is so sensitive, there's always an uncomfortable smell on you. "

Shen Qingfan smiled helplessly: "You said that he has something in mind ... Seeing how he hangs all day long, it doesn't look like he can save any thoughts."

"That's because you don't know him."

Mu Xiaoyao said in a stunned voice: "If it wasn't Fang Jie who asked later, who knew that the big dog would be the Prince of Shang Dynasty? In order to catch him, the Da Sui court did not even give up for so many years. I remember going from Fan Gu On the way to the capital, I encountered a dog seller, and a few items from the Imperial Palace of Shang Kingdom. The big dog recognized it at a glance, but no one paid attention at that time ... Later, I thought, the dog seller Maybe it's the people in the Inner Guard. "

"Will there be such a coincidence?"

Shen Qingfan thought it was incredible.

"who knows……"

Mu Xiaoluo said: "When he looks like a boring person, but there is an unintelligible insistence in his bones. Perhaps someone like him is reluctant to say anything, and It was carried by himself. He came to find a solution. I was afraid that this time he encountered something that he couldn't handle. "

"Go ask him."

Shen Qingfan said: "If you are really not assured, it is better to ask directly."

"Forget it ..."

Mu Xiaoyao shook his head: "If he wants to tell me, he won't wait for me to ask. He finds solutions instead of us, it must be too many people who don't want to know about this. This does not mean that he is Trust us, maybe because it's important to him and cannot be easily said. "

"You seem to trust him."

Shen Qingfan asked.


Mu Xiaoyao said, "It's like ... I trust him now."

Shen Qingfan nodded and understood.

"I don't know how long I will stay in Yongzhou this time."

She glanced at the busy soldiers on the street outside: "I don't know why, I have always disliked this place. I always think that something bad will happen here, maybe it's just that I'm cranky ... I originally left my nature and walked I won't feel uneasy everywhere, but here, there is a smell that disturbs me. "

"Hopefully finish this battle soon."

Mu Xiaowai smiled, walked over and sat across from Shen Qingfan: "It's already here. Have you ever thought of going back to the teacher's gate?"

Shen tilted his fan, and shook his head after a while: "Forget it, it's boring to go back. When we left, the door was almost ruined. What do we go back to? No, the door is still in my head. Exist. If you go back and see a messy wall, you don't even remember. "

Mu Xiaoya bowed his head and said, "I want to go back and see ... after all, it was Master who raised me."

"Then I'll accompany you back."

Shen Qingfan smiled: "If the teacher is still there, the master is still there, the sisters and sisters are still there, and if you see me and you hand in hand back, they will definitely jump off their boss. It seems a bit interesting if you think about it. "

Mu Xiao waist nodded a little excitedly: "Speak to him after Fang Jie returns!"



Learning from the previous lesson team's lesson was defeated by a night attack by the Hans, the sultry camp was heavily guarded. King Tuhundu do n’t order that at least 100,000 people are not allowed to take off their clothes and go to bed every day. The weapons are within their own reach. Rotate every day, if someone is slack, throw it into the beast group.

Prior to mobilizing troops for Pingshangdao, Emperor Nanyan Murong visited him secretly. After discussions between the two, Tuhunduobe decided not to stand on his own. According to the agreement of the toasts of many ministries many years ago, if you want to support the king, you must get the unanimous approval of all the toasts. In order to solve this trouble, do n’t just invite some of the most powerful toasts under the name of sharing Nanyan gifts, and kill them all at the banquet.

Then he sent people to send troops overnight, leveling those villages.

When he summoned all the chieftains to discuss, he announced that he would be the king of the king, and no one dared to object. Coupled with the weapons and equipment given to him by Emperor Nan Yan Murong Shai, his headquarters is even more powerful. After becoming the King of Kings, the first thing Tuhundobe announced was the Northern Expedition.

After learning that Luo Yao was no longer in Yongzhou, the entire Dai nationality was boiling, and the clouds in the sky shivering as the shout of revenge shook. Later, when millions of troops gathered, the toasts discovered that the strength of the united people was still so strong.

