Conquer the World

Chapter 769: The enemy who puts his hope on the enemy

Chapter 679 Enemies Putting Hope on Their Enemies


Mu Rongsha glanced at the high-spirited Ross people below, and the anger in his heart didn't hit one spot. The military newspaper on the table in front of him was sent early. Three of the four cities in the north have been lost. What is most shocking and angry is that Peicheng and Feng Ping were actually attacked at the same time. Mu Rongsha said nothing. The progress of the Black Flag Army is so fast!

The news of the front and back of the battle report was sent, but after three days, three cities were lost!

You must know that Feng Pingcheng is guarded by veteran Zhu Zhitian. Mu Rongsha knows the old man. He has a military and military career of fifty years. Looking at the qualifications, no one in Nanyan can compare. I thought he would not lose at least in Fengping. Although Zhu Zhitian is not expected to go out of town to defeat the Black Flag Army, defending the city for a long time will inevitably consume a portion of the Black Flag Army's strength.

As a result, Zhu Zhitian didn't keep it, the battle report was unknown, and he didn't know how to be destroyed by the enemy in an instant. The old man who was respected as the first person of Nan Yan Junwu seemed to be too disreputable.

As for Peicheng ... Peicheng's left-behind Bai Kaishan once boasted in front of him, saying that Peicheng was one of the four major cities that were most unlikely to be defeated, and the other three were Chang'an, Yongzhou, and Dali. At that time, although Murong Shao knew that Bai Kaishan boasted that he had never seen anything like Chang'an. As for Yongzhou, it was only decades ago that he was breached. After all, Peicheng was the ancestral land of the Shang country, the walls were tall and sturdy, and there were tens of thousands of horses. As a result, it was won by the Black Flag Army without much effort.

He was upset, and the people below Yushitai kept blaming the numerous crimes that the Ross had committed in Dali City. The look of the Ross people was completely indifferent, and their expressions were even more disgusting.

How many days have these foreign barbarians come, and the evils done in the city have been exhausted. Randomly snatching things from vendors on the streets and defiled the good family women in broad daylight. These things happen almost every day. Officials in Dali government dare not take these foreigners!

Listen to the translator and say that the old Shishitai man accused himself. The boss of the Ross Boskov pouted and said, "I don't know what this old guy is talking about. In his words, it seems that all of us in the country of Ross It ’s the same as the devil, but Your Majesty knows this time. We are here with the goodwill of the Kingdom of Roth and the friendship of the Opulu Empire. Your Majesty also said that we are friends of the Yan people. Do I have to eat some fruits at my friend ’s house? Give money? "

"As for those under me who are disrespectful to women, I'm sorry, Your Majesty, this may be a difference between the customs of our two countries. In our country of Ross, if a man admires a woman, he can express her ideas to her on any occasion. I I do n’t know that women in your country are not free to accept the admiration of other men, even women who are not married. "


After listening to the interpreter and speaking, Mu Rongsha's face sank: "You are guests, you should know to respect the master."

Boskov gave a shrug and then shrugged. "Well, I apologize to you."


The old master of Yushitai said angrily, "You barbarians, think that an apology is enough?"

"What else do you want? Old man, if you were rude to me like this in Ross, I would have shot you in the head. It is because we are in the Kingdom of Yan that we will be exceptional. Respect you. If you are so rough, even if we come to be friendly, I will not forget how to maintain the dignity of a man. "

"Shut up!"

Mu Rongxi waved his hand: "So far, Boskov, if you don't restrain your subordinates, I will punish you according to the laws of the Great Yan! This is the State of Yan, not your country of Ross!"


Boskov let out his hand: "I accept your suggestion, and I will restrain my subordinates."

"His Majesty!"

Du Yushi, who has reached the age of sixty, knelt down and shouted, "These foreigners have committed numerous crimes, and each one of them is a crime. If not let them go like this, would n’t the law of the Great Yan be useless? Ning, the people ca n’t be uneasy. If there are laws that do n’t comply, and you do n’t violate the law, do n’t you lose faith in the people? Your majesty, these people ca n’t forgive them easily. It is the blood of the people of the Dayan Kingdom! "


Mu Rongxi changed his sitting position: "You also said that they came from a wild and rough place, and it is understandable to not understand the rules. After all, they are not familiar with the customs and customs of Dayan, so they can adapt for a while. 泱泱 Great country, we must not lose our hospitality. Besides ... 朕 Is n’t he already admonishing them, and we wo n’t spare him again next time! ”

Du Yushi stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty! If there is no law, the country will not be a country!"


Murong said angrily: "I was soothed when you were old, do n’t forget your identity! Open your mouth and shut up, the country will not be the country, and you are the ones who say you are ruined? Come here, fork him out, and dare to talk nonsense, and take off this official uniform! "

"His Majesty!"

Du Yushi screamed: "This is your country, the middle school is your people! They are all your people, and now your people are aggrieved. Instead of helping them, you are helping a group of villains! This one If things are spread out, how will people see you! "

"Fork out! Fork out!"

Mu Rongxi waved his hand impatiently, and several warriors in front of the temple immediately came up and dragged the ambassadors out. The old man was dragged away and kept shouting.


Mu Rongxi stood up, looked at the people below and immediately left.