And since going north, there has been hardly any decent resistance, and his self-confidence has expanded unprecedentedly. Some of them even clamored to go to the kingdom of the Sui people, so that the Sui people also tasted slavery. Of course, Tuhunduo is not arrogant to this point.

Over the years, Tuhunduopuo has been learning Chinese things, not only the historical allusions of the Han people, but also the Chinese military methods. He is willing to learn anything that makes him feel stronger because of this. This is what sets him apart from other Tatars. Other Tatars are very resistant to the Han people, because the Han people have caused them great harm. But Tuhundubebei firmly believes that the reason why the Han people are strong is because they have something more advanced than the Tatar people.

Before Murong Sha left, he also left a few very knowledgeable staff to him, which made Tuhunduo don't be very happy. Before he studied by himself, there were always many places that he didn't understand. Although many Han people have also been arrested, they can be ordinary people or businessmen. Where do they know so much? The people left by Murong Shai helped him a lot. Someone who didn't understand before was instructed to have a refreshing feeling of seeing the clouds.

Since these days, he has let those staff members take turns living in his tent, and he immediately asks anything he doesn't understand. After suffering those Nanyan people, almost everyone had the experience of being pulled out of the bed by him to ask questions.

"Mr. Zhao"

He yelled, and the drowsy Nanyan who was already lying on the table immediately sat up, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and asked, "What does the king have to ask?"

"This sentence ..."

Do n’t point to the book and ask, “What do you mean by these three words in the art of war? What is the meaning of these four words? Virtual is not, real is, there is not for a while, I do n’t understand what it means . "

Nan Yan's staffer rubbed his eyes and just wanted to explain, he heard a sudden chaos outside.


A close friend shouted outside: "There was an accident over the beast camp, and the beast did not know what to be frightened, and the entire beast camp was in chaos. The wizards were controlling it, but they couldn't help but came to ask you."


Tuhundo don't stand up and go out, take a step and come back to fold the pages of the book you are reading, and then go out. The staff member of Nanyan gave a long sigh of relief, but did not dare to go back to sleep, took the book that Tuhunduo don't read, put it under his face, and continued to sleep on his stomach.

Don't step out of the house, Tuhundo, look over the beast camp, and heard a roar of beasts far away. His face changed, and he whistled. A huge wolf with a high shoulder and shoulders came out from behind the tent. Tuhundo don't ride up and point to the beast camp. The giant wolf snarled and rushed. Go out.



Until the middle of the night, Tuhun did not appease the beast camp, relying on strong repairs to deter the beasts that had already exploded, almost all the wizards in the camp rushed over and used various methods to suppress it. No matter how I searched, I didn't find what caused the chaos in the beast camp.

Tuhundu don't drag the tired body back to the big account. When he entered, he found that Nan Yan's staff was snoring. He shook his head, and suddenly found a piece of paper on the table when he was about to lie down and rest. He walked over and grabbed the paper and looked at it. It was a few words written in Chinese characters.

"Virtual reality is used in the art of warfare. In simple terms, the enemy cannot clear your intentions. The enemy cannot guess your thoughts, cannot find your flaws, and all the actions of the enemy will be led by you in your favor. ... as if you were hiding in the dark and the enemy was standing in the light. "

Do n’t light up Tuhunduo ~ ~ Can't wait to wake up the staff member of Nan Yan: "Mr. Zhao, this is what you wrote? I didn't think you were so careful, but you wrote it and explained it before you fell asleep."

Mr. Zhao rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked vaguely, and said, "Well, although the meaning is very vulgar, but it is almost the same, and the actual use of military art is basically the same. But this is not what I wrote It's ugly ... "

Don't froze Tuhunduo, then his face suddenly changed!

"Essentially ..."

He murmured, and then saw that he saw half of the martial arts were all drooling by that Mr. Zhao, the anger in his heart burst out, unable to stop. He slammed Mr. Zhao up, then threw it out directly, and slammed. Mr. Zhao's body fell to the ground far away from the rally, and he groaned, and there was no sound. Mostly he was dead.


Tuhundu don't yell, his face sullen.

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