Prime Minister Zhu Chijian waved his hand to signal to the ministers to retreat, and then called General Dali City Guardian Deshan to give a few words of confession, Deshan nodded, looked at the people of Boskov and then left. Zhu Chijian ignored the Ross people, hesitated for a while, followed Mu Rongsha and walked inside the palace.



"His Majesty is angry, and all the ambassadors are also loyal to his duty. He has always been so straightforward, hasn't His Majesty praised him before. The one that these people in Yushitai hate most is that mouth. Fortunately, they met a sacred and generous monarch like yours, otherwise the people of Yushitai would not dare to be so presumptuous. "

"Why don't you know he's right?"

Murong sighed, stopped at the side of the Royal Garden pavilion, and pointed inside: "Sit with me for a while."

Zhu Chijian bowed down, please Mu Rongsha advanced.

Mu Rongxi sat down in the gazebo and rubbed his crumpled eyebrows, saying, "Three copies of the Frontier Battle Report came in three days, and there is no good news! The few city masters kept their high toes even on weekdays. In my eyes, it's better now, swallowed up by the Black Flag army one by one, but the other party didn't even beat a full meal! "

"I'm annoyed by this. Where can I still care about the Ross people? I know that they really don't seem to talk a little bit, but after all, they are only five or six hundred people. Although my big swallow is not a powerful country in the world, can it be connected? Hundreds of foreign friends?

"Compared to the Black Flag, those in Ross are not concerned at all!"

He patted the stone table angrily: "Three big cities, with a combined strength of 60,000 to 70,000, are similar to the forces of the Black Banner! All three cities were lost just a dozen days ago. Now there is only one left north of Dali City. Jin'an, if Jin'an can't hold it anymore, the 400-mile enemy of Mapingchuan can come in three days! "

"Your Majesty is troubled, it is the incompetent minister!"

Zhu Chijian hurriedly bowed his head.

"Nothing to do with you."

Mu Rongsha shook his head: "I said earlier that the cities should hand over their military power, and the people and horses in each city should be uniformly dispatched. There should be 200,000 troops! If these 200,000 troops are gathered in one place, even that side Can it be easily defeated by using soldiers like gods? Now the forces in the cities are scattered and broken down by each other, and the cities don't trust each other and can't rescue them. How can they expel foreign enemies?

Zhu Jijian froze slightly, and couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, His Majesty's thought was not how to break the enemy, but how to take back the rights of the cities. Jin'an is the smallest of the four northern cities, with more than 10,000 troops and rudimentary equipment. It is only strange that it can block the Black Banner. If Jin An is lost, Dali is at stake.

At that time, Nanyan's families acquiesced to Murongsha's ascension to the throne, precisely because this person was not a brilliant man. But who thought of this moment, Murong Shame was still stupid!

"He thought ... if it doesn't work, it might as well ..."

Mu Rongmu stopped his grumble, hesitated and said, "How about sending a capable person to negotiate with the Black Flag Army? I ca n’t look at the Ross people, but with a few hundred guns and dozens of guns, they can really stop the black. The banner army of 100,000? If it can really block it, but if you can't stop the Ross from running away, you have to worry about yourself! "


Zhu Jijian said for a while and said silently: "If it is negotiating, it is necessary to abandon something, and it is enough to make the people of the Black Banner feel satisfied with their appetite. Your Majesty thinks, what can satisfy the appetite of Fang Jie?"

The irony in his remarks was already obvious, but Murong Shao, who had a lot of thoughts, did not hear it at all: "Three big cities that have been lost are gone. Anyway, the three cities have never been under the control of the court anyway. If that party Xie Neng is best to retreat, if not, it will be a big deal ... I will send back everything that Murong Yongduo snatched, and then ... just pay him more. "

Zhu Chijian sneered in his heart and chuckled twice, bowed his head: "If it is negotiated, it will inevitably affect the morale of the army ... It is better to invite the city leaders of the southern cities to discuss in Dali. If there is at least a dozen soldiers, The 10,000 horses, coupled with our position, may not be invincible. As far as the minister knows, Fang Xie maintained his rule in Yongzhou by slaughtering all the families, but this rule is not stable. "

"Once Fang Xie defeats, there will be riots in the rear. By then, not only will he be able to recapture the three lost cities, but he will also enter the peace road ..."


Mu Rongxi shook his head again and again: "If there was no last entry to ~ ~ and there was no solution to this attack, let's forget it ... I think it would be better for you to preside over the peace?"

After Zhu Ji's inspection for a while, he bowed and said:

"Go ahead"

Mu Rongsha commanded: "You can do it yourself, you can't lose too much. It can be dragged. I guess that the civil unrest in Sui will soon spread to the southwest. As long as you drag the solution to give him some benefits, stop. I do n’t insist too much on my own stability. After all, the southwestern part of the Sui Dynasty is his foundation. Once other forces in the Sui Dynasty pass, he will lose more.

Zhu Zhijian's heart lightened, and he said that it was the abacus he had hit. Can you put your own security on the enemy's enemies, and can you still be the enemy of an unneeded enemy?

Suddenly he felt a bit sad and couldn't help thinking of his family. He couldn't help sighing, saying that if Fang Xie was not too hostile to the big family, he would be too aggressive. In fact, the name of Nanyan is not there, it doesn't make much sense.

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